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Forked from HowardMei/
Created May 14, 2012 19:53
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A simple sematic timestring parser with handy timer functions
#! /usr/bin/env python
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Name: pytimer v0.0.1 Dec 12, 2011
## Notes: A sematic time string parser with handy timer functions
## Author: Howard Mei
## Email:
## License: MIT,
pytimer module implements various timing functions
It has no external dependencies except for standard Python library.
>>> from pytimer import str_to_time, time_to_str, dtime_it
>>> str_to_time('1y 3mths 2w 5h 23mins 35s','ms')
>>> 40675172492.432
>>> time_to_str(451987987234,'us')
>>> '0y 0mth 0w 5d 5h 33m 7s 987ms 234us'
>>> @dtime_it('us')
... def repeat(n):
... y = []
... for i in xrange(n):
... y.append(i*i+2*i+1)
>>> repeat(100)
>>> repeat@(122.13082 us)
#Please explore other funcs/cls usage by yourself ^_^
__version__ = '0.0.1'
__license__ = "The MIT License (MIT)"
__version_info__ = (0, 0, 1)
__author__ = 'Howard Mei<>'
import time, timeit, gc
from datetime import datetime
from os import urandom
from calendar import timegm
# It's for back conversion in time_to_str()
from collections import OrderedDict
# Plan to enhance the default profiler, not implemented yet
from cProfile import Profile as _Profile
except ImportError:
from profile import Profile as _Profile
import pstats as _ps
__all__ = ["dtime_it", "elapsedTime", "getStamp", "getUTC", "nowTimeStamp",
"nowUTC", "parse_timestr", "str_to_micro", "str_to_mili",
"str_to_sec", "str_to_time", "time_to_str", "timescale", "rid",
"PTimer", "timeticker",
def _unify(ounit='sec'):
Return unified time unit.
ounit = ounit.lower()
if ounit in ('y','year','yrs','years',):
return 'y'
elif ounit in ('mth','mths','month','months',):
return 'mth'
elif ounit in ('w','wks','week','weeks',):
return 'w'
elif ounit in ('d','day','days',):
return 'd'
elif ounit in ('h','hour','hr','hrs','hours',):
return 'h'
elif ounit in ('m','min','mins','minutes',):
return 'm'
elif ounit in ('s','sec','secs','seconds',):
return 's'
elif ounit in ('ms','milliseconds',):
return 'ms'
elif ounit in ('us','microseconds',):
return 'us'
raise TypeError("Unknown time unit:",ounit)
def timescale(src='hr',dst='sec'):
Return a scale number between two time units.
ruler = {'d':86400000000.0, 'h':3600000000.0, 'm':60000000.0, \
's':1000000.0, 'ms':1000.0, 'us':1.0}
return (ruler[_unify(src)]/ruler[_unify(dst)])
def parse_timestr(s):
parse time strings to dict with separated units(up to day):
>>>parse_timestr('5d 3h 50m 15s 20ms 6us')
{'d':5, 'h':3, 'm':50, 's':15, 'ms':20, 'us':6}
>>>parse_timestr('5day') # or '5days'
{'d':5, 'h':0.0, 'm':0.0, 's':0.0, 'ms':0.0, 'us':0.0}
{'h':24, 'm':30,'m':0.0, 's':0.0, 'ms':0.0, 'us':0.0}
if not s:
print "Please specify time string."
if not OrderedDict:
raise ValueError("Need OrderedDict support if Python ver<2.7")
d=OrderedDict([('y',0.0), ('mth',0.0),('w',0.0), \
('d',0.0), ('h',0.0), ('m',0.0), ('s',0.0), \
('ms',0.0), ('us',0.0)])
s=str(s).replace(',',' ')
ss=s.split(' ')
for s in ss:
value = ''.join([c for c in s if c.isdigit()])
if not value:
raise ValueError("Missing time digits:",s)
unit = _unify(s.strip(value))
return d
def str_to_time(s, unit='us'):
Convert any time string like: '5d 3h 50m 15s 20ms 6us' to specified unit
returning a float number.
if not isinstance(s, str):
print "Please specify a time string"
res = 0
for u,v in d.items():
res += float(v) * timescale(u,unit)
return res
def str_to_sec(s):
""" convert strings like "30d 12h" "1h 30m" "30m 5s" to seconds"""
return long(str_to_time(s,'s'))
def str_to_mili(s):
""" convert strings like "5d 1h 3m" "1h" "30m" to milliseconds"""
return long(str_to_time(s,'ms'))
def str_to_micro(s):
""" convert strings like "5d" "1h" "30m" to microseconds"""
return long(str_to_time(s,'us'))
def time_to_str(t,ounit='us'):
""" Convert time back to string """
if not t:
print "Please specify time and unit."
d=OrderedDict([('y',0.0), ('mth',0.0),('w',0.0), \
('d',0.0), ('h',0.0), ('m',0.0), ('s',0.0), \
('ms',0.0), ('us',0.0)])
for k in d:
p = t*timescale(ounit,k)
d[k] = int(p)*1.0
t = t - d[k]*timescale(k,ounit)
tstr = ''
for u,v in d.items():
tstr += str(int(v))+str(u)+' '
return tstr
## end of str-time converters, following funcs are timers related:
def nowUTC():
Returns the current time UTC object
return datetime.utcnow()
def nowTimeStamp(unit='us'):
Returns a long integer representing UTC timestamp in 'us','ms','s'
Generate identical outputs across platforms
unit = _unify(unit)
if unit == 's':
return long(time.time())
elif unit == 'ms':
return long(time.time() * 1000.0)
elif unit == 'us':
return long(time.time() * 1000.0 * 1000.0 + (time.clock()*1000.0- \
raise TypeError("Not supported timestamp unit:",unit)
def getStamp(timeutc,unit='us'):
Convert UTC datetime to long integer timestamp in micro/mili.seconds
usage: getStamp(utctime,unit='us') # unit could be 'us','ms','s'
if isinstance(timeutc, datetime):
if unit == 's':
return long(timegm(timeutc.utctimetuple()))
elif unit == 'ms':
return long(timegm(timeutc.utctimetuple())*1000.0+ \
elif unit == 'us':
return long(timegm(timeutc.utctimetuple())*1000000.0+ \
raise TypeError("Not supported timestamp unit:"+unit)
raise TypeError("Unknow timeutc type:",timeutc,".Use UTC time to retry.")
def getUTC(timestamp, tsunit='us'):
Convert long integer timestamp back to UTC time
usage: getUTC(1423534523L,tsunit='us') # unit could be 'us','ms','s'
e.g. _epoch=getUTC(0L)
tsunit = _unify(tsunit)
if tsunit not in ('us','ms','s',):
raise TypeError("Incorrect timestamp unit:",tsunit)
if isinstance(timestamp, long):
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp*timescale(tsunit,'s'))
raise TypeError("Unknow timestamp:",timestamp,"Use timestamp to retry.")
def elapsedTime(origt=None, ounit='us', unit='us'):
Check elapsed time via timestamp or utc time.
if not origt:
print "Please specify original utc time or time stamp"
if isinstance(origt, long):
if ounit != unit:
scale = timescale(ounit, unit)
if scale > 1:
print "Low precision Timestamp cannot get high precision delta"
scale = 1.0
delta = (nowTimeStamp(ounit) - origt)*scale
return delta
elif isinstance(origt, datetime):
delta = nowUTC() - origt
return float(delta.seconds*timescale('s',unit) + delta.microseconds* \
def dtime_it(unit='us', type=0): # universal for various platforms, recommended to use
if type == 0:
timer = timeit.default_timer
timer = nowTimeStamp
if not isinstance(unit, str):
raise KeyError('dtime_it should be used as a functional decorator: @dtime_it() or @dtime_it(unit="us")')
def outer(function):
def wrapper(*args):
start = timer()
end= timer()
print "%s@(%0.5f %s)" % (function.func_name, (end-start)*scale, unit)
return r
return wrapper
return outer
def rid(n=12): ## could only generate 2, 4, 6, ... even numbers of string using hex encoding
"""Get a random id hex string."""
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise ValueError("rid only takes int as output string length argument")
if n<6 or n>60:
raise ValueError("n should be in the range of 6~60")
return urandom(n/2).encode('hex')
def tupleTS(unit='us'):
"""Return a timestamp tuple similar to os.times()"""
return (float(nowTimeStamp(unit)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
class PTimer():
A cross-platform timer class with advanced timing features.
def __init__(self, name=None, timerid=None, timer=None, disable_gc=False, precision='us', verbose=True): = str(name)
if timerid is None:
self.tid = rid(6)
self.tid = str(timerid)
if timer is None:
timer = timeit.default_timer
self.timer = timer
self.disable_gc = disable_gc
self.unit = precision
self._scale = timescale('s', precision)
self.verbose = verbose
self.start = self.end = self.interval = None
def __enter__(self):
if self.verbose:
sn = if else self.tid
print "--->%s Timer start: 0.00 %s<---" % (sn, self.unit)
if self.disable_gc:
self.gc_state = gc.isenabled()
self.start = self.timer()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.end = self.timer()
if self.disable_gc and self.gc_state:
self.interval = self.end*self._scale - self.start*self._scale
if self.verbose:
sn = if else self.tid
print('--->%s Timer end: %f %s<---' % (sn, self.interval, self.unit))
def timeticker(name=None, unit='us'):
_ticker = PTimer(name=name, precision=unit) # get an instance of PTimer
return _ticker
def time_out(str):
Set time out for a function to disrupt the execution of any code
def _warmup(n=1):
if n<1:
for i in range(n):
urandom(6) ## run it to speed up future calls
rid(6) ## run it to speed up future calls
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