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Created March 26, 2018 23:04
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Example implementation of IEventWaiter
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import net.dv8tion.jda.core.hooks.EventListener
import org.slf4j.Logger
import xyz.laxus.util.collections.concurrentSet
import xyz.laxus.util.createLogger
import xyz.laxus.util.ignored
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.superclasses
class CoroutineEventWaiter
private constructor(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher): EventListener, IEventWaiter, CoroutineContext by dispatcher {
private companion object LOG: Logger by createLogger(EventWaiter::class)
private val tasks = ConcurrentHashMap<KClass<*>, MutableSet<ITask<*>>>()
constructor(): this(newFixedThreadPoolContext(3, "EventWaiter"))
inline fun <reified E: Event> waitFor(
delay: Long = -1,
unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
noinline timeout: (suspend () -> Unit)? = null,
noinline condition: suspend (E) -> Boolean,
noinline action: suspend (E) -> Unit
) = waitForEvent(, condition, action, delay, unit, timeout)
inline fun <reified E: Event> receive(
delay: Long = -1,
unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
noinline condition: suspend (E) -> Boolean
): Deferred<E?> = receiveEvent(E::class, condition, delay, unit)
override fun <E: Event> waitForEvent(
eventType: Class<E>,
condition: suspend (E) -> Boolean,
action: suspend (E) -> Unit,
delay: Long = -1,
unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
timeout: (suspend () -> Unit)? = null
) {
val eventList = taskListType(eventType.kotlin)
val waiting = QueuedTask(condition, action)
eventList += waiting
if(delay > 0) {
launch(this) {
delay(delay, unit)
fun <E: Event> receiveEvent(
klazz: KClass<E>,
condition: suspend (E) -> Boolean,
delay: Long = -1,
unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS
): Deferred<E?> {
val deferred = CompletableDeferred<E?>()
val eventList = taskListType(klazz)
val waiting = AwaitableTask(condition, deferred)
eventList += waiting
if(delay > 0) {
launch(this) {
delay(delay, unit)
// The receiveEvent method is supposed to return null
// if no matching Events are fired within its
// lifecycle.
// Regardless of whether or not the AwaitableTask
// was removed, we invoke this. In the event that
// it has not completed, we need to make sure the
// coroutine does not deadlock.
return deferred
override fun onEvent(event: Event) {
launch(this) {
val klazz = event::class
dispatchEventType(event, klazz)
klazz.superclasses.forEach { dispatchEventType(event, it) }
private fun <E: Event> taskListType(klazz: KClass<E>): MutableSet<ITask<E>> {
return tasks[klazz].let {
it as? MutableSet<ITask<E>> ?: concurrentSet<ITask<E>>().also {
tasks[klazz] = it as MutableSet<ITask<*>>
private suspend fun <T: Event> dispatchEventType(event: T, klazz: KClass<*>) {
val set = tasks[klazz] ?: return
@Suppress("RemoveExplicitTypeArguments", "UNCHECKED_CAST")
set -= set.filterTo(hashSetOf<ITask<*>>()) {
val waiting = (it as ITask<T>)
private interface ITask<in T: Event> {
suspend operator fun invoke(event: T): Boolean
private class QueuedTask<in T: Event>(
private val condition: suspend (T) -> Boolean,
private val action: suspend (T) -> Unit
): ITask<T> {
override suspend operator fun invoke(event: T): Boolean {
// Ignore exception, return false
ignored {
if(condition(event)) {
// Ignore exception, return true
ignored { action(event) }
return true
return false
private class AwaitableTask<in T: Event>(
private val condition: suspend (T) -> Boolean,
private val completion: CompletableDeferred<T?>
): ITask<T> {
override suspend operator fun invoke(event: T): Boolean {
try {
if(condition(event)) {
return true
return false
} catch(t: Throwable) {
// In the case this ever throws an error,
// we need to complete this exceptionally.
return true
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