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Created February 9, 2022 15:35
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import matplotlib
import mne
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.typing as npt
def zero_detector(arr: npt.NDArray[np.uint]) -> list([npt.NDArray[np.uint],
"""Return list of time windows where values are zeros.
arr: Given 1D array
windows: median absolute deviation
# Create an array that is 1 where a is 0, and pad each end with an extra 0.
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(arr, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
# Runs start and end where absdiff is 1.
windows = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return windows
h5_file = 'JoEE_wear_bed_2021-11-01\JoEE_wear_bed_2021-11-01.h5'
data = dict()
hf = h5py.File(h5_file, "r" )
data['accel'] = np.array(hf.get( "accelerometerAdxlRaw"))
data['fs'] ="sampleRate" ))[0][0])
data['temp'] = np.array(hf.get("temperatureAdxlRaw" ))
data['wear_nowear'] = np.array(hf.get("wearTruth" ))
data['in_bed'] = np.array(hf.get("inBedTruth"))
data['accel_filt'] = mne.filter.filter_data(data['accel'][1:], data['fs'], 0.05, 1).T
time_mins = (data['accel'][0] - data['accel'][0][0])/60
time = np.arange(0, len(data['accel'].T)/data['fs'] , 1/data['fs'])
file = h5py.File('test_wear1.h5', 'w')
file.create_dataset('acceleration', data=data['accel'][1:, :3200])
file.create_dataset('temperature', data=data['temp'][1:, :3200])
file.create_dataset('wear_truth', data=data['wear_nowear'][1:, :3200])
file.create_dataset('time', data=data['accel'][0, :3200])
file.create_dataset('sfreq', data=data['fs'])
win = int(data['fs'] * 60) # One Minute
step = data['fs'] # One seconds
len_data = data['temp'].shape[1]
win_accel = []
win_temp = []
win_time = []
for index in range(0, len_data - win, step):
win_accel.append(np.mean(np.abs(np.std(data['accel_filt'][index:index+win, :], axis = 0))))
win_temp.append(np.mean(data['temp'][1, index:index+win]))
win_accel = np.array(win_accel)
win_temp = np.array(win_temp)
win_temp = np.array(win_temp)
predict = np.int8(np.bitwise_and(win_temp > 25, win_accel*1000 > 2.1))
non_wear_wins = zero_detector(predict)
for non_wear_win in non_wear_wins:
if (non_wear_win[1] - non_wear_win[0]) < 800:
predict[non_wear_win[0]:non_wear_win[1]] = predict[non_wear_win[0]-1]
wear_wins = zero_detector(1 - predict)
for wear_win in wear_wins:
if (wear_win[1] - wear_win[0]) < 2400:
predict[wear_win[0]:wear_win[1]] = predict[wear_win[0]-1]
params = {'legend.fontsize': 'x-large',
'figure.figsize': (16, 8),
'axes.labelsize': 'xx-large',
plt.plot(time_mins, data['accel_filt'] + 25, 'r', label='Acceleration (g) + 25')
plt.plot(time_mins, data['temp'][1],'g', label='Temperature (C)')
plt.plot(time_mins, data['wear_nowear'][1]*2+25, 'k', linewidth=4, label='Truth (25 Non-wear, 27 Wear)')
plt.plot(win_time, predict*2+25, 'm', label='Prediction (25 Non-wear, 27 Wear)',linewidth=4)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)')
plt.xlim([time_mins[0], time_mins[-1]])
plt.ylim([15, 35])
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