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Forked from Remiii/
Last active April 21, 2022 12:26
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How to delete Vault (AWS Glacier)

How to delete Vault (AWS Glacier)

This Gist give some tips in order to remove AWS Glacier Vault with AWS CLI (ie.

Step 1 / Retrive inventory

$ aws glacier initiate-job --job-parameters "{\"Type\": \"inventory-retrieval\"}" --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --account-id YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID --region YOUR_REGION

Wait during 3/5 hours… :-(

For the new step you need to get the JobId. When the retrive inventory is done you can get it with the following command: aws glacier list-jobs --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --region YOUR_REGION

Step 2 / Get the ArchivesIds

$ aws glacier get-job-output --job-id YOUR_JOB_ID --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --region YOUR_REGION ./output.json

See. Downloading a Vault Inventory in Amazon Glacier

You can get all the ArchiveId in the ./output.json file.

Step 3 / Delete Archives


from @vinyar

$input_file_name = 'output.json'
$vault_name = 'my_vault'
# $account_id = 'AFDKFKEKF9EKALD' #not used. using - instead

$a = ConvertFrom-Json $(get-content $input_file_name)

$a.ArchiveList.archiveid | %{
write "executing: aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id=$_ --vault-name $vault_name --account-id -"
aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id=$_ --vault-name $vault_name --account-id - }


from @robweber

ijson, which reads in the file as a stream instead. You can install it with pip

import ijson, subprocess

input_file_name = 'output.json'
vault_name = ''
account_id = ''

f = open(input_file_name)
archive_list = ijson.items(f,'ArchiveList.item')

for archive in archive_list:
    print("Deleting archive " + archive['ArchiveId'])
    command = "aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id='" + archive['ArchiveId'] + "' --vault-name " + vault_name + " --acc$, shell=True, check=True)



from @Remiii


$file = './output.json' ;
$accountId = 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' ;
$region = 'YOUR_REGION' ;
$vaultName = 'YOUR_VAULT_NAME' ;

$string = file_get_contents ( $file ) ;
$json = json_decode($string, true ) ;
foreach ( $json [ 'ArchiveList' ] as $jsonArchives )
    echo 'Delete Archive: ' . $jsonArchives [ 'ArchiveId' ] . "\n" ;
    exec ( 'aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id="' . $jsonArchives [ 'ArchiveId' ] . '" --vault-name ' . $vaultName . ' --account-id ' . $accountId . ' --region ' . $region , $output ) ;
    echo $output ;

Mark: After you delete an archive, if you immediately download the vault inventory, it might include the deleted archive in the list because Amazon Glacier prepares vault inventory only about once a day.

See. Deleting an Archive in Amazon Glacier

Step 4 / Delete a Vault

$ aws glacier delete-vault --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --account-id YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID --region YOUR_REGION

Gist originally by @Remiii

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jrgd commented Apr 21, 2022

that's an awesome compilation of resources; thanks for assembling them in one place!

Side note: I had to adapt this because the files were so big, php wasn't able to open them (maxing out my max); initially I went with the command line

while read in; do aws glacier delete-archive --region REGION --vault-name VAULT_NAME --account-id ACC_ID --archive-id "$in"; echo $in; echo $in >> processed.txt; done < output4

… but then, sometimes, when the archive-id is starting with a dash, bash/zsh will interpret this as an argument, it's standard practice on shell; no combo of "'` or escaping managed to produce a satisfying result. So I went back to PHP but I first sliced the output4 file into smaller chunks of 5k lines; something like:

slice -l5000 output4

I still can't believe there isn't an option to force delete even if not empty 😂 I guess it's a retention trick

update: I also realise just now that the bash one liner uses --archive-id XXX when the PHP script exec with --archive-id="' . $single_id which probably sort out my issue with dash-starting archive_ids …

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