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Created November 4, 2014 18:40
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from math import log2
from csv import reader
from collections import Counter
from sys import argv
def transpose(xx):
return map(list, zip(*xx))
def self_entropy(x):
return x * log2(x)
def entropy(xs):
ps = [xs.count(k) / len(xs) for k in set(xs)]
return - sum(map(self_entropy, ps))
def qualified_entropy(labels, xs):
def dict_ps(xs):
return {k: xs.count(k) for k in set(xs)}
qualifiers = dict_ps(xs)
pairs = dict_ps(list(zip(xs, labels))) # (attr, class): P
ret = 0.0
for k, v in pairs.items():
q = qualifiers[k[0]]
ret += q / len(xs) * self_entropy(v / q)
return ret
def gain(values, x):
labels = values["class"]
xs = values[x]
return entropy(labels) + qualified_entropy(labels, xs)
def heads(xs):
return [x for x in xs if x[1] == xs[0][1]]
def deeper(data):
values = {xs[0]: xs[1:] for xs in transpose(data)}
attributes = [x for x in data[0] if x != "class"]
gains = {x: gain(values, x) for x in attributes}
gains = sorted(gains.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])
print("gain:", gains)
max_attr = heads(gains)[0][0]
max_values = heads(Counter(values[max_attr]).most_common())
print("next:", max_attr, "/", max_values[0][0])
next_attrs = [x for x in data[0] if x != max_attr]
next_values = [xs[1:] for xs in data if max_values[0][0] in xs]
return [next_attrs] + next_values
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) == 1:
data = list(reader(open(argv[1], 'r')))
while len(data[0]) != 1:
data = deeper(data)
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy class
sunny hot high FALSE N
sunny hot high TRUE N
overcast hot high FALSE P
rain mild high FALSE P
rain cool normal FALSE P
rain cool normal TRUE N
overcast cool normal TRUE P
sunny mild high FALSE N
sunny cool normal FALSE P
rain mild normal FALSE P
sunny mild normal TRUE P
overcast mild high TRUE P
overcast hot normal FALSE P
rain mild high TRUE N
age of the patient spectacle prescription astigmatic tear production rate class
young myope no normal soft
young myope yes abnormal hard
young hypermetrope yes normal soft
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope yes normal hard
pre-presbyopic myope no abnormal soft
pre-presbyopic myope no normal hard
pre-presbyopic hypermetrope no normal soft
presbyopic myope yes abnormal hard
presbyopic hypermetrope yes normal soft
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