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Last active January 12, 2024 07:52
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Swiss system round calculator. Assume no draw, win prob 50%. List all possible results.
import collections
import itertools
Distribution = dict[tuple[int, int], int] # {(#wins, #loss): #players}
State = tuple[float, Distribution] # (prob, dist)
def sum_counter(counters):
s = collections.Counter()
for c in counters:
s += c
return s
def generate_dist(state: State, num_rounds_left: int) -> list[State]:
prob, dist = state
if num_rounds_left == 0:
return [(prob, {k: v for k, v in dist.items() if k[1] < 3})]
buckets = sorted(
([record, num] for record, num in dist.items()),
key=lambda x: x[0][0], reverse=True,
) # order by #wins desc
matches_in_buckets = []
matches_between_buckets = []
for i, bucket in enumerate(buckets):
record, num = bucket
if num % 2 == 0:
matches_in_buckets.append([record, num - 1])
matches_between_buckets.append([record, buckets[i + 1][0]])
buckets[i + 1][1] -= 1
base_counter = collections.Counter()
for bucket in matches_in_buckets:
(win, loss), num = bucket
base_counter += collections.Counter(
(win + 1, loss): num // 2,
(win, loss + 1): num // 2,
candidates = [
collections.Counter({(win_a + 1, loss_a): 1})
+ collections.Counter({(win_b, loss_b + 1): 1}),
collections.Counter({(win_a, loss_a + 1): 1})
+ collections.Counter({(win_b + 1, loss_b): 1}),
for (win_a, loss_a), (win_b, loss_b) in matches_between_buckets
combinations = list(itertools.product(*candidates))
additional_counters = [sum_counter(counters) for counters in combinations]
final_dists = []
for additional_counter in additional_counters:
final_dists += generate_dist(
(prob / len(additional_counters), dict(base_counter + additional_counter)),
num_rounds_left - 1,
return final_dists
def sort_in_dict(dist):
return dict(sorted(dist.items(), key=lambda item: item[0][0], reverse=True))
def f(num_players, num_rounds):
if num_players % 2:
num_players += 1
dist = {(0, 0): num_players}
num_rounds = num_rounds
states = generate_dist((1, dist), num_rounds)
states = [(p, sort_in_dict(d)) for p, d in states]
states = sorted(states, key=lambda s: tuple(s[1].values()), reverse=True)
counter = collections.Counter()
for p, d in states:
counter += collections.Counter(
{sum(num for (win, loss), num in d.items() if loss <= 1): p}
print(sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
count_dict = {}
for p, item in states:
key = tuple(item.items())
count_dict[key] = count_dict.get(key, 0) + p
for key, prob in count_dict.items():
# print twice
print(sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
f(num_players=41, num_rounds=5)
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