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Last active April 6, 2024 10:51
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ShikiSuen commented Mar 31, 2024



該腳本可以用 iPad 和 macOS 的 Swift Playground 運行。

// (c) 2024 Shiki Suen. (MIT-License).

// 用於《崩壞:星穹鐵道》2.1 版的調酒活動。

struct Nomimono {
  let name: String
  let amami: Int // 甜度
  let yawarakasa: Int // 柔和度
  let sawayakasa: Int // 清爽度
  public init(_ name: String?, _ params: (Int, Int, Int)) { = name ?? ""
    amami = params.0
    yawarakasa = params.1
    sawayakasa = params.2
  func hasSameParamsWith(_ target: Nomimono) -> Bool{
    amami == target.amami && yawarakasa == target.yawarakasa && sawayakasa == target.sawayakasa
  func hasSameParamsWith(_ target: [Nomimono]) -> Bool{
    let summed = target.summedProperties
    return amami == summed.0 && yawarakasa == summed.1 && sawayakasa == summed.2

extension Array where Element == Nomimono {
  var summedProperties: (Int, Int, Int) {
    var (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)
    self.forEach { nomimono in
      x += nomimono.amami
      y += nomimono.yawarakasa
      z += nomimono.sawayakasa
    return (x, y, z)

let AllNomimonos: [Nomimono] = [
  .init("羊奶", (2, 0, 2)),
  .init("博士", (1, 0, -1)),
  .init("冰点", (1, 0, -2)),
  .init("安神", (-1, 0, -1)),
  .init("怪味", (-2, 0, 1)),
  .init("激梦", (0, 2, 1)),
  .init("糖浆", (0, 1, 2)),
  .init("清露", (0, 1, -1)),
  .init("夕红", (0, -1, 1)),
  .init("能量", (0, -1, 0)),
  .init("豆汁", (0, -2, 2)),

func combos<T>(elements: ArraySlice<T>, k: Int) -> [[T]] {
  guard k != 0, let first = elements.first else { return [[]] }
  let head = [first]
  let subcombos = combos(elements: elements, k: k - 1)
  return { head + $0 } + combos(elements: elements.dropFirst(), k: k)

func combos<T>(elements: Array<T>, k: Int) -> [[T]] {
  return combos(elements: ArraySlice(elements), k: k)

enum CupSize: Int {
  case S = 3
  case L = 4
  case XL = 5

// Expected 填写期望的饮料特征;sourceAmount 根据杯子的大小填写要倒几次成分饮料。
func plan(_ expected: Nomimono, cupSize: CupSize) -> [Nomimono]? {
  let sourceAmount = cupSize.rawValue
  let allCombinations = combos(elements: AllNomimonos, k: sourceAmount)
  var results = [[Nomimono]]()
  for combination in allCombinations {
    guard expected.hasSameParamsWith(combination) else { continue }
  return results.filter {
    $0.count == sourceAmount

// ---------------

// 開始測試。

if let result = plan(Nomimono(nil, (0, 1, 1)), cupSize: .L) {
  result.forEach { component in

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ShikiSuen commented Mar 31, 2024


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