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Last active May 6, 2020 23:34
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FED metrics code
import os
import json
import numpy as np
import torch
from import DataLoader, Dataset, SequentialSampler, RandomSampler
from import DistributedSampler
import math
from transformers import (WEIGHTS_NAME, AdamW, WarmupLinearSchedule,
BertConfig, BertForMaskedLM, BertTokenizer,
GPT2Config, GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer,
OpenAIGPTConfig, OpenAIGPTLMHeadModel, OpenAIGPTTokenizer,
RobertaConfig, RobertaForMaskedLM, RobertaTokenizer,
DistilBertConfig, DistilBertForMaskedLM, DistilBertTokenizer)
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('dialogpt')
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')
weights = torch.load("dialogpt/small_fs.pkl")
weights = {k.replace("module.", ""): v for k,v in weights.items()}
weights["lm_head.weight"] = weights["lm_head.decoder.weight"]
def score(text):
if not text.startswith("<|endoftext|> "):
text = "<|endoftext|> " + text
input_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.encode(text)).unsqueeze(0) # Batch size 1
tokenize_input = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
#50256 is the token_id for <|endoftext|>
tensor_input = torch.tensor([ tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenize_input)]).cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(tensor_input, labels=tensor_input)
loss, logits = outputs[:2]
#For debugging
#lp = 0.0
#for i in range(len(tokenize_input)):
# masked_index = i
# predicted_score = torch.softmax(logits[0, masked_index], dim=0)
# predicted_prob = np.array(predicted_score)
# lp += np.log(predicted_prob[tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([tokenize_input[i]])[0]])
#print("b=", lp)
return loss.item()
def load_convs():
path = "/home/shikib/dp_site/api/conv_data/"
conv_turns = []
conv_names = []
conv_fulls = []
conv_fullnames = []
for fn in os.listdir(path):
if not fn.startswith("conv") or len(open(path+fn).readlines()) == 0:
for i in range(3):
if fn.split("_")[0] + "_" + str(i) in conv_names:
data = json.loads(open(path + fn).readlines()[i])
past_turns = [e.split(": ")[1] for e in data["ctx"].split("\n")]
all_turns = past_turns + [ data["rsps"][0].split(": ")[1] ]
#all_turns = all_turns[-1:]
full_conv = " ".join(["<|endoftext|> " + turn.strip() for turn in all_turns])
conv_names.append(fn.split("_")[0] + "_" + str(i))
data = json.loads(open(path + fn).readlines()[3])
all_turns = [e.split(": ")[1] for e in data["ctx"].split("\n") if e]
full_conv = " ".join(["<|endoftext|> " + turn.strip() for turn in all_turns])
messages = {
"interesting": {
"positive": ["Wow that is really interesting.", "That's really interesting!", "Cool! That sounds super interesting."],
"negative": ["That's not very interesting.", "That's really boring.", "That was a really boring response."]
"engaging": {
"positive": ["Wow! That's really cool!", "Tell me more!", "I'm really interested in learning more about this."],
"negative": ["Let's change the topic.", "I don't really care. That's pretty boring.", "I want to talk about something else."]
"specific": {
"positive": ["That's good to know. Cool!", "I see, that's interesting.", "That's a good point."],
"negative": ["That's a very generic response.", "Not really relevant here.", "That's not really relevant here."]
"relevant": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["That's not even related to what I said.", "Don't change the topic!", "Why are you changing the topic?"]
"correct": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["You're not understanding me!", "I am so confused right now!", "I don't understand what you're saying."]
"semantically appropriate": {
"positive": ["That makes sense!", "You have a good point."],
"negative": ["That makes no sense!"]
"understandable": {
"positive": ["That makes sense!", "You have a good point."],
"negative": ["I don't understand at all!", "I'm so confused!", "That makes no sense!", "What does that even mean?"]
"fluent": {
"positive": ["That makes sense!", "You have a good point."],
"negative": ["Is that real English?", "I'm so confused right now!", "That makes no sense!"]
metrics = messages.keys()
metrics = []
for metric in metrics:
scores = []
utts = messages[metric]
print("Processing", metric)
pos = utts["positive"]
neg = utts["negative"]
for conv_turn in conv_turns:
orig_score = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|>")
high_score = 0
for m in pos:
hs = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|> " + m)
high_score += hs #- orig_score
high_score = high_score/max(len(pos), 1)
low_score = 0
for m in neg:
ls = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|> " + m)
low_score += ls #- orig_score
low_score = low_score/max(len(neg), 1)
scores.append(low_score - high_score)
score_map = {name:score for name,score in zip(conv_names, scores)}
assert len(conv_names) == len(scores)
json.dump(score_map, open("{0}_scores.json".format(metric), "w+"))
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
messages = {
"coherent": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["You're making no sense at all.", "You're changing the topic so much!", "You are so confusing."]
"error recovery": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["I am so confused right now.", "You're really confusing.", "I don't understand what you're saying."]
"consistent": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["That's not what you said earlier!", "Stop contradicting yourself!"],
"diverse": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["Stop saying the same thing repeatedly.", "Why are you repeating yourself?", "Stop repeating yourself!"]
"depth": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["Stop changing the topic so much.", "Don't change the topic!"],
"likeable": {
"positive": ["I like you!", "You're super polite and fun to talk to", "Great talking to you."],
"negative": ["You're not very nice.", "You're not very fun to talk to.", "I don't like you."]
"understand": {
"positive": [],
"negative": ["You're not understanding me!", "What are you trying to say?", "I don't understand what you're saying."]
"flexible": {
"positive": ["You're very easy to talk to!", "Wow you can talk about a lot of things!"],
"negative": ["I don't want to talk about that!", "Do you know how to talk about something else?"],
"informative": {
"positive": ["Thanks for all the information!", "Wow that's a lot of information.", "You know a lot of facts!"],
"negative": ["You're really boring.", "You don't really know much."],
"inquisitive": {
"positive": ["You ask a lot of questions!", "That's a lot of questions!"],
"negative": ["You don't ask many questions.", "You don't seem interested."],
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
metrics = messages.keys()
metrics = []
for metric in metrics:
scores = []
utts = messages[metric]
print("Processing", metric)
pos = utts["positive"]
neg = utts["negative"]
for conv_turn in conv_fulls:
orig_score = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|>")
high_score = 0
for m in pos:
hs = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|> " + m)
high_score += hs
high_score = high_score/max(len(pos), 1)
low_score = 0
for m in neg:
ls = score(conv_turn + " <|endoftext|> " + m)
low_score += ls
low_score = low_score/max(len(neg), 1)
scores.append(low_score - high_score)
score_map = {name:score for name,score in zip(conv_fullnames, scores)}
json.dump(score_map, open("{0}_scores.json".format(metric), "w+"))
a=['There is a book on the desk',
'There is a plane on the desk',
'There is a dog the desk',
'There is a book in the desk']
print([score(i) for i in a])
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