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Last active July 3, 2017 02:03
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# This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the
# application by clicking 'Run App' above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Plot histgram of random numbers follow normal distribution generated by box-muller method
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
sample <- input$normalsamplenum
Z <- sqrt(input$dispersion)*sqrt(-2*log(runif(sample)))*cos(2*pi*runif(sample))+input$mean
hist(Z, breaks=25, col = "orange", border="white",
xlim = c(-100,100), ylim = c(0.0, 0.03), freq = FALSE, xlab = "sample value", ylab = "density", main = "Histgram of random number generated by box-muller method")
plot(density(Z), xlim = c(-100,100), ylim = c(0.0, 0.03),
main="" , col="red", xlab = "sample value", ylab = "density")
plot(-100:100, dnorm(-100:100, mean = input$mean, sd = sqrt(input$dispersion)),
xlim = c(-100,100), xlab = "sample value", ylab = "density", ylim = c(0.0, 0.03), type="l", col="green")
output$timePlot <- renderPlot({
sample <- input$normalsamplenum
Z <- sqrt(input$dispersion)*sqrt(-2*log(runif(sample)))*cos(2*pi*runif(sample))+input$mean
cdf <- ecdf(Z)
plot(cdf, xlim=c(-100, 100), ylim=c(0,1), col="blue", xlab="index", ylab="sum of density")
plot(-100:100, pnorm(-100:100, mean = input$mean, sd=sqrt(input$dispersion))
,xlim=c(-100, 100), ylim=c(0,1),col="red", type = "l", xlab="index", ylab="sum of density")
# Plot histgram of random numbers follow exponential distribution generated by inverse function method
output$expdistPlot <- renderPlot({
z <- runif(input$expsamplenum)
result <- -log(1-z)/input$rate
hist(result, breaks=100, col="blue", border = "white",
xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0, 2000),
main="Histgram of random number generated by exponential distribution")
# plot histgram of random numbers follow poisson distribution, using exponential distribution
# poisson distribution is discrete distribution. so we can't use inverse function method.
output$poissondistPlot <- renderPlot({
result <- rep(0, times=input$poissonsamplenum)
for(i in 1:input$poissonsamplenum){
z <- rexp(100, rate = 2.5)
s <- 0
count <- 1
while(s < 1){
s <- s + z[count]
count <- count + 1
result[i] <- count - 1
hist(result, col="green", border = "white", xlim = c(0, 15),
main="Histgram of random number generated by poisson distribution")
# plot histgram of random numbers follow pareto distribution generated by inverse function method
output$paretodistPlot <- renderPlot({
z <- runif(input$paretosamplenum)
x <- input$x_0
a <- input$a
result <- x/(1-z)^(1/a)
hist(result[result < 10], breaks=seq(1, 10, 0.1), col="red", border = "white", ylim = c(0, 10000),
main="Histgram of random number generated by pareto distribution")
# check law of large numbers
output$largePlot <- renderPlot({
n <- 1:input$largeSampleNumbers
count <- 1
exp.value <- rep(0, times=length(n))
for(i in n){
z <- runif(i)
exp.value[count] <- mean(result <- 1/(1-z)^(1/2))
count <- count + 1
plot(exp.value, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 4),
col="orange", xlab = "sample number", ylab = "expected value")
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