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Created April 3, 2020 18:52
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{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
module Random2 where
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import Data.Word
import Data.STRef
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import GHC.Exts (State#)
-- Random
class (Monad1 (RandM g)) => PRNG g where
type RandM g :: * -> * -> *
runRand :: Rand g a -> g -> (a, g)
freezeGen :: Rand g g
thawGen :: g -> Rand g ()
genWord64 :: Rand g Word64
data family MutPRNG g :: * -> *
-- | Monad for sequencing PRNG transitions that allow to use
newtype MRand g s a = MRand
{ unMRand :: RandM g s a
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Functor (MRand g s) where
fmap f = MRand . fmap1 f . unMRand
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Applicative (MRand g s) where
pure = MRand . pure1
MRand f <*> MRand g = MRand $ ap1 f g
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Monad (MRand g s) where
return = pure
MRand m >>= f = MRand $ bind1 m (unMRand . f)
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => PrimMonad (MRand g s) where
type PrimState (MRand g s) = s
primitive = MRand . primitive1
-- | Monad for sequencing generator states which hides in-place
-- mutation
newtype Rand g a = Rand
{ unRand :: forall s. MRand g s a
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Functor (Rand g) where
fmap f (Rand m) = Rand (fmap f m)
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Applicative (Rand g) where
pure a = Rand (pure a)
Rand f <*> Rand g = Rand (f <*> g)
instance Monad1 (RandM g) => Monad (Rand g) where
return = pure
Rand m >>= f = Rand $ m >>= unRand . f
class Monad1 m where
fmap1 :: (a -> b) -> m s a -> m s b
pure1 :: a -> m s a
ap1 :: m s (a -> b) -> m s a -> m s b
bind1 :: m s a -> (a -> m s b) -> m s b
primitive1 :: (State# s -> (# State# s, a #)) -> m s a
-- | Base monad for pure PRNG
newtype RandPure g s a = RandPure
{ unRandPure :: StateT g (ST s) a
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadState g)
runRandPure :: (RandM g ~ RandPure g) => Rand g a -> g -> (a, g)
runRandPure m g = runST (runStateT (unRandPure (unMRand (unRand m))) g)
instance PrimMonad (RandPure g s) where
type PrimState (RandPure g s) = s
primitive = RandPure . primitive
instance Monad1 (RandPure g) where
fmap1 = fmap
pure1 = pure
ap1 = (<*>)
bind1 = (>>=)
primitive1 = primitive
-- | Base monad for stateful PRNG
newtype RandST g s a = RandST
{ unRandST :: ReaderT (MutPRNG g s) (ST s) a
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad)
instance PrimMonad (RandST g s) where
type PrimState (RandST g s) = s
primitive = RandST . primitive
instance Monad1 (RandST g) where
fmap1 = fmap
pure1 = pure
ap1 = (<*>)
bind1 = (>>=)
primitive1 = primitive
-- Lifting to MonadRandom
-- class Monad m => MonadRandom g m where
-- Examples
newtype RNG'Pure = RNG'Pure Word64
instance PRNG RNG'Pure where
type RandM RNG'Pure = RandPure RNG'Pure
genWord64 = Rand $ MRand $ RandPure $ state $ \(RNG'Pure w) -> (w, RNG'Pure (w+1))
runRand = runRandPure
freezeGen = Rand $ MRand get
thawGen g = Rand $ MRand $ put g
newtype RNG'Mutable = RNG'Mutable Word64
newtype instance MutPRNG RNG'Mutable s = RNG'Ref (STRef s Word64)
instance PRNG RNG'Mutable where
type RandM RNG'Mutable = RandST RNG'Mutable
genWord64 = Rand $ MRand $ RandST $ ReaderT $ \(RNG'Ref ref) -> do
w <- readSTRef ref
writeSTRef ref $! w + 1
return w
freezeGen = Rand $ MRand $ RandST $ do
RNG'Ref ref <- ask
lift $ RNG'Mutable <$> readSTRef ref
thawGen (RNG'Mutable w) = Rand $ MRand $ RandST $ do
RNG'Ref ref <- ask
lift $ writeSTRef ref w
runRand m (RNG'Mutable w) = runST $ do
ref <- newSTRef w
a <- runReaderT (unRandST (unMRand (unRand m))) (RNG'Ref ref)
w' <- readSTRef ref
return (a, RNG'Mutable w')
internalMutability :: PRNG g => Rand g Word64
internalMutability = Rand $ do
w1 <- unRand genWord64
ref <- newMutVar w1
w2 <- unRand genWord64
modifyMutVar' ref (+w2)
readMutVar ref
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