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Created May 29, 2014 19:36
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Save Shimuuar/548bdf1ce41c6a99e3a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
No instance for (HasGUI
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistogramPoint)
('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistogramPoint)
('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistogramPoint)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
('[] ((* -> *) -> *))))))))
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))))
('[] ((* -> *) -> *))))
arising from a use of `showGUI'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *) (CatN HistogramPoint) ('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *) (CatN HistogramPoint) ('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistogramPoint)
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
((* -> *) -> *)
(Cat1 (Histogram BinD Int))
('[] ((* -> *) -> *))))))))
((* -> *) -> *)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *)
(CatN HistShowerSeq)
((* -> *) -> *) (CatN HistShowerSeq) ('[] ((* -> *) -> *)))))))
('[] ((* -> *) -> *))))
In the first argument of `runGui', namely `showGUI'
In the expression: runGui showGUI
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
runGui showGUI $ (categorize . fmap unTag) hist
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