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Created July 19, 2014 21:22
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Sum where
import Data.Vector.Fixed (S,Z,Fun(..))
import Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont (Fn,Arity(..))
-- | Type family for sum of unary natural numbers.
type family n + m :: *
type instance Z + n = n
type instance S n + k = S (n + k)
-- | We need to extend Arity type class with ability generate proofs
-- that @Fn (n+k) a b ~ Fn n a (Fn k a b)@ which is needed for
-- 'uncurryMany'.
class Arity n => AritySum n where
witSum :: WitSum n k a b
instance AritySum Z where
witSum = WitSum
instance AritySum n => AritySum (S n) where
witSum :: forall k a b. WitSum (S n) k a b
witSum = case witSum :: WitSum n k a b of
WitSum -> WitSum
-- | Value that carry proof that `Fn (n+k) a b ~ Fn n a (Fn k a b)`
data WitSum n k a b where
WitSum :: (Fn (n+k) a b ~ Fn n a (Fn k a b)) => WitSum n k a b
uncurryMany :: forall n k a b. AritySum n
=> Fun n a (Fun k a b) -> Fun (n + k) a b
uncurryMany f =
case witSum :: WitSum n k a b of
WitSum ->
case fmap unFun f :: Fun n a (Fn k a b) of
Fun g -> Fun g
curryMany :: forall n k a b. Arity n
=> Fun (n + k) a b -> Fun n a (Fun k a b)
curryMany (Fun f0) = Fun $ accum
(\(T_curry f) a -> T_curry (f a))
(\(T_curry f) -> Fun f :: Fun k a b)
( T_curry f0 :: T_curry a b k n)
newtype T_curry a b k n = T_curry (Fn (n + k) a b)
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