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WIP: iOS Keyboard Shortcut for Emacs
// UITextView+Ext.swift
// BTKeyboardInputTest
// Created by Shingo Fukuyama on 10/10/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Shingo Fukuyama. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
extension UITextView {
func ext_caretTo(position: Int) {
guard self.isFirstResponder else { return }
if let newPosition = self.ext_position(fromInt: position) {
self.ext_caretTo(textPosition: newPosition)
func ext_caretTo(textPosition position: UITextPosition) {
guard self.isFirstResponder else { return }
self.selectedTextRange = self.textRange(from: position, to: position)
func ext_caretPosition() -> Int {
if let selectedTextRange = self.selectedTextRange {
let caretPosition = self.ext_beginningOffset(textPosition: selectedTextRange.start)
return caretPosition
return 0
func ext_selectAll() {
self.selectedTextRange = self.textRange(from: self.beginningOfDocument, to: self.endOfDocument)
func ext_beginningOffset(textPosition: UITextPosition) -> Int {
return self.offset(from: self.beginningOfDocument, to: textPosition)
func ext_position(fromInt: Int) -> UITextPosition? {
return self.position(from: self.beginningOfDocument, in: UITextLayoutDirection.right, offset: fromInt)
func ext_select(from: Int, to: Int) {
if let start = self.ext_position(fromInt: from),
let end = self.ext_position(fromInt: to) {
self.selectedTextRange = self.textRange(from: start, to: end)
func ext_caretForward() {
guard self.isFirstResponder else { return }
guard let range = self.selectedTextRange else { return }
if let pos = self.position(from: range.start, offset: 1) {
self.ext_caretTo(textPosition: pos)
func ext_caretBackward() {
guard self.isFirstResponder else { return }
guard let range = self.selectedTextRange else { return }
if let pos = self.position(from: range.start, offset: -1) {
self.ext_caretTo(textPosition: pos)
func ext_caretUpward() {
guard let range = self.selectedTextRange else { return }
guard let lineHeight = self.font?.lineHeight else { return }
var caret = self.firstRect(for: range)
// At the end of the last line of the document
if caret.origin.y == CGFloat.infinity {
guard let rangeTo = self.position(from: range.start, offset: -1) else { return }
guard let newRange = self.textRange(from: range.start, to: rangeTo) else { return }
caret = self.firstRect(for: newRange)
caret.origin.y += lineHeight
caret.origin.y = max(caret.origin.y - lineHeight, 0)
caret.size.width = 1
if let pos = self.closestPosition(to: caret.origin) {
self.selectedTextRange = self.textRange(from: pos, to: pos)
func ext_caretDownward() {
guard let range = self.selectedTextRange else { return }
guard let lineHeight = self.font?.lineHeight else { return }
var caret = self.firstRect(for: range)
// At the end of the last line of the document
if caret.origin.y == CGFloat.infinity {
caret.origin.y = max(caret.origin.y + lineHeight, 0)
caret.size.width = 1
if let pos = self.closestPosition(to: caret.origin) {
self.selectedTextRange = self.textRange(from: pos, to: pos)
func ext_setupKeyboardShortcuts(controller: UIViewController) {
let cf = UIKeyCommand(input: "f", modifierFlags: .control, action: #selector(ext_caretForward))
let cb = UIKeyCommand(input: "b", modifierFlags: .control, action: #selector(ext_caretBackward))
let cp = UIKeyCommand(input: "p", modifierFlags: .control, action: #selector(ext_caretUpward))
let cn = UIKeyCommand(input: "n", modifierFlags: .control, action: #selector(ext_caretDownward))
let clf = UIKeyCommand(input: "f", modifierFlags: .alphaShift, action: #selector(ext_caretForward))
let clb = UIKeyCommand(input: "b", modifierFlags: .alphaShift, action: #selector(ext_caretBackward))
let clp = UIKeyCommand(input: "p", modifierFlags: .alphaShift, action: #selector(ext_caretUpward))
let cln = UIKeyCommand(input: "n", modifierFlags: .alphaShift, action: #selector(ext_caretDownward))
// Command+Space cannot override the default one
//let sSPC = UIKeyCommand(input: " ", modifierFlags: .command, action: #selector())
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