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Last active July 22, 2020 07:14
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[Android][RecyclerView] My Easy DiffUtil function for RecyclerView.
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
// allocate first
val defaultCallback = MutableDiffCallback()
fun RecyclerView.Adapter<*>.calculateDiff(
old: List<*>,
new: List<*>,
callback: MutableDiffCallback = defaultCallback,
detectMoves: Boolean = false
) { = new
callback.old = old
DiffUtil.calculateDiff(callback, detectMoves)
open class MutableDiffCallback(
var old: List<*>? = null,
var new: List<*>? = null
) : DiffUtil.Callback() {
override fun getOldListSize() = old?.size ?: 0
override fun getNewListSize() = new?.size ?: 0
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
val o = old ?: return false
val n = new ?: return false
// warn: not equals
return o[oldItemPosition] === n[newItemPosition]
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
val o = old ?: return false
val n = new ?: return false
return o[oldItemPosition] == n[newItemPosition]
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and Delegates.observable combo!

sealed class  MyListEvent {
    data class Add(val position: Int) : MyListEvent()
    data class Remove(val position: Int) : MyListEvent()

class MyAdapter(
    dafaultValues: List<MyData>,
    private val lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner,
    private val event: LiveData<MyListEvent>
) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {

    private var cachedValues: List<MyData> by Delegates.observable(
        initialValue = defaultPages,
        onChange = { _, old, new -> calculateDiff(old, new) }
    init {
        event.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
            when (it) {
                is MyListEvent.Add -> {
                    val adddingPosition = it.position
                    val new = cachedValues.toMutableList()
                    new.add(adddingPosition, MyData(id=uuid()))
                    cachedValues = new
                is MyListEvent.Remove -> {
                    val new = cachedValues.toMutableList()
                    cachedValues = new

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smarter than using setOnClickListener in onBindViewHolder!!

interface OnClickPositionListener {
    fun onClickWithPosition(position: Int)

fun onClickWithPosition(view: View, listener: OnClickPositionListener) {
    view.setOnClickListener {
        val viewHolder = view.tag as? RecyclerView.ViewHolder ?: return@setOnClickListener
        val position = viewHolder.adapterPosition

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