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Last active January 6, 2025 16:01
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Save ShirtlessKirk/2134376 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Luhn validation algorithm
* Luhn algorithm in JavaScript: validate credit card number supplied as string of numbers
* @author ShirtlessKirk. Copyright (c) 2012.
* @license WTFPL (
var luhnChk = (function (arr) {
return function (ccNum) {
len = ccNum.length,
bit = 1,
sum = 0,
while (len) {
val = parseInt(ccNum.charAt(--len), 10);
sum += (bit ^= 1) ? arr[val] : val;
return sum && sum % 10 === 0;
}([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9]));
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bdr193 commented May 10, 2022

@ShirtlessKirk Can this be implemented in Shopify or Woocommerce? How can you install it without having access to the payment iframe

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Declarative/functional approach:

const checkLuhn = cardNumber => {
    const sum = [...cardNumber].reduceRight((prev, curr, i, arr) =>
        prev+= (i%2)?Number(arr[Number(curr)]):Number(curr)
    return sum && sum % 10 === 0;

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Yana-Lesina commented May 17, 2024

@carlosvega20 I'm a bit confused by Number(arr[Number(curr)]) expression and not sure if this works correctly for check

Can suggest instead smth like this:

const isLuhn = (cardNumber) => {
  const checkSum = [...cardNumber].reduceRight((prev, curr, i, arr) => {
    if(i % 2) {
      return prev += Number(curr);
    } else {
      const d  = Number(curr) * 2 
      return prev += d > 9 ? d - 9 : d
  }, 0);
  return checkSum && checkSum % 10 === 0

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