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Last active October 30, 2015 15:18
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  • Save ShirtlessKirk/662c80f6d7335017fa46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ShirtlessKirk/662c80f6d7335017fa46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EcmaScript 5 Array methods polyfill for IE < 9
* Polyfill of ES5 Array methods for IE < 9
/*global define: false, module: false */
/*jslint bitwise: true, forin: true */
(function arrayModule(definition) { // non-exporting module magic dance
'use strict';
amd = 'amd',
exports = 'exports'; // keeps the method names for CommonJS / AMD from being compiled to single character variable
if (typeof define === 'function' && define[amd]) {
define(function definer() {
return definition();
} else if (typeof module === 'function' && module[exports]) {
module[exports] = definition();
} else {
}(function arrayPolyfill() {
'use strict';
arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum = {
EVERY: 'every',
FILTER: 'filter',
FOREACH: 'forEach',
INDEXOF: 'indexOf',
LASTINDEXOF: 'lastIndexOf',
MAP: 'map',
REDUCE: 'reduce',
REDUCERIGHT: 'reduceRight',
SOME: 'some'
hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
keys = Object.keys || function keys(object) {
array = [],
for (key in object) {
if (, key)) {
return array;
noop = function noop() {
return true;
toString = Object.prototype.toString, // paranoia: some dumb script might redefine the prototype....
T = TypeError;
* @private
* @param {Function} fn The function to verify
* @return {Object}
function check(fn) {
if (this === null || this === undefined) {
throw new T('Array is null or undefined');
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new T(fn + ' is not a function');
return ({}); // box `this` to make sure it's an object (see:
* Array.prototype.reverse is a mutating function, so to keep the original unchanged a copy needs to be made
* We don't use the simpler <array>.slice(0) method as that doesn't preserve sparse array contents
* @private
* @param {Array} array The array to reverse
* @return {Array}
function reverse(array) {
object = ({}), // box the parameter to ensure it's an object in a way that jslint doesn't grumble about
length = object.length >>> 0,
cursor = length - 1,
index = 0,
result = new Array(length); // jslint complains about using `new Array`, but declaring the container bounds is quicker than pushing to an index
while (cursor > -1) {
if (cursor in object) { // only set value in result if original contains value at cursor
result[index] = object[cursor];
cursor -= 1;
index += 1;
return result;
* @private
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {?Object|undefined} context The context to run the iteration function in
* @param {string} type The related type for checking yielded values
function iterator(fn, context, type) {
fn = fn || noop;
object =, fn);
length = object.length >>> 0;
counter = 0;
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.FILTER) { // set up return array
result = [];
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.INDEXOF) { // check fromIndex value and adjust cursor
result = -1; // default to 'not found' value
if (context.fromIndex > length) {
return result;
counter = Math.max(context.fromIndex >= 0 ? context.fromIndex : length - Math.abs(context.fromIndex), 0);
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.LASTINDEXOF) { // check fromIndex value and adjust length
if (context.fromIndex !== 0) {
if (context.fromIndex > 0) { // setting endpoint of range from beginning
if (context.fromIndex < length) {
length = context.fromIndex;
} else { // setting endpoint of range from end
length -= Math.abs(context.fromIndex);
if (length < 1) {
return -1;
if (context.fromIndex > 0) {
return, length), null, { fromIndex: 0, search: }, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.LASTINDEXOF);
result =, length)), null, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.INDEXOF);
if (result !== -1) {
result = (length - 1) - result;
return result;
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.MAP) { // set up return array
result = new Array(length);
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCE || type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCERIGHT) { // check for initialValue and set return value
if (length === 0 && !, 'initialValue')) {
throw new T('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCERIGHT) {
return, length)), fn, { initialValue: context.initialValue }, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCE);
result = context.initialValue;
while (counter < length) {
if (counter in object) { // don't bother with sparse entries
value = object[counter];
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.EVERY && !, value, counter, object)) { // falsey value check
return false;
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.FILTER &&, value, counter, object)) { // truthy value check
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.FOREACH) { // unlike jQuery.each this puppy doesn't care about the return value of fn, value, counter, object);
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.INDEXOF && === value) { // absolute equivalence check
return counter;
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.MAP) { // map to exact same index
result[counter] =, value, counter, object);
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCE) {
result = (result === undefined && value !== undefined)
? value // if no initialValue then result is first (valid) value
: fn(result, value, counter, object);
if (type === arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.SOME &&, value, counter, object)) { // truthy value check
return true;
counter += 1;
return (result !== undefined) // `filter`, `indexOf`, `lastIndexOf`, `map`, `reduce` and `reduceRight` set result
? result
: (type !== arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.SOME); // if using `every` or `forEach` then true, if using `some` then false
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {Object} [context] The context to run the function in (optional)
function every(fn, context) {
return, fn, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.EVERY);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {Object} [context] The context to run the function in (optional)
function filter(fn, context) {
return, fn, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.FILTER);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {Object} [context] The context to run the function in (optional)
function forEach(fn, context) {, fn, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.FOREACH);
* @param {?(boolean|number|string)} search The primitive value to search for
* @param {number} [fromIndex=0] fromIndex The index to start searching from (optional, default 0)
function indexOf(search, fromIndex) {
return, null, { fromIndex: fromIndex | 0, search: search }, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.INDEXOF);
* @param {?(boolean|number|string)} search The primitive value to search for
* @param {number} [fromIndex=0] fromIndex The index to start searching from (optional, default 0)
function lastIndexOf(search, fromIndex) {
return, null, { fromIndex: fromIndex | 0, search: search }, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.LASTINDEXOF);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {Object} [context] The context to run the function in (optional)
function map(fn, context) {
return, fn, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.MAP);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {*} [initialValue] The initial value for the reduction (optional)
function reduce(fn, initialValue) {
return, fn, initialValue !== undefined ? { initialValue: initialValue } : {}, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCE);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {*} [initialValue] The initial value for the reduction (optional)
function reduceRight(fn, initialValue) {
return, fn, initialValue !== undefined ? { initialValue: initialValue } : {}, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.REDUCERIGHT);
* @param {Function} fn The function to run for each iteration
* @param {Object} [context] The context to run the function in (optional)
function some(fn, context) {
return, fn, context, arrayPrototypeFunctionsEnum.SOME);
* @param {*} object The object to check
function isArray(object) {
return === '[object Array]';
arrayPrototypeFunctions = {
every: every,
filter: filter,
forEach: forEach,
indexOf: indexOf,
lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf,
map: map,
reduce: reduce,
reduceRight: reduceRight,
some: some
* Delegates a method from the arrayPrototypeFunctions object if it doesn't exist on `this`
* @param {string} fnName The function name to verify
function dogfood(fnName) {
if (!, fnName)) {
this[fnName] = arrayPrototypeFunctions[fnName];
}, dogfood, Array.prototype);
// static methods
if (Array.isArray === undefined) {
Array.isArray = isArray;
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