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Easily create a Rmd file and transform it to markdown using R commands
## 用rmd写博客 ##
# 作者:王诗翔
# 更新日期:2018-02-12
#>>>>>> new_rmd_post 函数 <<<<<<<<<<
# 写好模板文档后,你可以用这个函数来创建Rmarkdown文档
# 参数说明:
# post_name: 博文名(最好英文,显示不会乱码),比如我写这篇博文用的是
# how-to-write-rmd-documents-in-hexo-system
# 意思不一定要对,只要能跟其他博文名字有区分就行了
# template_name: 模板名,起template.Rmd最好,因为每次写文章都会用到,
# 这样你创建的时候不用每次都指定模板的名字
# template_path: 模板文档的路径,默认当前工作路径
# post_path: 你想把生成的文档放在哪个路径,默认当前工作路径
new_rmd_post <- function(post_name=NULL,template_name="template.Rmd",
template_path=getwd(), post_path=getwd()){
stop("A post name must be given!")
input_file <- paste(template_path,template_name, sep="/")
current_time <- Sys.Date()
out_file <- paste0(current_time, "-",post_name,".Rmd")
fl_content <- readLines(input_file)
writeLines(fl_content, out_file)
print("New Rmarkdown post creat successfully!")
#>>>>> new_md_post 函数 <<<<<<<<<<
# 你可以用这个函数来将Rmd文档转换为markdown文档
# 需要安装knitr包,命令为 install.packages("knitr")
# 参数说明:
# post_name: 文章文档名,推荐使用 年-月-日-英文名 的方式
# template_name: 模板名,你需要转换的Rmd文档
# template_path: 模板文档的路径,默认当前工作路径
# post_path: 你想把生成的文档放在哪个路径,默认当前工作路径
# time_tag: 时间标签,如果你转换的文档没有年-月-日这种标记,
# 将time_tag设定为TRUE会自动在名字前加上
new_md_post <- function(template_name="template.Rmd",post_name=NULL,template_path=getwd(),
post_path="../_posts",time_tag=FALSE, new_fig_path=TRUE){
post_name <- gsub(pattern = "^(.*)\\.[Rr]md$", "\\1", x = template_name)
input_file <- paste(template_path,template_name, sep="/")
current_time <- Sys.Date()
out_file <- paste0(post_path, "/", current_time, "-", post_name,".md")
out_dir <- paste0(post_path, "/", current_time, "-", post_name)
out_file <- paste0(post_path, "/", post_name,".md")
out_dir <- paste0(post_path, "/", post_name)
# if new_fig_path is FALSE, use united figure path to sotre figures
# if this variable is TRUE, create an independent directory for post
if (new_fig_path){
dir.create(out_dir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
# add fig.path option to Rmd file
fl_content <- readLines(input_file)
new_content <- sub(pattern = "fig.path=\".*\"",
replacement = paste0("fig.path=\"", out_dir, "/\""), fl_content)
writeLines(new_content, input_file)
knitr::knit(input = input_file, output = out_file)
print("New markdown post creat successfully!")
title: "Put your title here"
author: 王诗翔
date: "`r gsub(pattern = "^([0-9]*[0-9]) [A-Z]*$", "\\1", Sys.time())`"
top: false
categories: Linux杂烩
- Linux
```{r init, include=F}
opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, cache=TRUE, fig.path="../images/", dpi = 75)
#.ex <- 1 # Track ex numbers w/ hidden var. Increment each ex: `r .ex``r .ex=.ex+1`
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