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Last active January 21, 2020 13:24
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Save ShixiangWang/75ae36de5d1b42c3d4de79986d03e16b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
two R functions used to separate continuous variable into two group for survival analysis, then plot the result.
groupSurvival <- function(df, event="OS_IND", time="OS", var=NULL, time.limit=NULL, interval=c("open","close"),
method=c("quartile", "mean", "median", "percent", "custom"), percent=NULL,
step=20, custom_fun=NULL, group1="High", group2="Low"){
#'@param df a data.frame at leaset including three column which refer to survival info and variable used to
#' set group.
#'@param event The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead. Other choices are TRUE/FALSE (TRUE = death) or 1/2 (2=death).
#'For interval censored data, the status indicator is 0=right censored, 1=event at time, 2=left censored, 3=interval censored.
#' Although unusual, the event indicator can be omitted, in which case all subjects are assumed to have an event.
#'@param time for right censored data, this is the follow up time. For interval data, the first argument is the starting time for the interval.
#'@param var a column name of df data.frame which specify the numeric column used to group.
#'@param time.limit a number, if any time bigger than it, the corresponding row will be ruled out from df data.frame
#'@param interval specify if the border should be included.
#'@param method a mehod used to group, you can use one of "quartile", "mean", "median", "percent", "custom".
#'@param percent if you choose "pecent" method, you must specify what percent you want.
#'@param step a number to define a step length for finding p values and time cutoff.
#'@param custom_fun a function object. If you choose "custom" method, you must define a function which use
#'values of 'var' column as input and return a list with two logical vectors responding group1 and group2, respectively.
#'@param group1 a character define the group name which respond to bigger values in quartile, mean, median
#',percent methods and the first logical vector in custom method. 'High' is default.
#'@param group2 a character define the group name which respond to smaller values in quartile, mean, median
#',percent methods and the second logical vector in custom method. 'Low' is default.
stop("Please set your variable name for building groups!")
if(! "data.frame" %in% class(df)){
stop("Be care about you input data. The df argument should be a data.frame!")
if(method == "percent" & is.null(percent)){
stop("You choose 'percent' method but not percent values defined in argument. Please check!")
df1 <- df[, c(event, time, var)]
df1 <- df[df[,time]<=time.limit,]
if (method == "custom"){
stop("You should specify a function to group 'var' column.")
if(!inherits(custom_fun, "function")){
stop("custom_fun should be a function type.")
th <- custom_fun(as.numeric(df1[, var]))
if(typeof(th) != "list" | length(th)!=2){
stop("You should store your results for grouping in a list with two logical elements!")
if(any(th[[1]] & th[[2]])){
stop("You are mapping one record to two different groups, please check your function!")
df1$group <- NA
df1$group[th[[1]]] <- group1
df1$group[th[[2]]] <- group2
df2 <- subset(df1, group %in% c(group1, group2))
#df2$group[df2[,var]>th2] = "High"
sm <- summary(df1[, var])
# choose threshold by method
if (method == "quartile"){
th1 <- as.numeric(sm[2])
th2 <- as.numeric(sm[5])
if (method == "mean"){
th1 <- th2 <- as.numeric(sm[4])
if (method == "median"){
th1 <- th2 <- as.numeric(sm[3])
if (method == "percent"){
th1 <- as.numeric(quantile(as.numeric(df1[, var]) ,percent))
th2 <- as.numeric(quantile(as.numeric(df1[, var]) ,1-percent))
# do groupping
interval <- match.arg(interval)
if (interval == "open"){
df2 <- df1[df[, var]>th2 | df[, var] < th1 , ]
df2$group <- NA
df2$group[df2[,var]>th2] <- group1
df2$group[df2[,var]<th1] <- group2
df2 <- df1[df[, var]>=th2 | df[, var] <= th1 , ]
df2$group <- NA
df2$group[df2[,var]>=th2] <- group1
df2$group[df2[,var]<=th1] <- group2
colnames(df2)[colnames(df2) == time] <- "time"
colnames(df2)[colnames(df2) == event] <- "event"
sfit <- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ group, data=df2)
res <- list()
res$data <- df2
search_cutoff <- function(mat, step=20){
# mat <- os_mat
days <- max(na.omit(mat$time))
cutoff_list <- {}
pval_list <- {}
cutoff <- list()
while(days > 300){
if(length(table(mat$group))!=2 | sum(table(mat$group)) < 10){
mat <- mat[mat$time<=days,]
sdf <- survdiff(Surv(time, event)~group,data = mat)
p.val <- 1 - pchisq(sdf$chisq, length(sdf$n) - 1)
cutoff_list <- c(cutoff_list, days)
pval_list <- c(pval_list, p.val)
days <- days - step
min_pval <- min(pval_list, na.rm = TRUE)
min_cutoff <- cutoff_list[which(pval_list==min_pval)]
cutoff$cutoff_list <- cutoff_list
cutoff$pval_list <- pval_list
cutoff$min_pval <- min_pval
cutoff$min_cutoff <- min_cutoff
cutoff <- search_cutoff(df2, step=step)
res$cutoff <- cutoff
plot_surv <- function(os_mat, cutoff=NULL, pval=TRUE, ...){
cutoff <- max(na.omit(os_mat$time))
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ group, data = os_mat[os_mat$time<=cutoff,])
ggsurv <- ggsurvplot(
fit, # survfit object with calculated statistics.
data = os_mat[os_mat$time<=cutoff,], # data used to fit survival curves.
risk.table = FALSE, # show risk table.
pval = pval, # show p-value of log-rank test. = FALSE, # show confidence intervals for
# point estimates of survival curves.
palette = c("red", "blue"),
# palette = c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF"),
# xlim = c(0,5000), # present narrower X axis, but not affect
# survival estimates.
xlab = "", # customize X axis label.
ylab = "",
# = 100, # break X axis in time intervals by 500.
# ggtheme = theme_light(), # customize plot and risk table with a theme.
risk.table.y.text.col = T,# colour risk table text annotations.
risk.table.height = 0.25, # the height of the risk table
risk.table.y.text = FALSE,# show bars instead of names in text annotations
# in legend of risk table.
ncensor.plot = FALSE, # plot the number of censored subjects at time t
ncensor.plot.height = 0.25,
# = "step", # customize style of confidence intervals
# surv.median.line = "hv", # add the median survival pointer.
#legend.labs =
# c("High expression", "Low expression"), # change legend labels.
#legend.title = "",
size = 0.5,
censor.size = 2,
ggsurv <- ggpar(
font.caption = c(6, "plain", "black"),
font.tickslab = c(8, "plain", "black"),
font.legend = c(6, "plain", "black"),
ggtheme = theme_survminer()+theme(legend.background=element_rect(fill=NA), legend.key.height = unit(3,"mm"),
line = element_line(size=.1), legend.position =c(0.8, 0.9))
# defineGroups <- function(x){
# res <- list()
# res[[1]] <- x > 0.4
# res[[2]] <- x > -0.1 & x < 0.1
# return(res)
# }
defineGroups <- function(x){
res <- list()
res[[1]] <- x > 0.4
res[[2]] <- x == 0
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@yushanlu Thanks.

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