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Last active December 4, 2017 11:26
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#' @function survival analysis according to gene expression for primary tumor
#' @param geneSymbol identify gene symbol
#' @param exp TCGA format gene expression dataset
#' @param cli Clinical information dataset
#' @param method method use to dive samples into groups. Options are "quantile", "median", "mean". the "quartile" use first and third quartile as threshold
#' @param trans transform the clinical IDs from '-' separate to '.' separate
#' @return include the plot and p value
#' @author Shixiang Wang
# input test data
# exp <- exp.tumor
# cli <- cli_info
# geneSymbol <- "PDL1"
# method="quartile"
surv_analysis <- function(geneSymbol=NULL, exp, cli, method="quartile", trans=FALSE, step=10){
if(any(c(is.null(geneSymbol), is.null(exp), is.null(cli)))){
stop("Wrong data! Please check your input.")
cli$sampleID = gsub("-",".",cli$sampleID, fixed = TRUE)
tumorSample <- cli[cli$sample_type=="Primary Tumor",]$sampleID
# exp <- exp[, c(1, na.omit(match(tumorSample, colnames(exp) )))]
tumorSampleID <- tumorSample[ na.omit(match(colnames(exp), tumorSample)) ]
symbol_exp <- exp[exp$sample==geneSymbol, tumorSampleID]
exp_value <- unlist(symbol_exp)
group_surv <- list()
# compute threshold according to method parameter
symbol_stat <- summary(exp_value)
ths1 <- as.numeric(symbol_stat[2])
ths2 <- as.numeric(symbol_stat[5])
down_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value<ths1])
up_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value>ths2])
}else if(method=="mean"){
ths <- mean(exp_value)
down_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value<=ths])
up_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value>ths])
}else if(method=="median"){
ths <- median(exp_value)
down_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value<=ths])
up_id <- names(exp_value[exp_value>ths])
stop("The method you input have something wrong! Here only 'quantile', 'mean', 'median' provided. Please check one of them.")}
# compute the cutoff which p value is minimal
os_mat <- subset(cli, sampleID%in%c(up_id, down_id))
os_mat$group <- "high"
os_mat[os_mat$sampleID%in%down_id,]$group <- "low"
search_cutoff <- function(mat, step=20){
# mat <- os_mat
days <- max(na.omit(mat$X_OS))
cutoff_list <- {}
pval_list <- {}
cutoff <- list()
while(days > 300){
mat <- mat[mat$X_OS<=days,]
sdf <- survdiff(Surv(X_OS, X_EVENT)~group,data = mat)
p.val <- 1 - pchisq(sdf$chisq, length(sdf$n) - 1)
cutoff_list <- c(cutoff_list, days)
pval_list <- c(pval_list, p.val)
days <- days - step
min_pval <- min(pval_list)
min_cutoff <- cutoff_list[which(pval_list==min_pval)]
cutoff$cutoff_list <- cutoff_list
cutoff$pval_list <- pval_list
cutoff$min_pval <- min_pval
cutoff$min_cutoff <- min_cutoff
cutoff <- search_cutoff(os_mat, step=step)
surv <- list()
surv$os_mat <- os_mat
surv$cutoff <- cutoff
plot_surv <- function(os_mat, cutoff, pval=TRUE){
fit <- survfit(Surv(X_OS, X_EVENT) ~ group, data = os_mat[os_mat$X_OS<=cutoff,])
ggsurv <- ggsurvplot(
fit, # survfit object with calculated statistics.
data = os_mat[os_mat$X_OS<=cutoff,], # data used to fit survival curves.
risk.table = FALSE, # show risk table.
pval = pval, # show p-value of log-rank test. = FALSE, # show confidence intervals for
# point estimates of survival curves.
palette = c("red", "blue"),
# palette = c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF"),
# xlim = c(0,5000), # present narrower X axis, but not affect
# survival estimates.
xlab = "", # customize X axis label.
ylab = "",
# = 100, # break X axis in time intervals by 500.
# ggtheme = theme_light(), # customize plot and risk table with a theme.
risk.table.y.text.col = T,# colour risk table text annotations.
risk.table.height = 0.25, # the height of the risk table
risk.table.y.text = FALSE,# show bars instead of names in text annotations
# in legend of risk table.
ncensor.plot = FALSE, # plot the number of censored subjects at time t
ncensor.plot.height = 0.25,
# = "step", # customize style of confidence intervals
# surv.median.line = "hv", # add the median survival pointer.
legend.labs =
c("APOBEC3B high expression", "APOBEC3B low expression"), # change legend labels.
legend.title = "",
size = 0.5,
censor.size = 2
ggsurv <- ggpar(
font.caption = c(6, "plain", "black"),
font.tickslab = c(8, "plain", "black"),
font.legend = c(6, "plain", "black"),
ggtheme = theme_survminer()+theme(legend.background=element_rect(fill=NA), legend.key.height = unit(3,"mm"),
line = element_line(size=.1), legend.position =c(0.8, 0.9))
# tt <- surv_analysis("APOBEC3B", exp, cli, method = "mean")
# sort(tt$cutoff$pval_list)[1:20]
# tt$cutoff$cutoff_list[match(sort(tt$cutoff$pval_list)[1:20], tt$cutoff$pval_list)]
# max(tt_2$cutoff$cutoff_list[match(sort(tt_2$cutoff$pval_list)[1:90], tt_2$cutoff$pval_list)])
# sort(tt_2$cutoff$cutoff_list[match(sort(tt_2$cutoff$pval_list)[1:90], tt_2$cutoff$pval_list)])
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