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Created October 13, 2023 13:21
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An equivalent of `bytes()` using internal iteration
use std::{io::{Write, BufRead}, ops::{Try, ControlFlow}};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let test_file_path = std::env::args_os().nth(1).expect("No input file specified!");
let test_file = std::fs::File::open(test_file_path)?;
let stdout = std::io::stdout();
// Lock the stdout once so we don't have to acquire the lock for every line written, which is slow
let stdout = stdout.lock();
// And wrap it in a BufWriter, because we're going to make lots of small writes
// and without this it would be very slow
let mut writer = std::io::BufWriter::new(stdout);
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(test_file);
let result = custom_try_fold(reader, 0, |acc: u64, i| ControlFlow::Continue(acc + i as u64));
match result.branch() {
ControlFlow::Continue(sum) => writeln!(writer, "{sum}")?,
ControlFlow::Break(_) => todo!(),
fn custom_try_fold<B, F, I>(mut reader: I, init: B, mut f: F) -> impl Try<Output = B>
I: BufRead,
F: FnMut(B, u8) -> ControlFlow<B, B>,
let mut accum = init;
loop {
match reader.fill_buf() {
Ok(chunk) => {
// check for EOF
if chunk.len() == 0 {
return Ok(accum);
let mut iterator = chunk.iter().copied();
let result = iterator.try_fold(accum, &mut f);
let consumed = chunk.len() - iterator.len();
match result {
ControlFlow::Continue(a) => accum = a,
ControlFlow::Break(a) => {
accum = a;
return Ok(accum);
Err(e) => return Err(e),
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