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Last active September 5, 2018 18:32
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Reorderable favorite tags
// @description Allow the CPU to overheat when holding down the spacebar
// @author Shog9
// @namespace
// @version 1.2
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @exclude http*://chat.*.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
// this serves only to avoid embarassing mistakes caused by inadvertently loading this script onto a page that isn't a Stack Exchange page
var isSEsite = false;
for (var s of document.querySelectorAll("script")) isSEsite = isSEsite||/StackExchange\.ready\(/.test(s.textContent);
// don't bother running this if this isn't a scripted SE page
if (!isSEsite)
function with_jquery(f)
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.textContent = "if (window.jQuery) (" + f.toString() + ")(window.jQuery)" + "\n\n//# sourceURL=" + encodeURI(GM_info.script.namespace.replace(/\/?$/, "/")) + encodeURIComponent(; // make this easier to debug
if ( !$(".js-watched-tag-list").length) return;
// load saved preferences, if any
var prefsKey = "ReorderableFavoriteTags" + (||"");
var tagOrder = localStorage[prefsKey]||"";
tagOrder = tagOrder.split(",");
// known bug: when editing ends, tags remain sortable
$(".js-edit-all-tags, .js-edit-watched-tags, .js-show-add-watched").click(function()
// What's gotta happen here:
// 1. Autocomplete plugin has to load: this almost certainly means that the event has to pass through to default handler before we do anything.
// 2. We have to load jQueryUI without stomping on the default autocomplete plugin
// 3. Finally, we can make the list sortable
// the tag editor uses a very old version (somewhat patched) of jQuery.autocomplete
// jQueryUI uses a newer one
// they aren't compatible, at least not to the extent that the old one can initialize data and the new one can use it
// so, save before loading jQueryUI and restore afterwards
var oldAutocomplete = $.fn.autocomplete;
var oldAutocompleter = $.Autocompleter;
if ( oldAutocomplete ) $.fn.autocomplete = oldAutocomplete;
if ( oldAutocompleter ) $.fn.Autocompleter = oldAutocompleter;
$(".js-watched-tag-list").sortable({helper: "clone", update: SaveOrder});
// capture saving of tag additions / removals, trigger re-application and then saving of order thus imposing consistency
.ajaxSuccess(function(event, XMLHttpRequest, ajaxOptions)
if (ajaxOptions.url.indexOf("/users/save-preference") == 0
|| /\/tags\/[^\/]\/favorite/.test(ajaxOptions.url)
|| /\/tags\/[^\/]\/prefs/.test(ajaxOptions.url) )
setTimeout(function() { ApplyOrder(); SaveOrder(); }, 0);
function waitForAutocomplete(callback, delay)
delay = delay ? Math.max(delay*10, 1000) : 1;
if ( $.fn.autocomplete ) callback();
else setTimeout(() => waitForAutocomplete(callback, delay), delay);
function ApplyOrder()
var tagsOnPage=$(".js-watched-tag-list>.js-tag");
for (let i=tagOrder.length-1; i>= 0; --i)
tagsOnPage.filter(function() { return this.textContent==tagOrder[i]}).prependTo(".js-watched-tag-list");
function SaveOrder()
tagOrder = $(".js-watched-tag-list>.js-tag").map(function() { return this.textContent }).toArray();
localStorage[prefsKey] = tagOrder.join();
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