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Add GA event tracking on widget retailer links
//Please ask Hatch to provide a list of all retailer IDs vs names
const retailer_mapping = {
94349 : 'MSI Store',
89105 : 'Walmart',
//Listener on any hatch links
document.addEventListener( "click", hatchRetailerWidgetClick );
function hatchRetailerWidgetClick(ev){
const el =;
const hatch_link = el.closest('a[href*=""]');
if(hatch_link !== null){
console.log('Click on a Hatch link : ', hatch_link);
//extract retailer ID
const reg = /.+?:\/\/.+?(\/.+?)(?:#|\?|$)/;
const pathname = reg.exec(hatch_link)[1];
const path_arr = pathname.split('/');
//Retailer ID
const retailer_id = path_arr[3];
console.log('retailer ID : ', retailer_id);
//Retailer name
const retailer_name = ((retailer_mapping[retailer_id] !== undefined)?retailer_mapping[retailer_id]:'NA');
console.log('retailer name : ', retailer_name);
//Add gtag event, make sure you add the gtag core script as well
gtag('event', 'ps_retailer_click', {
'retailer_id': retailer_id,
'retailer_name': retailer_name,
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