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Created December 26, 2011 15:10
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R codes
## Access the relevant files ##
returns <- read.csv("Returns_CNX_500.csv")
returns1 <- returns
nifty <- read.csv("Nifty_returns.csv")
mibor <- read.csv("MIBOR.csv", na.strings="#N/A")
exchange <- read.csv("Exchange_rates.csv", na.strings="#N/A")
## Dealing with missing values ##
for(i in 2:ncol(returns))
returns1[, i] <- approx(returns$Year, returns1[ ,i], returns$Year)$y # Replacing the missing values by linear approximates
## Dealing with blanks in the MIBOR rates ##
mibor[, 2] <- approx(as.Date(mibor$Dates, '%d-%b-%y'), mibor[ ,2], as.Date(mibor$Dates, '%d-%b-%y'))$y
for(k in 2:nrow(mibor))
mibor$Change1[k] <- ((mibor$MIBOR[k] - mibor$MIBOR[k-1])/mibor$MIBOR[k-1])*100
## Dealing with blanks in the exchange rates ##
exchange[, 2] <- approx(as.Date(exchange$Year,'%d-%b-%y'), exchange[ ,2], as.Date(exchange$Year, '%d-%b-%y'))$y
exchange$Change <- as.numeric(exchange$Change)
for(j in 2:nrow(exchange))
exchange$Change[j] <- ((exchange$Exchange.rates[j] - exchange$Exchange.rates[j-1])/exchange$Exchange.rates[j-1])*100
### Summary Statistics calculations ###
## Unit root testing ##
Box.test(exchange$Exchange.rates, type = "Box-Pierce", lag= 10)
Box.test(exchange$Change, type = "Ljung-Box", lag= 10)
Box.test(mibor$MIBOR, type = "Ljung-Box", lag= 10)
Box.test(mibor$Change1, type = "Ljung-Box", lag= 10)
Box.test(nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty, type = "Ljung-Box", lag= 10)
## Calculating the principal component of returns ##
# Store the relevent data as a matrix and then pass it through princomp()
ret <- as.matrix(returns1[ ,-1], nrow = dim(returns1)[1], ncol = dim(returns1)[2]-1)
princ.return <- princomp(ret)
plot(princ.return, main = "Principal component variance") # Plot of variance of the components
barplot(height=princ.return$sdev[1:10]/princ.return$sdev[1], main = "Relative variance of the principal components" ) # Relative variance of the components
total.var <- sum(princ.return$sdev^2)
pc1.var <- princ.return$sdev[1]^2
pc10.var <- sum(princ.return$sdev[1:10]^2)
## Loadings of first 10 components ##
# Extracting the components using the loadings of the PCA
load.cp <- loadings(princ.return)[,1:10]
pr.cp <- ret %*% load.cp
pr <-
## Regressions single factor model CAPM ##
reg.capm <- lapply( 1:10, function (i) { lm(pr[, i] ~ nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty) })
# Storing the coefficients of the 10 regressions in "cfs"
cfs <- sapply(reg.capm, function(x) as.vector(x$coefficients))
format(cfs, digits=3)
# Similarly storing the R^2 of the 10 regressions in
r.sq.values <- lapply(reg.capm, function(x) summary(x)$r.squared)
format(r.sq.values, digits = 3)
colnames(cfs) <- lapply(1:10, function(x) paste("Comp", as.character(x), sep=''))
rownames(cfs) <- c("Intercept", "Nifty")
# Storing the output in a LaTeX friendly format
write.table(format(cfs, digits=3), row.names=T, col.names=T, sep=" & ", eol=" \\\\ \n", file="my.temp.file.txt")
write.table(format(r.sq.values, digits = 3), file="my.temp.file.txt", append=T, col.names=F, row.names=T, sep = " & ", eol="\\\\ \n")
## Regressions multi factor APT ##
reg.apt <- lapply( 1:10, function (i) { lm(pr[, i] ~ nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty + mibor$Change1 + exchange$Change) })
tmp.apt <- reg.apt[[1]]
# Storing the coefficients and the R^2 values
cfs1 <- sapply(reg.apt, function(x) as.vector(x$coefficients))
r.sq.values1 <- lapply(reg.apt, function(x) summary(x)$r.squared)
colnames(cfs1) <- lapply(1:10, function(x) paste("Comp", as.character(x), sep=''))
rownames(cfs1) <- c("Intercept", "Nifty", "MIBOR" , "INR/USD Exchange rate")
write.table(format(cfs1, digits=4), row.names=T, col.names=T, sep=" & ", eol=" \\\\ \n", file="my.temp.file.APT.txt")
write.table(format(r.sq.values1, digits = 4), file="my.temp.file.APT.txt", append=T, col.names=F, row.names=T, sep = " & ", eol="\\\\ \n")
## Plotting various series ##
pr$dates <-$Dates)
## Non stationary independent variables ##
pdf("indep_var_ns.pdf", height = 7.5, width = 10)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(as.Date(mibor$Dates,'%d-%b-%y'), mibor$MIBOR, xlab= "Date",
ylab= "3-month MIBOR rates (%age)", type='l', col='red',
main="3-month MIBOR rates")
abline(h = 0, lty = 8, col = "gray")
plot(as.Date(exchange$Year, '%d-%b-%y'), exchange$Exchange.rates, xlab= "Date",
ylab= "IND/USD Exchange rates", type='l', col='red',
main="IND/USD Exchange rate")
abline(h = 0, lty = 8, col = "gray")
## Stationary independent variables ##
pdf("indep_var.pdf", height = 7.5, width = 10)
par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
plot(as.Date(mibor$Dates,'%d-%b-%y'), mibor$Change1, xlab= "Date",
ylab= "Change in 3-month MIBOR(%age)", type='l', col='royalblue',
main="%age change in MIBOR rates")
abline(h = 0, lty = 8, col = "gray")
plot(as.Date(nifty$Date,'%d-%b-%y'), nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty, xlab= "Date",
ylab= "NIFTY returns(%age)", type='l', col='royalblue',
main="NIFTY returns")
abline(h = 0, lty = 8, col = "gray")
plot(as.Date(exchange$Year, '%d-%b-%y'), exchange$Change, xlab= "Date",
ylab= "IND/USD Exchange rates change(%age)", type='l', col='royalblue',
main="IND/USD Exchange rate changes(%age)")
abline(h = 0, lty = 8, col = "gray")
plot(as.Date(exchange$Year[seq(from=1 , to=length(exchange$Year), by=5)],'%d-%b-%y'), exchange$Change[seq(from=1 , to=length(exchange$Change), by=5)], xlab= "Date", ylab= "Exchange rates change", type='l', col='red', lwd=1)
tmp <- seq(from=1, to=length(..), by=5)
plot(as.Date(e$Y[tmp]), e$E[tmp])
# Plot of the dependents
max <- max(pr$Comp.1)/11
plot(as.Date(mibor$Dates,'%d-%b-%y')[seq(from=1 , to=length(mibor$Dates), by=10)], (-pr$Comp.1/max)[seq(from=1 , to=length(pr$Comp.1), by=10)] , xlab= "Date",
ylab= "PC 1 / NIFTY", type='l', col='red',
main="First Principal component and NIFTY")
lines(as.Date(mibor$Dates,'%d-%b-%y')[seq(from=1 , to=length(mibor$Dates), by=10)], nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty[seq(from=1 , to=length(mibor$Dates), by=10)], col = 'royalblue', type = "l")
cor(pr$Comp.1, nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty )
plot(as.Date(mibor$Dates,'%d-%b-%y')[seq(from=1 , to=length(mibor$Dates), by=10)], nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty[seq(from=1 , to=length(mibor$Dates), by=10)], col = 'royalblue', type = "l",
ylab = "Nifty returns", xlab = "Date", main = "Nifty returns" )
#### Comparision of the regression F-Statistic ####
# ANOVA table for illustration from where we can extract the F-values for the second
# regression directly
tmp1 <- reg.capm[[1]]; tmp2 <- reg.apt[[1]]
anova(tmp1, tmp2)
all.fstats <- mapply(anova, reg.capm, reg.apt )
lapply(all.fstats, function(x) x$F )
# Extracting the F-stats from the ANOVA table of all the 10 regressions
all.Fs <- mapply(function(x, y) anova(x,y)$F[2], reg.capm, reg.apt)
all.Ps <- mapply(function(x, y) anova(x,y)[[ 2, "Pr(>F)"]], reg.capm, reg.apt)
names(anova(tmp1, tmp2))
######################## TIME SERIES TERM PAPER ##################################
###### Plotting the residuals after regression ####
# Extract the residuals from all the regressions
res.apt <- sapply(reg.apt, function(x) as.vector(x$residuals))
res.capm <- sapply(reg.capm, function(x) as.vector(x$residuals))
colnames(res.apt) <- lapply(1:10 , function(x) paste("Residuals reg", as.character(x) , sep= ' '))
colnames(res.capm) <- lapply(1:10, function(x) paste("Residuals reg", as.character(x) , sep= ' '))
# Perform the Lyung-box test on the residuals of all the regressions both CAPM and APT
lm.res <- function(res){ Box.test(res, lag = 10, type = "Ljung-Box")}
box.res <- lapply(1:10, function(x) lm.res(res.apt[, x]))
lm.res.capm <- function(res){ Box.test(res, lag = 10, type = "Ljung-Box")}
box.res.capm <- lapply(1:10, function(x) lm.res.capm(res.capm[, x]))
# Extracting the values of the Q-Stat and the corrosponding p-value
stats <- lapply(box.res, function(x) x$statistic)
p.vals <- lapply(box.res, function(x) x$p.value)
stats.capm <- lapply(box.res.capm, function(x) x$statistic)
p.vals.capm <- lapply(box.res.capm, function(x) x$p.value)
###################### MLE FOR GARCH(1,1)########################################
# Getting all the data in one data frame
data.garch <- data.frame(Component1 = pr$Comp.1, Exchange.change = exchange$Change, Niftychange = nifty$S...P.Cnx.Nifty, mibor.change = mibor$Change1)
write.csv(data, file = "GARCH-Data", col.names = TRUE)
# Specifying functions:
CalcResiduals <- function(th, data) {
# Calculates the e_t and h_t for the GARCH(1, 1) model with given parameters.
# Args:
# th: Parameters
# th[1] -> mean
# th[2] -> alpha.0
# th[3] -> alpha.1
# th[4] -> beta.1
# th[5] -> sigma.0
# th[6] -> a
# th[7] -> b
# th[8] -> c
# data: The input data
# Returns: A list containing et and ht.
th[1] -> mean
th[2] -> alpha.0
th[3] -> alpha.1
th[4] -> beta.1
th[5] -> sigma.0
th[6] -> a
th[7] -> b
th[8] -> c
if(is.null(data$Niftychange) || is.null(data$Exchange.change) || is.null(data$mibor.change)) print("nifty column not present")
# These are the residuals "y"
y = data$Component1 - a*data$Niftychange - b*data$Exchange.change - c*data$mibor.change
n <- length(y)
sigma.sqs <- vector(length=n)
sigma.sqs[1] <- sigma.0 ^ 2
for(ii in c(1:(n-1))) { ## This loop is where the h_t are calculated
sigma.sqs[ii + 1] <- (
alpha.0 +
alpha.1 * (y[ii] - mean) ^ 2 +
beta.1 * sigma.sqs[ii])
return(list(et = y, ht = sigma.sqs)) # Returns the list of e_t and h_t
GarchLogL <- function(th, data) {
# Calculates the Log-Likelihood of the GARCH(1, 1) model with given
# parameters. It is intended for use with nlp or other optimization
# routines to arrive at the best GARCH model. This can also be called for
# subsets of the data and then summed to arrive at other models.
# Args:
# th : This is a vector containing the parameters for the model:
# th[1] -> mean
# th[2] -> alpha.0
# th[3] -> alpha.1
# th[4] -> beta.1
# th[5] -> sigma.0
# th[6] -> a
# th[7] -> b
# th[8] -> c
# Returns:
# The negative conditional log likelihood of the model
res <- CalcResiduals(th, data)
sigma.sqs <- res$ht
y <- res$et
# Assuming normal density of the errors dnorm() gives the density of normal dist.
# this will return the negative of the log likelihood.
return (-sum(dnorm(y[-1], mean=th[1] , sd=sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]), log=TRUE)))
## Main program where we will call all our previous written functions
GarchLogLSimpl <- function(th, y) { # Only setting the mean of the errors to 0
GarchLogL(c(0, th), y)
GarchLogLSimpl2 <- function(th, y) { # Setting mean and b,c = 0
GarchLogL(c(0, th, 0,0), y)
GarchLogLSimpl3 <- function(th, y) { # Setting mean of errors, alpha.1, beta.1 = 0
GarchLogL(c(0, th[1], 0, 0,1, th[2], th[3], th[4]), y)
# The nlm() function performs the non-linear optimization with "p" as the initial
# values of the parameters and then goes ahead with the iterations till the value
# of the likelihood function does not converge.
system.time(fit2 <- nlm(GarchLogLSimpl, p = rep(1,7), hessian = TRUE, data <- data.garch , iterlim = 500, print.level = 2 ))
# Squre root of the Diagonal of the inverse of the hessian matrix gives the standard
# errors of the estimates
system.time(fit3 <- nlm(GarchLogLSimpl2, p = rep(1,5), hessian = TRUE, data <- data.garch , iterlim = 500, print.level = 2 ))
system.time(fit4 <- nlm(GarchLogLSimpl3, p = rep(1,4), hessian = TRUE, y = data.garch , iterlim = 500, print.level = 2 ))
# Checking for remaining ARCH effect in the standardized shocks
aaa <- CalcResiduals(c(0, 5.9560857, 0.1524731, 0.8143006, 13.5448251, -12.2535545, 1.4845980,
0.2730385) , data = data.garch)
std.shock.1 <- aaa$et/(aaa$ht)^0.5
Box.test(std.shock.1, lag = 10, type = "Ljung-Box")
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