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Created January 4, 2012 11:52
Solution to problem 14 in Euler
shreyes <- function(temp) ## Cute function that returns the number of iterations that were preformed.
{ c <- 0
while(temp > 1)
{ if(temp%%2==0) temp <- temp/2 else temp <- 3*temp + 1
c <- c+1
largest <- 0
num <- 0
system.time(for(i in c(1:1000000))
iter <- shreyes(i) # Here we get the number of iterations for "i" and we do it for each number from 1 to 1 million
if(iter > largest) # If the number of iterations were greater than the previous largest number of iterations
{ # update the largest number of iterations and store the number in "num"
largest <- iter
num <- i
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