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Created February 8, 2012 23:19
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# Specifying functions:
CalcResiduals <- function(th, data) {
# Calculates the e_t and h_t for the GARCH(1, 1) model with given parameters.
# Argumentss:
# th: Parameters
# th[1] -> mean
# th[2] -> alpha.0
# th[3] -> alpha.1
# th[4] -> beta.1
# th[5] -> sigma.0
# th[6] -> beta.1(coefficient of NIFTY)
# th[7] -> beta.2(coefficient of INR/USD)
# th[8] -> beta.3(coefficient of MIBOR)
# data: The input data
# Returns: A list containing et and ht.
th[1] -> mean
th[2] -> alpha.0
th[3] -> alpha.1
th[4] -> beta.1
th[5] -> sigma.0
th[6] -> a
th[7] -> b
th[8] -> c
if(is.null(data$Niftychange) || is.null(data$Exchange.change) || is.null(data$mibor.change))
print("Some column not present")
# These are the residuals "y"
y <- data$Component1 - a*data$Niftychange - b*data$Exchange.change - c*data$mibor.change
n <- length(y)
sigma.sqs <- vector(length=n)
sigma.sqs[1] <- sigma.0 ^ 2
for(ii in c(1:(n-1))) { ## This loop is where the h_t are calculated
sigma.sqs[ii + 1] <- (
alpha.0 +
alpha.1 * (y[ii] - mean) ^ 2 +
beta.1 * sigma.sqs[ii])
return(list(et = y, ht = sigma.sqs)) # Returns the list of e_t and h_t
# This is the second function
GarchLogL <- function(th, data) {
# Calculates the Log-Likelihood of the GARCH(1, 1) model with given
# parameters. It is intended for use with nlm or other optimization
# routines to arrive at the best GARCH model. This can also be called for
# subsets of the data and then summed to arrive at other models.
# Args:
# th : This is a vector containing the parameters for the model:
# Returns:
# The negative conditional log likelihood of the model
res <- CalcResiduals(th, data) ## Recall our earlier function CalcResiduals()
sigma.sqs <- res$ht
y <- res$et
# Assuming normal density of the errors dnorm() gives the density of normal dist.
# this will return the negative of the log likelihood.
return (-sum(dnorm(y[-1], mean=th[1] , sd=sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]), log=TRUE)))
# Another function
GarchLogLSimpl <- function(th, y) { # Only setting the mean of the errors to 0
GarchLogL(c(0, th), y)
# This is the main program where we will call all our functions defined above.
# The nlm() function performs the non-linear optimization with "p" as the initial
# values of the parameters and then goes ahead with the iterations till the value
# of the likelihood function does not converge.
fit2 <- nlm(GarchLogLSimpl, # function call
p = rep(1,7), # initial values = 1 for all parameters
hessian = TRUE, # also return the hessian matrix
data <- data.garch , # data to be used
iterlim = 500) # maximum iterations
sqrt(diag(solve(fit2$hessian))) # standard errors
# Squre root of the Diagonal of the inverse of the hessian matrix gives the standard
# errors of the estimates
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asudipta commented Jan 6, 2015

Can you share the algorithm for the MLE of GARCH(1,1)?

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lydcon commented Mar 31, 2016

how do i retrieve the volatilites from the garch model coded and run.i.e i would like to spit the volatilities already run in the Garch Model

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