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Created May 27, 2021 17:50
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Save ShridharParameshwarBhat/9b507a05246c0eb05aaf005ef515f2f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to copy keys of VMs encrypted with ADE from source region to target region
### ---------------------------------------------------------------
### <script name=CopyKeys>
### <summary>
### This script copies the disk encryption keys and key encryption
### keys for Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) enabled VMs from the source
### region to disaster recovery (DR) region. Azure Site Recovery requires
### the keys to enable replication for these VMs to another region.
### </summary>
### <param name="AllowResourceMoverAccess">Switch parameter indicating if the MSI created by
### Azure Resource Mover for moving the selected VM resources need to be given access to the
### target BEK/KEK key vaults.</param>
### <param name="FilePath">Optional parameter defining the location of the output file.</param>
### ---------------------------------------------------------------
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage="Switch parameter indicating if the MSI created by Azure Resource Mover" + `
"for moving the selected VM resources need to be given access to the target " + `
"BEK/KEK key vaults.")]
[switch]$AllowResourceMoverAccess = $false,
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage="Location of the output file.")]
[string]$FilePath = $null)
### Checking for module versions and assemblies.
#Requires -Modules "Az.Compute"
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Az.KeyVault"; ModuleVersion="3.0.0" }
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Az.Accounts"; ModuleVersion="2.2.3" }
Set-StrictMode -Version 1.0
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
#region Logger
### <summary>
### Types of logs available.
### </summary>
Enum LogType
### <summary>
### Log type is error.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Log type is warning.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Log type is debug.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Log type is information.
### </summary>
INFO = 4
### <summary>
### Log type is output.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Class to log results.
### </summary>
class Logger
### <summary>
### Gets the output file name.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets the output file location.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets the output line width.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets the debug segment status.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets the debug output.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Initializes an instance of class OutLogger.
### </summary>
### <param name="name">Name of the file.</param>
### <param name="path">Local or absolute path to the file.</param>
$this.fileName = $name
$this.filePath = $path
$this.isDebugSegmentOpen = $false
$this.lineWidth = 80
### <summary>
### Gets the full file path.
### </summary>
[String] GetFullPath()
$path = $this.fileName + '.log'
if (-not (Test-Path $this.filePath))
Write-Warning "Invalid file path: $($this.filePath)"
return $path
if ($this.filePath[-1] -ne "\")
$this.filePath = $this.filePath + "\"
$path = $this.filePath + $path
return $path
### <summary>
### Gets the full file path.
### </summary>
### <param name="invocationInfo">Gets the invocation information.</param>
### <param name="message">Gets the message to be logged.</param>
### <param name="type">Gets the type of log.</param>
### <return>String containing the formatted message -
### Type: DateTime ScriptName Line [Method]: Message.</return>
[String] GetFormattedMessage(
[System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationInfo,
[LogType] $type)
$dateTime = Get-Date -uFormat "%d/%m/%Y %r"
$line = $type.ToString() + "`t`t: $dateTime "
$line +=
"$($invocationInfo.scriptName.split('\')[-1]):$($invocationInfo.scriptLineNumber) " + `
"[$($invocationInfo.invocationName)]: "
$line += $message
return $line
### <summary>
### Starts the debug segment.
### </summary>
[Void] StartDebugLog()
$script:DebugPreference = "Continue"
$this.isDebugSegmentOpen = $true
### <summary>
### Stops the debug segment.
### </summary>
[Void] StopDebugLog()
$script:DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$this.isDebugSegmentOpen = $false
### <summary>
### Gets the debug output and stores it in $DebugOutput.
### </summary>
### <param name="command">Command whose debug output needs to be redirected.</param>
### <return>Command modified to get the debug output to the success stream to be stored in
### a variable.</return>
[string] GetDebugOutput([string]$command)
if ($this.isDebugSegmentOpen)
return '$(' + $command + ') 5>&1'
return $command
### <summary>
### Redirects the debug output to the output file.
### </summary>
### <param name="invocationInfo">Gets the invocation information.</param>
### <param name="command">Gets the command whose debug output needs to be redirected.</param>
### <return>Command modified to redirect debug stream to the log file.</return>
[string] RedirectDebugOutput(
[System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationInfo,
if ($this.isDebugSegmentOpen)
"Debug output for command: $command`n",
return $command + " 5>> $($this.GetFullPath())"
return $command
### <summary>
### Appends a message to the output file.
### </summary>
### <param name="invocationInfo">Gets the invocation information.</param>
### <param name="message">Gets the message to be logged.</param>
### <param name="type">Gets the type of log.</param>
[Void] Log(
[System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationInfo,
[string] $message,
[LogType] $type)
if ([LogType]::OUTPUT -eq $type)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $message
Out-File -FilePath $($this.GetFullPath()) -InputObject $this.GetFormattedMessage(
$type) -Append -NoClobber -Width $this.lineWidth
### <summary>
### Appends an object to the output file.
### </summary>
### <param name="invocationInfo">Gets the invocation information.</param>
### <param name="object">Gets the object to be logged.</param>
### <param name="message">Gets the message to be logged.</param>
### <param name="type">Gets the type of log.</param>
[Void] LogObject(
[System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationInfo,
[string] $message,
[LogType] $type)
Out-File -FilePath $($this.GetFullPath()) -InputObject $this.GetFormattedMessage(
$type) -Append -NoClobber -Width $this.lineWidth
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($message))
$this.Log($invocationInfo, $message, $type)
Out-File -FilePath $($this.GetFullPath()) -InputObject `
$(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $object) -Append -NoClobber
#region Source
### <summary>
### Class for the source machines.
### </summary>
class Source
### <summary>
### Gets VM source name.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets name of disks.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets disk encryption key information.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Gets key encryption key information.
### </summary>
### <summary>
### Initializes an instance of Source.
### </summary>
### <param name="Name">Gets the source name.</param>
Source([String]$Name, [String]$DiskName)
$this.Name = $Name
$this.DiskName = $DiskName
#region Constants
class ConstantStrings
static [string] $adeExtensionPrefix = "azurediskencryption"
static [string] $apiVersion = "api-version"
static [string] $asrSuffix = "-asr"
static [string] $authHeader = "authorization"
static [string] $contentType = "application/json"
static [string] $httpGet = "GET"
static [string] $httpPost = "POST"
static [int] $keyVaultNameMaxLength = 24
static [string] $loadingBEK = "Loading target BEK vault"
static [string] $loadingKEK = "Loading target KEK vault"
static [string] $loadingRG = "Loading resource groups"
static [string] $moveResourceType = "moveresources"
static [string] $newPrefix = "(new)"
static [string] $noAdeVmInResourceGroup = "Selected resource group does `nnot contain any " + `
"encrypted VMs."
static [string] $notApplicable = "Not Applicable"
static [string] $providers = "providers"
static [string] $resourceGroups = "resourceGroups"
static [string] $resourceLinks = "links"
static [string] $resourceLinksApiVersion = "2016-09-01"
static [string] $resourcesProvider = "Microsoft.Resources"
static [string] $scopes = "scopes"
static [string] $subscriptions = "subscriptions"
static [string] $tokenType = "Bearer"
static [string] $vmType = "virtualmachines"
#Region Errors
### <summary>
### Class to maintain all the errors.
### </summary>
class Errors
### <summary>
### Encryption information missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="vmName">Virtual machine name.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] EncryptionInfoMissing([string] $vmName)
return "Virtual machine $vmName encrypted but encryption settings details missing."
### <summary>
### Disk encryption information missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="vmName">Virtual machine name.</param>
### <param name="diskName">Disk name.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] DiskEncryptionInfoMissing([string] $vmName, [string] $diskName)
return "Virtual machine $vmName encrypted but disk encryption " + `
"settings missing for disk - $diskName."
### <summary>
### Secret encryption failed.
### </summary>
### <param name="message">Error message.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] SecretEncryptionFailed([string] $message)
return "Secret encryption failed with error - `n$message."
### <summary>
### Secret decryption failed.
### </summary>
### <param name="message">Error message.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] SecretDecryptionFailed([string] $message)
return "Secret decryption failed with error - `n$message."
### <summary>
### Access policy permissions missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="type">Resource type.</param>
### <param name="keyVaultName">Key vault name.</param>
### <param name="permissionsRequired">Permissions required for copy keys.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] MissingPermissions(
[string] $type,
[string] $keyVaultName,
[string[]] $permissionsRequired)
return "You do not have sufficient permissions to access '$type' in the key vault " + `
"$keyVaultName. You need $($permissionsRequired -join ',') for key vault '$type'."
### <summary>
### User access policy missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="userId">User id.</param>
### <param name="keyVaultName">Key vault name.</param>
### <param name="allowedObjectIds">Allowed object ids.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] UserMissingAccess(
[string] $userId,
[string] $keyVaultName,
[string[]] $allowedObjectIds)
return "User with user id: $userId does not have access to the key vault " + `
"$keyVaultName. Permitted object ids include - $($allowedObjectIds -join ',')."
### <summary>
### Key missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="keyName">Key name.</param>
### <param name="keyVersion">Key version.</param>
### <param name="keyVaultName">Key vault name.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] KeyMissing([string] $keyName, [string] $keyVersion, [string] $keyVaultName)
return "Key with name: $keyName and version: $keyVersion could not be found in key " + `
"vault $keyVaultName."
### <summary>
### Subscriptions missing.
### </summary>
### <param name="tenantId">Tenant Id.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] NoSubscriptionsFound([string] $tenantId)
return "No subscriptions could be found under tenant '$tenantId'. Verify that there " + `
"are subscriptions and you're logged in correctly."
### <summary>
### ARM call failed.
### </summary>
### <param name="exceptionStr">Exception as string.</param>
### <param name="requestStr">Request as string.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] ArmCallFailed([string] $exceptionStr, [string] $requestStr)
return "ARM call failed with the following error:`n$exceptionStr" + `
"`nThe request information:`n$requestStr."
### <summary>
### Api version missing.
### </summary>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] ApiVersionMissing()
return "API version related information is missing."
### <summary>
### URL tokens missing.
### </summary>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] UrlTokensMissing()
return "Tokens for URL construction are missing."
### <summary>
### Invalid ARM id input.
### </summary>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] InvalidArmIdInput()
return "The resource ARM id input is invalid."
### <summary>
### Invalid label token input.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <param name="tokenCount">Count of tokens.</param>
### <return>Error string.</return>
static [string] InvalidLabelTokenInput(
[string] $armId,
[int] $tokenCount)
return "Labelled tokens cannot be created for ARM id - '$armId', as the token count " +
"($tokenCount) is odd."
#region UI
### <summary>
### Displays messages when cursor hovers over UI objects.
### </summary>
function Show-Help
$InfoToolTip.SetToolTip($this, $this.Tag)
### <summary>
### Gets list of resource groups for selected subscription and populates dropdown.
### </summary>
function Get-ResourceGroups
$SubscriptionName = $this.SelectedItem.ToString()
if ($SubscriptionName)
$LoadingLabel.Text = [ConstantStrings]::loadingRG
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
$ResourceProvider = Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute
# Locations taken from resource type: availabilitySets instead of resource type: Virtual machines,
# just to stay in parallel with the Portal.
$Locations = ($ResourceProvider[0].Locations) | ForEach-Object {
$_.Split(' ').tolower() -join ''} | Sort-Object
$ResourceGroupLabel = $FormElements["ResourceGroupLabel"]
$ResourceGroupDropDown = $FormElements["ResourceGroupDropDown"]
$VmListBox = $FormElements["VmListBox"]
$LocationDropDown = $FormElements["LocationDropDown"]
$ResourceGroupLabel.Enabled = $true
$ResourceGroupDropDown.Enabled = $true
$ResourceGroupDropDown.Text = [string]::Empty
[array]$ResourceGroupArray = (Get-AzResourceGroup).ResourceGroupName | Sort-Object
foreach ($Item in $ResourceGroupArray)
$SuppressOutput = $ResourceGroupDropDown.Items.Add($Item)
$Longest = ($ResourceGroupArray | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$ResourceGroupDropDown.DropDownWidth = ([System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
$ResourceGroupDropDown.Font).Width, $ResourceGroupDropDown.Width | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
foreach ($Item in $Locations)
$SuppressOutput = $LocationDropDown.Items.Add($Item)
$Longest = ($Locations | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$LocationDropDown.DropDownWidth = ([System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
$LocationDropDown.Font).Width, $LocationDropDown.Width | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
for ($Index = 4; $Index -lt $FormElementsList.Count; $Index++)
$FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Enabled = $false
$LoadingLabel.Text = [string]::Empty
### <summary>
### Gets list of VMs for selected resource group and populates checklist.
### </summary>
function Get-VirtualMachines
$ResourceGroupName = $this.SelectedItem.ToString()
if ($ResourceGroupName)
$LoadingLabel.Text = [string]::Empty
$VmListBox = $FormElements["VmListBox"]
$FormElements["VmLabel"].Enabled = $true
$FormElements["LocationLabel"].Enabled = $true
$VmListBox.Enabled = $true
$LocationDropDown.Enabled = $true
$LocationDropDown.Text = [string]::Empty
$VmList = (Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName) | Sort-Object Name
foreach ($Item in $VmList)
if (($null -ne $Item.Extensions) -and
($Item.Extensions.Id | ForEach-Object { `
$_.split('/')[-1].tolower().contains( `
[ConstantStrings]::adeExtensionPrefix)}) -contains $true)
$SuppressOutput = $VmListBox.Items.Add($Item.Name)
if($VmList -and ($VmListBox.Items.Count -gt 0))
$Longest = ($VmList.Name | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$Size = [System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
if ($Size -gt $VmListBox.Width)
$VmListBox.Width = $Size + 30
$UserInputForm.Width = $Size + 60
$LoadingLabel.Text = [ConstantStrings]::noAdeVmInResourceGroup
for ($Index = 8; $Index -lt $FormElementsList.Count; $Index++)
$FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Enabled = $false
### <summary>
### Disable and clears remaining options when VM list modified.
### </summary>
function Disable-RestOfOptions
$FormElements["LocationDropDown"].Text = [string]::Empty
$FormElements["BekDropDown"].Text = [string]::Empty
$FormElements["KekDropDown"].Text = [string]::Empty
for ($Index = 8; $Index -lt $FormElementsList.Count; $Index++)
if ($FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Text -ne [ConstantStrings]::notApplicable)
$FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Enabled = $false
### <summary>
### Gets list of target key vaults for KEK and BEK for selected VM(s) and populates dropdown.
### </summary>
function Get-KeyVaults
$LocationName = $this.SelectedItem.ToString()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LocationName))
$BekDropDown = $FormElements["BekDropDown"]
$KekDropDown = $FormElements["KekDropDown"]
$ResourceGroupDropDown = $FormElements["ResourceGroupDropDown"]
$VmSelected = $FormElements["VmListBox"].CheckedItems
$FailCount = 0
if ($VmSelected)
$LoadingLabel.Text = [ConstantStrings]::loadingBEK
$Bek = $Kek = [string]::Empty
$Index = 0
while ((-not $Kek) -and ($Index -lt $VmSelected.Count))
$Vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName `
$ResourceGroupDropDown.SelectedItem.ToString() -Name $VmSelected[$Index]
if (($null -eq $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings) -or `
(-not $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.Enabled))
$Vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName `
$ResourceGroupDropDown.SelectedItem.ToString() -Name $VmSelected[$Index] -Status
$Disks = $Vm.Disks
$IsNotEncrypted = $true
foreach ($Disk in $Disks)
if ($null -ne $Disk.EncryptionSettings)
$IsNotEncrypted = $false
$Bek = $Disk.EncryptionSettings[0].DiskEncryptionKey
$Kek = $Disk.EncryptionSettings[0].KeyEncryptionKey
throw [Errors]::EncryptionInfoMissing($vm.Name)
$Bek = $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.DiskEncryptionKey
$Kek = $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.KeyEncryptionKey
if (-not $Bek)
$BekDropDown.Text = [ConstantStrings]::notApplicable
$BekDropDown.Enabled = $false
$FailCount += 1
$BekKeyVaultName = $Bek.SourceVault.Id.Split('/')[-1] + $LocationName
if ($BekKeyVaultName.Length -ge [ConstantStrings]::keyVaultNameMaxLength)
$allowedLength = [ConstantStrings]::keyVaultNameMaxLength - $LocationName.Length
$BekKeyVaultName =
($Bek.SourceVault.Id.Split('/')[-1]).Substring(0, $allowedLength) + `
$BekKeyVault = Get-AzResource -Name $BekKeyVaultName
if (-not $BekKeyVault)
$BekKeyVaultName = [ConstantStrings]::newPrefix + $BekKeyVaultName
$BekDropDown.Text = $BekKeyVaultName
$LoadingLabel.Text = [ConstantStrings]::loadingKEK
if (-not $Kek)
$KekDropDown.Text = [ConstantStrings]::notApplicable
$KekDropDown.Enabled = $false
$FailCount += 1
$KekKeyVaultName = $Kek.SourceVault.Id.Split('/')[-1] + $LocationName
if ($KekKeyVaultName.Length -ge [ConstantStrings]::keyVaultNameMaxLength)
$allowedLength = [ConstantStrings]::keyVaultNameMaxLength - $LocationName.Length
$KekKeyVaultName =
($Kek.SourceVault.Id.Split('/')[-1]).Substring(0, $allowedLength) + `
$KekKeyVault = Get-AzResource -Name $KekKeyVaultName
if (-not $KekKeyVault)
$KekKeyVaultName = [ConstantStrings]::newPrefix + $KekKeyVaultName
$KekDropDown.Text = $KekKeyVaultName
if ($FailCount -lt 2)
if ($BekDropDown.Items.Count -le 1)
$KeyVaultList = (Get-AzKeyVault | Where-Object { `
$_.Location -like $LocationName}).VaultName | Sort-Object
foreach ($Item in $KeyVaultList)
$SuppressOutput = $BekDropDown.Items.Add($Item)
$SuppressOutput = $KekDropDown.Items.Add($Item)
$Longest = ($KeyVaultList + $BekKeyVaultName | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$BekDropDown.DropDownWidth = ([System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
$BekDropDown.Font).Width, $BekDropDown.Width | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
$Longest = ($KeyVaultList + $KekKeyVaultName | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$KekDropDown.DropDownWidth = ([System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
$KekDropDown.Font).Width, $KekDropDown.Width | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
for ($Index = 8; $Index -lt $FormElementsList.Count; $Index++)
if ($FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Text -ne [ConstantStrings]::notApplicable)
$FormElements[$FormElementsList[$Index]].Enabled = $true
$LoadingLabel.Text = [string]::Empty
### <summary>
### Gets list of all options selected on submission and closes the form.
### </summary>
function Get-AllSelections
$UserInputs["ResourceGroupName"] = $FormElements["ResourceGroupDropDown"].SelectedItem.ToString()
$UserInputs["VmNameArray"] = $FormElements["VmListBox"].CheckedItems
$UserInputs["TargetLocation"] = $FormElements["LocationDropDown"].SelectedItem.ToString()
$BekKeyVault = $FormElements["BekDropDown"].Text.Split(')')
$UserInputs["TargetBekVault"] = $BekKeyVault[$BekKeyVault.Count - 1]
$KekKeyVault = $FormElements["KekDropDown"].Text.Split(')')
$UserInputs["TargetKekVault"] = $KekKeyVault[$KekKeyVault.Count - 1]
### <summary>
### Applies the formatting common to all UI objects.
### </summary>
### <param name="UiObject">UI object to be formatted.</param>
### <param name="Formattings">Custom formatting values.</param>
function Add-CommonFormatting(
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $Formattings)
$UiObject.Enabled = $false
$UiObject.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, 10"
$UiObject.ForeColor = "#5c7290"
$UiObject.width = $Formattings["width"] * $WidthRatio
$UiObject.height = $Formattings["height"] * $HeightRatio
$UiObject.location =
New-Object System.Drawing.Point(
$($Formattings["location"][0] * $WidthRatio),
$($Formattings["location"][1] * $HeightRatio))
### <summary>
### Generates the graphical user interface to get all inputs.
### </summary>
function Generate-UserInterface
$Size = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize
$WidthRatio = [Convert]::ToInt32($Size.Width/1620)
$HeightRatio = [Convert]::ToInt32($Size.Height/1080)
$UserInputForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$SubscriptionLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$SubscriptionDropDown = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$ResourceGroupLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$ResourceGroupDropDown = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$VmLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$VmListBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox
$LocationLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$LocationDropDown = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$BekLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$BekDropDown = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$KekLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$KekDropDown = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$LoadingLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$SelectButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$InfoToolTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip
$FormElementsList = @("SubscriptionLabel", "SubscriptionDropDown", "ResourceGroupLabel", `
"ResourceGroupDropDown", "VmLabel", "VmListBox", "LocationLabel", "LocationDropDown", `
"BekLabel", "BekDropDown", "KekLabel", "KekDropDown", "SelectButton")
$FormElements = @{"SubscriptionLabel" = $SubscriptionLabel;` "SubscriptionDropDown" = `
$SubscriptionDropDown; "ResourceGroupLabel" = $ResourceGroupLabel; "ResourceGroupDropDown" = `
$ResourceGroupDropDown;` "VmLabel" = $VmLabel; "VmListBox" = $VmListBox; "LocationLabel" = `
$LocationLabel; "LocationDropDown" = $LocationDropDown; "BekLabel" = $BekLabel; "BekDropDown" = `
$BekDropDown; "KekLabel" = $KekLabel; "KekDropDown" = $KekDropDown; "SelectButton" = $SelectButton}
# Applying formatting to various UI objects
$UserInputForm.ClientSize = "$(445*$WidthRatio), $(620*$HeightRatio)"
$UserInputForm.text = "User Inputs"
$UserInputForm.BackColor = "#ffffff"
$UserInputForm.TopMost = $false
$UserInputForm.AutoScaleMode = 'Font'
$SubscriptionLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 90); "width"=88; "height"=30}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $SubscriptionLabel -Formattings $SubscriptionLabelFormatting
$SubscriptionLabel.text = "Subscription"
$SubscriptionLabel.AutoSize = $true
$SubscriptionLabel.Enabled = $true
$SubscriptionLabel.Tag = "Specify the Azure subscription ID."
$SubscriptionDropDownFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 121); "width"=424; "height"=66}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $SubscriptionDropDown -Formattings `
$SubscriptionDropDown.Enabled = $true
$SubscriptionDropDown.DropDownHeight = 150 * $HeightRatio
$SubscriptionDropDown.AutoSize = $true
$SubscriptionDropDown.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$ResourceGroupDropDownFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 189); "width"=424; "height"=60}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $ResourceGroupDropDown -Formattings `
$ResourceGroupDropDown.DropDownHeight = 150 * $HeightRatio
$ResourceGroupDropDown.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$ResourceGroupLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 163); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $ResourceGroupLabel -Formattings $ResourceGroupLabelFormatting
$ResourceGroupLabel.text = "Resource Group"
$ResourceGroupLabel.AutoSize = $true
$ResourceGroupLabel.Tag = "Specify the source resource group containing the virtual machines."
$VmListBoxFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 255); "width"=424; "height"=95}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $VmListBox -Formattings $VmListBoxFormatting
$VmListBox.CheckOnClick = $true
$VmListBox.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$VmLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 233); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $VmLabel -Formattings $VmLabelFormatting
$VmLabel.text = "Choose virtual machine(s)"
$VmLabel.AutoSize = $true
$VmLabel.Tag = "Select the virtual machines whose Disk Encryption Keys need to be copied to DR location."
$BekDropDownFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 445); "width"=424; "height"=30}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $BekDropDown -Formattings $BekDropDownFormatting
$BekDropDown.DropDownHeight = 150 * $HeightRatio
$BekDropDown.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$BekLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 420); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $BekLabel -Formattings $BekLabelFormatting
$BekLabel.text = "Target Disk Encryption Key vault"
$BekLabel.AutoSize = $true
$BekLabel.Tag = "Specify the target disk encryption key vault in DR region where the keys will be copied to."
$KekDropDownFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 506); "width"=424; "height"=30}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $KekDropDown -Formattings $KekDropDownFormatting
$KekDropDown.DropDownHeight = 150 * $HeightRatio
$KekDropDown.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$KekLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 480); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $KekLabel -Formattings $KekLabelFormatting
$KekLabel.text = "Target Key Encryption Key vault"
$KekLabel.AutoSize = $true
$KekLabel.Tag = "Specify the target key encryption key vault in DR region where the keys will be copied to."
$LocationDropDownFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 386); "width"=424; "height"=20}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $LocationDropDown -Formattings $LocationDropDownFormatting
$LocationDropDown.DropDownHeight = 150 * $HeightRatio
$LocationDropDown.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $(10 * $HeightRatio)"
$LocationLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(10, 360); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $LocationLabel -Formattings $LocationLabelFormatting
$LocationLabel.text = "Target Location"
$LocationLabel.AutoSize = $true
$LocationLabel.Tag = "Select the Disaster Recovery (DR) location."
$LoadingLabelFormatting = @{"location"=@(150, 535); "width"=25; "height"=10}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $LoadingLabel -Formattings $LoadingLabelFormatting
$LoadingLabel.text = ""
$LoadingLabel.AutoSize = $true
$LoadingLabel.Enabled = $true
$SelectButtonFormatting = @{"location"=@(184, 580); "width"=75; "height"=30}
Add-CommonFormatting -UiObject $SelectButton -Formattings $SelectButtonFormatting
$SelectButton.BackColor = "#eeeeee"
$SelectButton.text = "Select"
$MsLogo = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$MsLogo.width = 140 * $WidthRatio
$MsLogo.height = 80 * $HeightRatio
$MsLogo.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($(150 * $WidthRatio), $(10 * $HeightRatio))
$MsLogo.imageLocation = ""
$MsLogo.SizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode]::zoom
# Populating the subscription dropdown and launching the form
$Subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
if ($null -eq $Subscriptions -or 1 -gt $Subscriptions.Count)
throw [Errors]::NoSubscriptionsFound((Get-AzContext).Tenant.Id)
[array]$SubscriptionArray = ($Subscriptions.Name | Sort-Object)
foreach ($Item in $SubscriptionArray)
$SuppressOutput = $SubscriptionDropDown.Items.Add($Item)
$Longest = ($SubscriptionArray | Sort-Object Length -Descending)[0]
$SubscriptionDropDown.DropDownWidth = ([System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer]::MeasureText($Longest, `
$SubscriptionDropDown.Font).Width, $SubscriptionDropDown.Width | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
$UserInputForm.controls.AddRange($FormElements.Values + $LoadingLabel)
### <summary>
### Encrypts the secret based on the key provided.
### </summary>
### <param name="DecryptedValue">Decrypted secret value.</param>
### <param name="EncryptedAlgorithm">Name of the encryption algorithm used.</param>
### <param name="AccessToken">Access token for the key vault.</param>
### <param name="KeyId">Id of the key to be used for encryption.</param>
function Encrypt-Secret(
$Body = @{
'value' = $DecryptedValue
'alg' = $EncryptedAlgorithm}
$BodyJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body
$Params = @{
ContentType = [ConstantStrings]::contentType
Headers = @{
[ConstantStrings]::authHeader = [ConstantStrings]::tokenType + " " + $AccessToken }
Method = [ConstantStrings]::httpPost
URI = "$KeyId" + '/encrypt?api-version=7.1'
Body = $BodyJson}
"Starting REST call - " + $Params.URI,
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
$errorStr = Out-String -InputObject $PSItem
Write-Verbose "`nEncrypt failure: `n$errorStr"
throw [Errors]::SecretEncryptionFailed($errorStr)
Write-Verbose "`nEncrypt request: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Params)"
Write-Verbose "`nEncrypt resonse: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Response)"
return $Response
### <summary>
### Decrypts the secret based on the key provided.
### </summary>
### <param name="EncryptedValue">Encrypted secret value.</param>
### <param name="EncryptedAlgorithm">Name of the encryption algorithm used.</param>
### <param name="AccessToken">Access token for the key vault.</param>
### <param name="KeyId">Id of the key to be used for decryption.</param>
function Decrypt-Secret(
$Body = @{
'value' = $EncryptedValue
'alg' = $EncryptedAlgorithm}
$BodyJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body
$Params = @{
ContentType = [ConstantStrings]::contentType
Headers = @{
[ConstantStrings]::authHeader = [ConstantStrings]::tokenType + " " + $AccessToken }
Method = [ConstantStrings]::httpPost
URI = "$KeyId" + '/decrypt?api-version=7.1'
Body = $BodyJson}
"Starting REST call - " + $Params.URI,
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
$errorStr = Out-String -InputObject $PSItem
Write-Verbose "`nDecrypt failure: `n$errorStr"
throw [Errors]::SecretDecryptionFailed($errorStr)
Write-Verbose "`nDecrypt request: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Params)"
Write-Verbose "`nDecrypt resonse: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Response)"
return $Response
#Region Utilities
### <summary>
### Extracts the labelled tokens from the ARM id.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <returns>Labelled tokens in lowercase.</returns>
function Extract-LabelledTokensFromId([string] $armId)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($armId))
throw [Errors]::InvalidArmIdInput()
$tokens = $armId.ToLower().Trim('/').Split('/')
if (($tokens.Count % 2) -ne 0)
throw [Errors]::InvalidLabelTokenInput($armId.ToLower().Trim('/'), $tokens.Count)
$labelledTokens = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::New()
for ($index=0; $index -lt $tokens.Count; $index += 2)
$labelledTokens.Add($tokens[$index], $tokens[$index + 1])
return $labelledTokens
### <summary>
### Extracts the resource name from ARM id.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <returns>Resource name.</returns>
function Extract-ParentResourceNameFromId([string] $armId)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($armId))
throw [Errors]::InvalidArmIdInput()
$tokens = $armId.Trim('/').Split('/')
if ($tokens.Count -lt 9)
throw [Errors]::InvalidArmIdInput()
return $tokens[-3]
### <summary>
### Extracts the resource group from ARM id.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <returns>Resource group name.</returns>
function Extract-ResourceGroupFromId([string] $armId)
$tokens = Extract-LabelledTokensFromId -ArmId $armId
return $tokens[[ConstantStrings]::resourceGroups.ToLower()]
### <summary>
### Extracts the resource name from ARM id.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <returns>Resource name.</returns>
function Extract-ResourceNameFromId([string] $armId)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($armId))
throw [Errors]::InvalidArmIdInput()
$tokens = $armId.Trim('/').Split('/')
return $tokens[-1]
### <summary>
### Extracts the resource type from ARM id.
### </summary>
### <param name="armId">Resource ARM id.</param>
### <returns>Resource name.</returns>
function Extract-ResourceTypeFromId([string] $armId)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($armId))
throw [Errors]::InvalidArmIdInput()
$tokens = $armId.Trim('/').Split('/')
return $tokens[-2]
### <summary>
### Forms the url string from the tokens passed.
### </summary>
### <param name="apiVersion">Api version.</param>
### <param name="tokens">Url string tokens.</param>
### <returns>Url string.</returns>
function Get-UrlString([string] $apiVersion, [string[]]$tokens)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiVersion))
throw [Errors]::ApiVersionMissing()
if ($null -eq $tokens)
throw [Errors]::UrlTokensMissing()
$context = Get-AzContext
$url = ($context.Environment.ResourceManagerUrl).TrimEnd('/') + '/'
$url += $tokens.Trim('/') -Join '/'
$url = $url.Trim('/')
$url += '?' + [ConstantStrings]::apiVersion + '=' + $apiVersion
return $url
#Region REST
### <summary>
### Invokes ARM call in a uniform manner.
### </summary>
### <param name="parameters">REST call parameters.</param>
### <returns>Response.</returns>
function Invoke-ArmCall($parameters)
$response = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters
throw [Errors]::ArmCallFailed(
$(Out-String -InputObject $PSItem),
$(Out-String -InputObject $parameters))
Write-Verbose "`nRequest: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Params)"
Write-Verbose "`nResonse: `n$(Out-String -InputObject $Response)"
return $response
### <summary>
### Gets the resource links at resource group scope.
### </summary>
### <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name.</param>
### <param name="filterBySourceType">Type to filter resource link sources by.</param>
### <param name="filterByTargetType">Type to filter resource link targets by.</param>
### <returns>List of resource link source id to target id mappings.</returns>
function Get-ResourceLinks(
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[string] $filterBySourceType,
[string] $filterByTargetType)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Fetching resource links under '$resourceGroupName'" `
"resource group..."
$context = Get-AzContext
$token = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName Arm
$url = Get-UrlString -ApiVersion $([ConstantStrings]::resourceLinksApiVersion) -Tokens `
$params = @{
ContentType = [ConstantStrings]::contentType
Headers = @{
[ConstantStrings]::authHeader = "Bearer $($token.Token)"}
Method = [ConstantStrings]::httpGet
URI = $url
$response = Invoke-ArmCall -Parameters $params
if ($null -eq $response)
return $null
$properties = $
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filterBySourceType))
$properties = $properties | `
Where-Object {
$(Extract-ResourceTypeFromId -ArmId $_.SourceId) -like $filterBySourceType
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filterByTargetType))
$properties = $properties | `
Where-Object {
$(Extract-ResourceTypeFromId -ArmId $_.TargetId) -like $filterByTargetType
return $properties
### <summary>
### Gets a list of source information objects from list of VM names.
### </summary>
### <param name="VmArray">Gets the list of VM names.</param>
### <param name="SourceResourceGroupName">Gets the source resource group name.</param>
### <return>List of source information objects.</return>
function New-Sources {
param (
[string[]] $VmArray,
[string] $SourceResourceGroupName
$SourceList = @()
foreach($VmName in $VmArray)
$Vm = Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $SourceResourceGroupName -Name $VmName
if (($null -eq $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings) -or `
(-not $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.Enabled))
"VM - $($Vm.Name), is One-Pass Encrypted.",
$Vm = Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $SourceResourceGroupName -Name $VmName -Status
$Disks = $Vm.Disks
for($i=0; $i -lt $Disks.Count; $i++)
$Disk = $Disks[$i]
$Source = [Source]::new($VmName, $Disk.Name)
if($null -ne $Disks[$i].EncryptionSettings)
$Source.Bek = $Disk.EncryptionSettings[0].DiskEncryptionKey
$Source.Kek = $Disk.EncryptionSettings[0].KeyEncryptionKey
$SourceList += $Source
"Virtual machine $VmName encrypted but disk ($($Disk.Name)) not encrypted.",
Write-Host "`n"
"VM - $($Vm.Name), is Two-Pass Encrypted.",
# Passing null string inorder to differentiate between 1-pass and 2-pass from the logs
$Source = [Source]::new($VmName, "")
$Source.Bek = $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.DiskEncryptionKey
$Source.Kek = $Vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.EncryptionSettings.KeyEncryptionKey
$SourceList += $Source
return $SourceList
### <summary>
### Copies all access policies from source to newly created target key vault.
### </summary>
### <param name="TargetKeyVaultName">Name of the target key vault.</param>
### <param name="TargetResourceGroupName">Name of the target resource group.</param>
### <param name="SourceKeyVaultName">Name of the source key vault.</param>
### <param name="SourceAccessPolicies">List of the source access policies to be copied.</param>
function Copy-AccessPolicies(
$Index = 0
foreach ($AccessPolicy in $SourceAccessPolicies)
$SetPolicyCommand = "Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $TargetKeyVaultName" + `
" -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroupName -ObjectId $($AccessPolicy.ObjectId)" + ' '
if ($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Keys)
$AddKeys = " -PermissionsToKeys $($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Keys -join ',')"
$SetPolicyCommand += $AddKeys
if ($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Secrets)
$AddSecrets = " -PermissionsToSecrets $($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Secrets -join ',')"
$SetPolicyCommand += $AddSecrets
if ($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Certificates)
$AddCertificates = " -PermissionsToCertificates $($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Certificates -join ',')"
$SetPolicyCommand += $AddCertificates
if ($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Storage)
$AddStorage = " -PermissionsToStorage $($AccessPolicy.Permissions.Storage -join ',')"
$SetPolicyCommand += $AddStorage
Invoke-Expression -Command $SetPolicyCommand
$WarningString = "Unable to copy access policy for Object Id: $($AccessPolicy.ObjectId) because " + `
"of the following issue:`n $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
Write-Warning $WarningString
"Unable to copy access policy for Object Id: $($AccessPolicy.ObjectId)",
Write-Progress -Activity "Copying access policies from $SourceKeyVaultName to $TargetKeyVaultName" `
-Status "Access Policy $Index of $($SourceAccessPolicies.Count)" `
-PercentComplete ($Index / $SourceAccessPolicies.Count * 100)
### <summary>
### Compares the key vault permissions with minimum required.
### </summary>
### <param name="ResourceObject"Switch to check if access policies list obtained from resource object.</param>
### <param name="KeyVaultName">Name of the key vault which is to be checked.</param>
### <param name="PermissionsRequired">List of minimum permissions required.</param>
### <param name="AccessPolicies">List of the key vault's access policies.</param>
function Compare-Permissions(
[switch] $ResourceObject,
[string] $KeyVaultName,
[string[]] $PermissionsRequired,
$PermissionsType = 'keys'
foreach ($Policy in $AccessPolicies)
if ($Policy.ObjectId -eq $UserId)
"Access policy for $UserId",
$Permissions = $Policy.Permissions.Keys
$Permissions = $Policy.Permissions.Secrets
$PermissionsType = "secrets"
$Permissions = $Permissions | ForEach-Object{$_.ToLower()}
if (-not $Permissions -or (($PermissionsRequired | ForEach-Object { $Permissions.Contains($_)}) -contains $false))
throw [Errors]::MissingPermissions(
$Permissions = $Policy.PermissionsToKeys
$Permissions = $Policy.PermissionsToSecrets
$PermissionsType = "secrets"
$Permissions = $Permissions | ForEach-Object{$_.ToLower()}
if (-not $Permissions -or (($PermissionsRequired | ForEach-Object { $Permissions.Contains($_)}) -contains $false))
throw [Errors]::MissingPermissions(
throw [Errors]::UserMissingAccess($UserId, $KeyVaultName, $AccessPolicies.ObjectId)
### <summary>
### Conducts few prerequisite steps checking permissions and existence of the target key vaults.
### </summary>
### <param name="Secret">Whether the prerequisite check is happening for secrets.</param>
### <param name="EncryptionKey">Disk or key encryption key whose key vault needs to be checked.</param>
### <param name="TargetKeyVaultName">Name of the target key vault.</param>
### <param name="TargetPermissions">Minimum permissions required for keys and secrets in target key vault.</param>
### <param name="IsKeyVaultNew">Bool reference to whether a new target vault is created or not.</param>
function Conduct-TargetKeyVaultPreReq(
[switch] $Secret,
$TargetKeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $TargetKeyVaultName
# Target key vault does not exist
$TargetKeyVault = $null
"Target Key Vault - $TargetKeyVaultName, doesn't exist.",
if (-not $TargetKeyVault)
$IsKeyVaultNew.Value = $true
"Creating key vault $TargetKeyVaultName",
$KeyVaultResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $EncryptionKey.SourceVault.Id
$TargetResourceGroupName = "$($KeyVaultResource.ResourceGroupName)" + "-asr"
$TargetResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $TargetResourceGroupName
# Target resource group does not exist
$TargetResourceGroup = $null
"Target RG - $TargetResourceGroupName, doesn't exist.",
if (-not $TargetResourceGroup)
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $TargetResourceGroupName -Location $TargetLocation
$SuppressOutput = New-AzKeyVault -VaultName $TargetKeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName `
$TargetResourceGroupName -Location $TargetLocation `
-EnabledForDeployment:$KeyVaultResource.Properties.EnabledForDeployment `
-EnabledForTemplateDeployment:$KeyVaultResource.Properties.EnabledForTemplateDeployment `
-EnabledForDiskEncryption:$KeyVaultResource.Properties.EnabledForDiskEncryption `
-Sku $ -Tag $KeyVaultResource.Tags
# Check only when existing BEK key vault or existing KEK key vault different from secret key vault.
if($Secret -or (-not $IsBekKeyVaultNew) -or ($TargetBekVault -ne $TargetKeyVaultName))
# Checking whether user has required permissions to the Target Key vault
Compare-Permissions -KeyVaultName $TargetKeyVault.VaultName -PermissionsRequired $TargetPermissions `
-AccessPolicies $TargetKeyVault.AccessPolicies
### <summary>
### Conducts few prerequisite steps checking permissions of source key vault.
### </summary>
### <param name="Secret">Whether the prerequisite check is happening for secrets.</param>
### <param name="EncryptionKey">Disk or key encryption key whose key vault needs to be checked.</param>
### <param name="SourcePermissions">Minimum permissions required for keys and secrets in source key vault.</param>
### <return name="KeyVaultResource">Source key vault object associated with the encryption key</return>
function Conduct-SourceKeyVaultPreReq(
[switch] $Secret,
$KeyVaultResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $EncryptionKey.SourceVault.Id
# Checking whether user has required permissions to the Source Key vault
Compare-Permissions -KeyVaultName $KeyVaultResource.Name -PermissionsRequired $SourcePermissions `
-AccessPolicies $KeyVaultResource.Properties.AccessPolicies -ResourceObject
return $KeyVaultResource
### <summary>
### Create a secret in the target key vault.
### </summary>
### <param name="Secret">Value of the secret text.</param>
### <param name="ContentType">Type of secret to be created - Wrapped BEK or BEK.</param>
function Create-Secret(
$SecureSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString $Secret -AsPlainText -Force
$OutputSecret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $TargetBekVault -Name $BekSecret.Name -SecretValue `
$SecureSecret -tags $BekTags -ContentType $ContentType
"Copying 'Disk Encryption Key' for '$SourceName'.",
"TargetBEKVault: $TargetBekVault",
"TargetBEKId: $($OutputSecret.Id)",
### <summary>
### Create a secret in the target key vault.
### </summary>
### <param name="MoveCollection">Move collection.</param>
### <param name="TargetBekVaultName">Target BEK vault name.</param>
### <param name="TargetKekVaultName">Target BEK vault name.</param>
function Add-ResourceMoverMSIAccessPolicy(
[string] $TargetBekVaultName,
[string] $TargetKekVaultName)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MoveCollection.IdentityPrincipalId))
"Move collection- $($MoveCollection.Name), has no MSI assigned." + `
"Identity type - $($MoveCollection.IdentityType).",
"Giving move collection- $($MoveCollection.Name), access to BEK vault - " + `
"$($TargetBekVaultName). Adding access policy for - $($MoveCollection.IdentityPrincipalId)",
$ObjectId = $MoveCollection.IdentityPrincipalId
Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $TargetBekVaultName -ObjectId $ObjectId `
-PermissionsToKeys get, list -PermissionsToSecrets get, list
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetKekVaultName))
"Giving move collection- $($MoveCollection.Name), access to KEK vault - " + `
"$($TargetKekVaultName). Adding access policy for - $ObjectId",
Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $TargetKekVaultName -ObjectId $ObjectId `
-PermissionsToKeys get, list -PermissionsToSecrets get, list
### <summary>
### Main flow of code for copying keys.
### </summary>
### <return name="CompletedList">List of VMs for which CopyKeys ran successfully</return>
function Start-CopyKeys
$Context = Get-AzContext
$Subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($null -eq $Context -or $null -eq $Subscriptions)
$SuppressOutput = Login-AzAccount -ErrorAction Stop
$CompletedList = @()
$UserInputs = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
Write-Verbose "Starting user interface to get inputs"
$ResourceGroupName = $UserInputs["ResourceGroupName"]
$VmNameArray = $UserInputs["VmNameArray"]
$TargetLocation = $UserInputs["TargetLocation"]
$TargetBekVault = $UserInputs["TargetBekVault"]
$TargetKekVault = $UserInputs["TargetKekVault"]
if($null -eq $Context)
$Context = Get-AzContext
"SubscriptionId: $($Context.Subscription.Id)",
"User inputs.",
$TenantId = $Context.Tenant.Id
$AccessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName KeyVault).Token
$UserPrincipalName = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id
$UserId = (Get-AzAdUser -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName).Id
"`nStarting CopyKeys for UserId: $UserId, UserPrincipalName: $UserPrincipalName",
$IsFirstBekVault = $IsFirstKekVault = $true
$FirstBekVault = $FirstKekVault = $null
$IsBekKeyVaultNew = $IsKekKeyVaultNew = $false
$SourceList = New-Sources -VmArray $VmNameArray -SourceResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
foreach($Source in $SourceList)
$VmName = $Source.Name
# Only VMName as source name if 2 pass else VMName - DiskName
$SourceName = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Source.DiskName)) { $Source.Name } else `
{ $Source.Name + " - " + $Source.DiskName }
# If output diskName is empty -> 2-pass else 1-pass
"Source information.",
$Bek = $Source.Bek
$Kek = $Source.Kek
if (-not $Bek)
throw [Errors]::DiskEncryptionInfoMissing($VmName, $Source.DiskName)
$BekKeyVaultResource = Conduct-SourceKeyVaultPreReq -EncryptionKey $Bek -SourcePermissions `
$SourceSecretsPermissions -Secret
"VM/Disk name: $SourceName",
"SourceBEKVault: $($BekKeyVaultResource.Name)",
"SourceBEKId: $($Bek.SecretUrl)",
if ($IsFirstBekVault)
Conduct-TargetKeyVaultPreReq -EncryptionKey $Bek -TargetKeyVaultName $TargetBekVault `
-IsKeyVaultNew ([ref]$IsBekKeyVaultNew) -TargetPermissions $TargetSecretsPermissions -Secret
$FirstBekVault = $BekKeyVaultResource
$IsFirstBekVault = $false
# Getting the BEK secret value text.
[uri]$Url = $Bek.SecretUrl
$BekSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $BekKeyVaultResource.Name -Version $Url.Segments[3] `
-Name $Url.Segments[2].TrimEnd("/")
$BekSecretBase64 = $BekSecret.SecretValue
$bstr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($BekSecretBase64)
$BekSecretBase64 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BekSecretBase64))
$BekSecretBase64 = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $BekKeyVaultResource.Name -Version $Url.Segments[3] `
-Name $Url.Segments[2].TrimEnd("/") -AsPlainText
$BekTags = $BekSecret.Attributes.Tags
if ($Kek)
$KekKeyVaultResource = Conduct-SourceKeyVaultPreReq -EncryptionKey $Kek `
-SourcePermissions $SourceKeysPermissions
"VM/Disk name: $SourceName",
"SourceKEKVault: $($KekKeyVaultResource.Name)",
"SourceKEKId: $($Kek.KeyUrl)",
if ($IsFirstKekVault)
Conduct-TargetKeyVaultPreReq -EncryptionKey $Kek -TargetKeyVaultName $TargetKekVault `
-IsKeyVaultNew ([ref]$IsKekKeyVaultNew) -TargetPermissions $TargetKeysPermissions
if ($IsKekKeyVaultNew -or ($IsBekKeyVaultNew -and ($TargetBekVault -eq $TargetKekVault)))
# In case of new target key vault, initially encrypt and create permissions are given
# which are then updated with all actual permissions during Copy-AccessPolicies
Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $TargetKekVault -ObjectId $UserId `
-PermissionsToKeys $TargetKeysPermissions
$FirstKekVault = $KekKeyVaultResource
$IsFirstKekVault = $false
$BekEncryptionAlgorithm = $BekSecret.Attributes.Tags.DiskEncryptionKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
[uri]$Url = $Kek.KeyUrl
$KekKey = Get-AzKeyVaultKey -VaultName $KekKeyVaultResource.Name -Version $Url.Segments[3] `
-Name $Url.Segments[2].TrimEnd("/")
if(-not $Kekkey)
throw [Errors]::KeyMissing(
$NewKekKey = Get-AzKeyVaultKey -VaultName $TargetKekVault -Name $KekKey.Name `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $NewKekKey)
# Creating the new KEK
$NewKekKey = Add-AzKeyVaultKey -VaultName $TargetKekVault -Name $KekKey.Name `
-Destination Software
"Copying 'Key Encryption Key' for '$SourceName'",
# Using existing KEK
"Using existing key $($KekKey.Name) for '$SourceName'.",
"TargetKEKVault: $TargetKekVault",
"TargetKEKId: $($NewKekKey.Id)",
# Decrypting Wrapped-BEK
$DecryptedSecret = Decrypt-Secret -EncryptedValue $BekSecretBase64 -EncryptedAlgorithm `
$BekEncryptionAlgorithm -AccessToken $AccessToken -KeyId $Kekkey.Key.Kid
# Encrypting BEK with new KEK
$EncryptedSecret = Encrypt-Secret -DecryptedValue $DecryptedSecret.value -EncryptedAlgorithm `
$BekEncryptionAlgorithm -AccessToken $AccessToken -KeyId $NewKekKey.Key.Kid
$BekTags.DiskEncryptionKeyEncryptionKeyURL = $NewKekKey.Key.Kid
Create-Secret -Secret $EncryptedSecret.value -ContentType "Wrapped BEK"
Create-Secret -Secret $BekSecretBase64 -ContentType "BEK"
$CompletedList += $SourceName
Write-Warning "CopyKeys not completed for $SourceName`n`n"
$IncompleteList[$SourceName] = $_
if ($IsKekKeyVaultNew)
"Copying access policies from $($FirstKekVault.Name) to $TargetKekVault.",
# Copying access policies to new KEK target key vault
$TargetKekRgName = "$($FirstKekVault.ResourceGroupName)" + "-asr"
Copy-AccessPolicies -TargetKeyVaultName $TargetKekVault -TargetResourceGroupName $TargetKekRgName `
-SourceKeyVaultName $FirstKekVault.Name -SourceAccessPolicies `
if ($IsBekKeyVaultNew)
"Copying access policies from $($FirstBekVault.Name) to $TargetBekVault.",
# Copying access policies to new BEK target key vault
$TargetBekRgName = "$($FirstBekVault.ResourceGroupName)" + "-asr"
Copy-AccessPolicies -TargetKeyVaultName $TargetBekVault -TargetResourceGroupName $TargetBekRgName `
-SourceKeyVaultName $FirstBekVault.Name -SourceAccessPolicies `
if ($AllowResourceMoverAccess)
$ResourceLinks = Get-ResourceLinks -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-FilterBySourceType $([ConstantStrings]::vmType) -filterByTargetType `
if ($null -eq $ResourceLinks)
$message = "None of the VMs are in any Move Collection. Skipping Resource Mover " + `
"MSI access checks."
Write-Warning $message
$VmMCDict = @{}
$MoveResourcesList = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::New()
$SuppressOutput = $ResourceLinks | ForEach-Object { `
$(Extract-ResourceNameFromId -armId $_.sourceId),
"Move collections -",
foreach ($Id in $MoveResourcesList)
$MoveCollection = Get-AzResourceMoverMoveCollection -Name `
$(Extract-ParentResourceNameFromId -armId $Id) -ResourceGroupName `
$(Extract-ResourceGroupFromId -armId $Id)
$SuppressOutput = Add-ResourceMoverMSIAccessPolicy -MoveCollection $MoveCollection `
-TargetBekVaultName $TargetBekVault -TargetKekVaultName $TargetKekVault
return $CompletedList
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$SourceSecretsPermissions = @('get')
$TargetSecretsPermissions = @('set')
$SourceKeysPermissions = @('get', 'decrypt')
$TargetKeysPermissions = @('get', 'create', 'encrypt')
$StartTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss'
$CompletedList = @()
$IncompleteList = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
$OutputLogger = [Logger]::new('CopyKeys-' + $StartTime, $FilePath)
"CopyKeys started - $StartTime.",
$CompletedList = Start-CopyKeys
$UnknownError = (Out-String -InputObject $PSItem)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black $UnknownError
"Unknown error",
# Summarizes the CopyKeys status for various Vms
if($CompletedList.Count -gt 0)
"`nCopyKeys succeeded for VMs:`n`t $($CompletedList -join "`n`t").",
$IncompleteList.Keys | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nCopyKeys failed for $_ with - `n"
$KnownError = Out-String -InputObject $IncompleteList[$_]
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black $KnownError
"CopyKeys failed for $_.",
$EndTime = Get-Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss'
"CopyKeys completed - $EndTime.",
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