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Last active May 11, 2022 23:45
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Updated for Nuke 13 (Python3) Original script created Innders on Nukepedia:
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 13.1 v3
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name reconcile3DPro
tile_color 0xc43c00ff
selected true
xpos 151
ypos -112
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {22 axisFromSelection l "Create Axis From Selection" t "Automatcially create axis points with positioning based on selected vertex in the viewer." -STARTLINE T "import nuke\nimport nukescripts\nfrom nukescripts import snap3d\nimport math\n\n\nthisNode = nuke.thisNode()\n\ndef getConnectedPoints(thisNode):\n # get points input node\n inputParent = thisNode.input(1)\n \n axisPoints = \[]\n #check something is plugged in\n if not inputParent:\n return axisPoints\n \n if inputParent.Class() == 'Axis2' or inputParent.Class() == 'Axis':\n axisPoints = \[inputParent]\n else: \n # get nodes plugged into scene\n inputParentDeps = inputParent.dependencies()\n # filter out any deps that aren't axis nodes\n def isAxisNode(node):\n return node.Class() == \"Axis2\" or node.Class() == \"Axis\"\n \n axisPoints = list(filter(isAxisNode, inputParentDeps))\n \n return axisPoints\n\n\ndef axisFromSelection():\n thisNode.end()\n thisNode\['selected'].setValue(False)\n x = thisNode\['xpos'].getValue() \n y = thisNode\['ypos'].getValue()\n\n vertices = snap3d.selectedPoints()\n verticesInfo = snap3d.selectedVertexInfos()\n\n \n vPoints= \[]\n \n #get pre existing points\n axisPoints = getConnectedPoints(thisNode)\n\n if len(axisPoints) > 0:\n #delete pre existing points (will be re-added again later on)\n for a in axisPoints:\n pos = a\['translate'].getValue()\n #convert to vector3\n vector3 = nuke.math.Vector3(pos\[0],pos\[1],pos\[2])\n #now add axis points position to vPoints\n vPoints.append(vector3)\n #delete axis\n nuke.delete(a) \n #delete anything left connected directly to input\n if thisNode.input(1):\n nuke.delete(thisNode.input(1))\n\n \n for v in verticesInfo:\n if v.position in vPoints:\n print('position already found, removing duplicate.')\n else:\n vPoints.append(v.position)\n \n #check for no points\n if len(vPoints) < 1:\n nuke.message('Please select at least one vertex in the 3D Viewer')\n return\n \n print(vPoints)\n \n \n aNodes = \[] \n for i, v in enumerate(vPoints):\n a = nuke.createNode('Axis2', inpanel = False)\n a\['translate'].setValue(v)\n a\['selected'].setValue(False)\n a\['ypos'].setValue(y-154-10)\n a\['xpos'].setValue(x+230 + (i*110))\n aNodes.append(a)\n \n\n #create mergeGeo\n m = nuke.nodes.MergeGeo()\n m\['ypos'].setValue(y)\n m\['xpos'].setValue(x+230 -10)\n #connect to reconcile3DPro\n thisNode.setInput(1, m)\n #connect axis points to mergeGeo\n for i, a in enumerate(aNodes):\n m.setInput(i,a)\n\n\naxisFromSelection()\n"}
addUserKnob {22 trackPoints l "Track Axis Points!" t "This is where the magic happens and the axis 3D points are converted to 2D tracks. If anything changes this will need to be run again to see the updates." -STARTLINE T "import nuke\nimport nukescripts\n\n\nthisNode = nuke.thisNode()\n\nthisNode.begin()\n\ndef convertPoints(points, camera):\n #about if no camera\n if camera.Class() != \"Camera\" and camera.Class() != \"Camera2\" and camera.Class() != \"Camera3\":\n return nuke.message('Please connect a camera!')\n #abort if no axis points\n if len(points) < 1:\n return nuke.message('Please connect at least one axis to points. For one axis connect dirrectly, for multiple connect using a scene node.') \n \n print(\"camera and points valid\")\n \n axisList = points\n recList = \[]\n cam = camera \n\n # Creates Reconcile3D for every axis and renders it with the root framerange\n for axis in axisList:\n recList.append( nuke.nodes.Reconcile3D(inputs= \[None, cam, axis]) )\n first = int( nuke.root()\['first_frame'].value() )\n last = int( nuke.root()\['last_frame'].value() )\n frameList = \[\[first, last, 1]]\n print('Reconciling %s Axis nodes for frames %s - %s' %(len(axisList), first, last))\n nuke.executeMultiple(recList, frameList)\n \n # For each axis node selected, makes a track\n # Sets transform to matchmove and use_for for each to \"TR\"\n trk = nuke.toNode('axisTracker')\n trk\['selected'].setValue(True)\n trk\['xpos'].setValue(cam.xpos()+100)\n trk\['ypos'].setValue(cam.ypos()+100)\n trk\['reference_frame'].setValue(nuke.frame())\n \n # Hooks up and deletes each reconcile3D node to tracker\n for i, rec in enumerate(recList):\n outputX = rec\['output'].animation(0)\n outputY = rec\['output'].animation(1)\n numColumns = 31 \n\n trk\['add_track'].execute()\n # track_x (2)\n for key in list(outputX.keys()):\n trk\['tracks'].setValueAt(key.y, key.x, numColumns*i + 2)\n # track_y (3)\n for key in list(outputY.keys()):\n trk\['tracks'].setValueAt(key.y, key.x, numColumns*i + 3)\n # Translate (6)\n trk\['tracks'].setValue(1.0, numColumns*i + 6)\n # Rotate (7)\n trk\['tracks'].setValue(1.0, numColumns*i + 7)\n # Scale (8)\n trk\['tracks'].setValue(1.0, numColumns*i + 8)\n \n nuke.delete(rec)\n # Force update tracker\n trk\['transform'].setFlag(0)\n trk\['transform'].setValue('match-move')\n trk\['transform'].setValue('none')\n \n#get camera\ncameraParent = thisNode.input(0)\ntopnode_name = nuke.tcl(\"full_name \[topnode %s]\" %\ncamera = nuke.toNode(topnode_name)\n\ndef getConnectedPoints(thisNode):\n # get points input node\n inputParent = thisNode.input(1)\n #check something is plugged in\n if not inputParent:\n nuke.message('Please connect some points')\n return\n \n axisPoints = \[]\n \n if inputParent.Class() == 'Axis2' or inputParent.Class() == 'Axis':\n axisPoints = \[inputParent]\n else: \n # get nodes plugged into scene\n inputParentDeps = inputParent.dependencies()\n # filter out any deps that aren't axis nodes\n def isAxisNode(node):\n return node.Class() == \"Axis2\" or node.Class() == \"Axis\"\n \n axisPoints = list(filter(isAxisNode, inputParentDeps))\n \n return axisPoints\n\naxisPoints = getConnectedPoints(thisNode)\n\n# try to convert points\ntry:\n convertPoints(axisPoints, camera)\nexcept:\n e = sys.exc_info()\[0]\n print(e)"}
addUserKnob {26 axis_tracks l "Axis Tracks"}
addUserKnob {41 tracks l "" -STARTLINE T axisTracker.tracks}
addUserKnob {41 add_track l "add track" T axisTracker.add_track}
addUserKnob {41 del_tracks l "delete tracks" -STARTLINE T axisTracker.del_tracks}
addUserKnob {26 "" l <b>Export</b>}
addUserKnob {22 trackerExport l "Export Tracker" T "group = nuke.thisNode()\ngroup.begin()\nnuke.toNode('axisTracker')\['selected'].setValue(True)\nnuke.nodeCopy(\"%clipboard%\")\ngroup.end()\ntrackerCopy = nuke.nodePaste(\"%clipboard%\")" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {20 transform l Transform}
addUserKnob {41 reference_frame l "reference frame" T axisTracker.reference_frame}
addUserKnob {41 translate T axisTracker.translate}
addUserKnob {41 rotate T axisTracker.rotate}
addUserKnob {41 scale T axisTracker.scale}
addUserKnob {41 center T}
addUserKnob {20 tips l Tips}
addUserKnob {26 tipsText l "" +STARTLINE T "<html>\n<style>\nli \{\n margin-top: 10px;\n\}\ndiv \{\n color: grey;\n\}\n</style>\n<h2>Setup Method 1 (auto)</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Select a vertex point in the 3D viewer and click 'Create Axis From Selection'.</li>\n <li>Select another one to add more, you can just keep adding them</li>\n <li>Select multiple ones all at once to create them all in one go</li>\n <li>Everything should have automatically linked up, with the positions on the axis already added</li>\n <li>Go to the tracking step if everything is working!</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<h2>Setup Method 2 (manual)</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Connect all your axis points (that have the correct 3D position) to one mergeGeo node.</li>\n<li>Connect \"points\" input to the mergeGeo node.</li>\n<li>For one axis point you can connect it directly to the \"points\" input.</li>\n<li>Trackers will be created in the order of how the mergeGeo axis nodes are connected: <br/>1 will be the first tract etc. </li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<h2>Tracking</h2>\n\n\n<ul>\n<li>Once everything is connected click \"Track Axis Points!\" and the tracks will be calculated.</li>\n<li>To update or redo the tracks it's best to delete any current tracks<br/>and click \"Track Axis Points!\" again.</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<div>\nCredits<br/>\nLuke Inderwick 2021\n</div>\n</html>"}
Input {
inputs 0
name points
xpos 510
ypos 182
number 1
Input {
inputs 0
name footage
xpos 290
ypos 374
number 2
Output {
name Output1
xpos 290
ypos 470
Input {
inputs 0
name camera
xpos 290
ypos 182
Tracker4 {
cornerPinOptions "CornerPin2D (use transform ref frame, baked)"
center {320 240}
name axisTracker
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -362
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