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Created March 19, 2023 06:49
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This script was entirely created by ChatGPT using its GPT-4 powered model over the course of about 4 hours of instruction. With my test dataset, it results in a 24% successful grouping of students based on their requests.
import csv
import re
def find_student(students, first_name, last_name=None):
for student in students:
if student['first_name'] == first_name and (last_name is None or student['last_name'] == last_name):
return student
return None
def check_avoid_list(student, notes):
pattern = re.compile(r'\b' + re.escape(student['first_name']) + r'\b')
if student['last_name']:
pattern = re.compile(r'\b' + re.escape(student['last_name']) + r'\b')
return bool(
return True
return False
def can_group_together(student1, student2):
if student1['gender_grouping'] == student2['gender_grouping']:
return True
if (student1['gender_grouping'] == "Either a single-gender (male) OR an all-gender cabin works for me." and
student2['gender_grouping'] != "Single-gender (female) cabin"):
return True
if (student1['gender_grouping'] == "Either a single-gender (female) OR an all-gender cabin works for me." and
student2['gender_grouping'] != "Single-gender (male) cabin"):
return True
if (student2['gender_grouping'] == "Either a single-gender (male) OR an all-gender cabin works for me." and
student1['gender_grouping'] != "Single-gender (female) cabin"):
return True
if (student2['gender_grouping'] == "Either a single-gender (female) OR an all-gender cabin works for me." and
student1['gender_grouping'] != "Single-gender (male) cabin"):
return True
return False
def group_students(students, max_groups, max_group_size):
groups = [] # Initialize an empty list of groups
# Iterate through each student in the students list
for student in students:
found_group = False
# Iterate through each existing group
for group in groups:
# Skip the group if it is already at the maximum size
if len(group) >= max_group_size:
# Assume the student can join the group until proven otherwise
can_join_group = True
# Check if the student can join the group based on the group's members
for group_member in group:
if (not can_group_together(student, group_member) or
check_avoid_list(group_member, student['notes']) or
check_avoid_list(student, group_member['notes'])):
# If the student cannot join the group, set can_join_group to False and break the loop
can_join_group = False
# If the student can join the group, add the student to the group and set found_group to True
if can_join_group:
found_group = True
# If the student has not found a group, find the best group based on friend requests and conflicts
if not found_group:
best_group = None
best_score = float('-inf')
# Iterate through each existing group
for group in groups:
# Skip the group if it is already at the maximum size
if len(group) >= max_group_size:
friend_count = 0
conflict_count = 0
# Check for friend requests and conflicts within the group
for group_member in group:
if (not can_group_together(student, group_member) or
check_avoid_list(group_member, student['notes']) or
check_avoid_list(student, group_member['notes'])):
# Increment conflict_count if there is a conflict
conflict_count += 1
# Check if the student has any friend requests fulfilled in the group
for request_col in ['request1', 'request2', 'request3']:
if student[request_col]:
names = student[request_col].split()
first_name, last_name = names[0], names[1] if len(names) > 1 else None
if find_student([group_member], first_name, last_name):
friend_count += 1
# Calculate the score for the group based on friend requests and conflicts
score = friend_count - conflict_count
# Update the best group and best_score if the current group has a higher score
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
best_group = group
# If the best group is found, add the student to the group and set found_group to True
if best_group:
found_group = True
# If the student still hasn't found a group and there's room for more groups, create a new group with the student
if not found_group and len(groups) < max_groups:
# If the student still hasn't found a group, find the group with the minimum conflicts and add the student to it
elif not found_group:
min_conflicts = float('inf')
best_group = None
# Iterate through each existing group
for group in groups:
# Skip the group if it is already at the maximum size
if len(group) >= max_group_size:
# Calculate the number of conflicts in the group
conflicts = sum(1 for group_member in group if
(not can_group_together(student, group_member) or
check_avoid_list(group_member, student['notes']) or
check_avoid_list(student, group_member['notes'])))
# Update the best group and min_conflicts if the current group has fewer conflicts
if conflicts < min_conflicts:
min_conflicts = conflicts
best_group = group
# If no suitable group is found, use the first group in the list
if best_group is None:
best_group = groups[0]
# Add the student to the best group
# Return the list of groups
return groups
def read_students_from_csv(file_path):
with open(file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
return [row for row in reader]
def write_groups_to_csv(groups, students, output_file_path):
with open(output_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
fieldnames = None
writer = None
for group_id, group in enumerate(groups, 1):
for student in group:
if fieldnames is None:
fieldnames = list(student.keys())
fieldnames.insert(0, 'group_id')
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
row = {'group_id': group_id, **student}
input_file_path = 'students.csv'
output_file_path = 'grouped_students.csv'
students = read_students_from_csv(input_file_path)
max_groups = 20
optimal_group_size = 6
max_group_size = 24
groups = group_students(students, max_groups, optimal_group_size)
write_groups_to_csv(groups, students, output_file_path)
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