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Created January 15, 2019 07:02
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
// Solidity Version 0.4.22 <0.6.0
// 0xbc848c44a72D878aA935CccFe3e307c4e2DB0146 head
// 0x3184b6541c82fAa56B9d2360E2953d89f1Db8d82 Chairperson
// Election contract
contract Elections{
// Party Struct
struct Party{
uint id;
// Global variables
address superChairPerson;
address[] chairpersons;
address[] campaigns;
uint[] partyIDs;
mapping(uint => Party) parties;
// Modifieres
modifier restricted(){
require(msg.sender == superChairPerson,"Sender not authorized.");
// Constructor
constructor(address superChairpersonAddress) public {
superChairPerson = superChairpersonAddress;
// SuperChairperson Queries (geter and setter)
function getSuperChairperson() public view returns(address) {
return superChairPerson;
function setSuperChairperson(address superChairPersonNew)public restricted{
superChairPerson = superChairPersonNew;
// Chairperson Queries (geter and setter)
function getChairpersons() public view restricted returns(address[] memory) {
return chairpersons;
function updateChairPerson(address old,address newAdd)public restricted{
function removeChairperson(address chairpersonAddress)public restricted{
for (uint j =0;j<chairpersons.length;j++){
if(chairpersons[j] == chairpersonAddress){
for (uint i = j; i<chairpersons.length-1; i++){
chairpersons[i] = chairpersons[i+1];
delete chairpersons[chairpersons.length-1];
// Party Queries
function addParty(uint id) public restricted{
parties[id] = Party(id);
function updateParty(uint id, uint newID)public restricted{
parties[newID] = parties[id];
function getParties()public view restricted returns(uint[] memory){
return (partyIDs);
function removeParty(uint id) public restricted{
for (uint j =0;j<partyIDs.length;j++){
if(partyIDs[j] == id){
for (uint i = j; i<partyIDs.length-1; i++){
partyIDs[i] = partyIDs[i+1];
delete partyIDs[chairpersons.length-1];
delete parties[id];
function getNumOfParties() public view restricted returns(uint) {
return partyIDs.length;
function getPartyVotesByCampaign(uint id,address campaign)public restricted returns(uint){
ElectionCampaign campaign = ElectionCampaign(campaign);
return (campaign.getPartyVotes(id));
function getPartyVotes(uint id)public restricted returns(uint){
uint votes;
for(uint i = 0; i<campaigns.length; i++){
votes += getPartyVotesByCampaign(id, campaigns[i]);
return votes;
function getPartyCandidatesByCampaign(uint id,address campaign)public view restricted returns(uint){
ElectionCampaign campaign = ElectionCampaign(campaign);
return (campaign.getPartyCandidate(id));
function getPartyCandidatesCount(uint id)public view restricted returns(uint){
uint count;
for(uint i = 0; i<campaigns.length; i++){
if(ElectionCampaign(campaigns[i]).getPartyCandidate(id) != 0)
count ++;
return (count);
function getPartyCandidates(uint id)public view restricted returns(uint[] memory){
uint size = getPartyCandidatesCount(id);
uint[] memory ar = new uint[](size);
uint count = 0;
for(uint i = 0;i<campaigns.length;i++){
if(ElectionCampaign(campaigns[i]).getPartyCandidate(id) != 0){
ar[count] = ElectionCampaign(campaigns[i]).getPartyCandidate(id);
return ar;
// Campaign Queries
function crateElectionCampaign(address chairperson) public restricted returns(address){
ElectionCampaign campaign = new ElectionCampaign(chairperson,superChairPerson);
return (address(campaign));
function getElectionCampaigns() public restricted view returns(address[] memory){
return (campaigns);
function removeElectionCampaigns(address adr) public restricted{
for (uint j =0;j<campaigns.length;j++){
if(campaigns[j] == adr){
for (uint i = j; i<campaigns.length-1; i++){
campaigns[i] = campaigns[i+1];
delete campaigns[campaigns.length-1];
// Election Campaign contract
contract ElectionCampaign{
// Candidate Stuct
struct Candidate{
uint id;
uint partyID;
uint votes;
bool exist;
//Voter Stuct
struct Voter {
uint id;
uint toCandidate;
bool voted;
// Hashmap Stuct
struct PartyMapping {
uint id;
bool exist;
// Global variables
address chairperson;
address superChairperson;
uint votersCount;
uint[] candidateIDs;
mapping (uint => Candidate)public candidates;
mapping (uint => Voter)public voters;
mapping (uint => PartyMapping)public partyCandidates;
// Modifieres
modifier restricted(){
require(msg.sender == chairperson || msg.sender == superChairperson,"Sender not authorized.");
modifier checkCandidate(uint candidateID){
require(candidates[candidateID].exist,"Candidate does not exist.");
modifier checkVoter(uint id){
require(voters[id].voted,"Voter does not voted");
// Constructor
constructor(address chairpersonAddress, address superChairpersonAddress) public {
chairperson = chairpersonAddress;
superChairperson = superChairpersonAddress;
// SuperChairperson Queries
function getSuperChairperson() public view returns(address){
return superChairperson;
// Chairperson Queries
function getChairperson() public view returns(address) {
return chairperson;
function setChairperson(address chairpersonNew)public restricted{
chairperson = chairpersonNew;
// Candidate Queries
function addCandidate(uint id, uint partyID) public restricted{
candidates[id] = Candidate(id,partyID,0,true);
partyCandidates[partyID] = PartyMapping(id,true);
function updateCandidate(uint id, uint newID) public restricted checkCandidate(id){
candidates[newID] = candidates[id];
function getCandidates() public view restricted returns(uint[] memory){
return (candidateIDs);
function removeCandidate(uint id) public restricted checkCandidate(id){
for (uint j =0;j<candidateIDs.length;j++){
if(candidateIDs[j] == id){
for (uint i = j; i<candidateIDs.length-1; i++){
candidateIDs[i] = candidateIDs[i+1];
delete candidateIDs[candidateIDs.length-1];
delete candidates[id];
function getCandidateParty(uint id)public view restricted checkCandidate(id) returns(uint){
return candidates[id].partyID;
function updateCandidateParty(uint id,uint partyID)public restricted checkCandidate(id){
candidates[id].partyID = partyID;
function getNumOfCandidates() public view restricted returns(uint) {
return candidateIDs.length;
function getCandidateVotes(uint id) public view restricted checkCandidate(id) returns(uint){
return (candidates[id].votes);
// Party Queries
function getPartyVotes(uint partyID)public view restricted returns(uint){
return (candidates[partyCandidates[partyID].id].votes);
}else return 0;
}else return 0;
function getPartyCandidate(uint partyID)public view restricted returns(uint){
return partyCandidates[partyID].id;
return 0;
// Voter Queries
function getNumOfVoters() public view restricted returns(uint) {
return votersCount;
function getVote(uint id)public view checkVoter(id) returns(uint){
return (voters[id].toCandidate);
// Actual Vote Function
function vote(uint id, uint candidateID) public restricted checkCandidate(candidateID){
require(!voters[id].voted,"Voter already voted");
voters[id] = Voter(id,candidateID,true);
import "remix_tests.sol"; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "./ballot.sol";
contract test3 {
Ballot ballotToTest;
function beforeAll () public {
ballotToTest = new Ballot(2);
function checkWinningProposal () public {;
Assert.equal(ballotToTest.winningProposal(), uint(1), "1 should be the winning proposal");
function checkWinninProposalWithReturnValue () public view returns (bool) {
return ballotToTest.winningProposal() == 1;
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