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Last active January 19, 2020 00:33
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public static int[][] table = new int[50][50];
public static void main(String[] args) {
// write your code here
static void init()
static int nCr(int n, int r)
if(r==1) return n;
if (n==r) return 1;
if (table[n][r] != -1)
return table[n][r];
table[n][r] = nCr(n-1,r) +nCr(n-1,r-1);
return table[n][r];
Problem Statement: On a positive integer, you can perform any one of the following 3 steps.
1.) Subtract 1 from it. ( n = n - 1 ) ,
2.) If its divisible by 2, divide by 2. ( if n % 2 == 0 , then n = n / 2 ) ,
3.) If its divisible by 3, divide by 3. ( if n % 3 == 0 , then n = n / 3 ).
Now the question is, given a positive integer n, find the minimum number of steps that takes n to 1
1.)For n = 1 , output: 0
2.) For n = 4 , output: 2 ( 4 /2 = 2 /2 = 1 )
3.) For n = 7 , output: 3 ( 7 -1 = 6 /3 = 2 /2 = 1 )
package com.Shubhra;
public class Memoization
int[] memo = new int[50];// 50 is the max n
int getMinSteps(int n)
if (n==1) return 0;
if (memo[n]!=-1) return memo[n];
int r = 1 + getMinSteps(n-1);
if (n%2==0) r = Math.min(r,1+getMinSteps(n/2));
if (n%3==0) r = Math.min(r,1+getMinSteps(n/3));
memo[n] = r;
return r;
When you are done with the LIS, read this blog till the "Intermediate" Category, and try to solve the problems inside "Elementary"
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