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#Password security fix

There are several ways to implement the latest security update for PrestaShop. Choose the one you feel confident with!

  • For Git user: Cherry-pick
  • For Unix user: Apply the patch with diff files
  • For others: Copy the patched files
  • For those who like a challenge: The ‘Do it Yourself’ method!

For other situations (old versions of PrestaShop, heavily customized Core files), you should do it yourself! If you have a little bit of PHP experience, it is easy to do.

##Cherry-picking the commits

If you use Git, you can just cherry-pick the commits for the right version.


For this version, there are two commits to use:


For version, there is only one commit to cherry-pick: f1ef8aa913ea013c42d9f2d702142caf031b4945


For version, use this one commit for the cherry-pick: 44b811cdd1266a31e8f6754f6fd5c1b10bdef690

##Using the diff files

If you are a Linux/Unix user, you can use patch to modify the files. Only use this if you know what you are doing!

##Using the patched files

Here are the zip files for each version:

The admin folder name can differ from yours: make sure you rename it with the right folder name! Be careful, if you have made some modifications on some of theses files, you will lose them. In this case, instead of copying the whole files, you should modify each files as explained in the ‘Do it yourself!’ section.

##Do it yourself!

The modification to apply is easy to understand:

Look at the PrestaShop commit here.

Follow these steps:

###Modify the Tools password generation

I. Modify the Tools passwdGen method

The method passwdGen() will take two arguments : $length and $flag. Older versions only take one argument ($length). The code should do a switch() from this flag: if there is no switch on older versions, just add it.

Your method will now have something like this:

switch ($flag) {
    case 'NUMERIC':
        $str = '0123456789';
    case 'NO_NUMERIC':
    case 'RANDOM':
        $num_bytes = ceil($length * 0.75);
        $bytes = Tools::getBytes($num_bytes);
        return substr(rtrim(base64_encode($bytes), '='), 0, $length);
    case 'ALPHANUMERIC':
        $str = 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

Then the password generation just below should look like this:

$bytes = Tools::getBytes($length);
$position = 0;
$result = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $position = ($position + ord($bytes[$i])) % strlen($str);
    $result .= $str[$position];

Perfect, there is now a new method called getBytes($length). Just add it! Copy/paste this:

public static function getBytes($length)
    $length = (int)$length;
    if ($length <= 0) {
        return false;
    if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
        $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length, $crypto_strong);
        if ($crypto_strong === true) {
            return $bytes;

    if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
        $bytes = mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
        if ($bytes !== false && strlen($bytes) === $length) {
            return $bytes;

    // Else try to get $length bytes of entropy
    $result         = '';
    $entropy        = '';
    $msec_per_round = 400;
    $bits_per_round = 2;
    $total          = $length;
    $hash_length    = 20;
    while (strlen($result) < $length) {
        $bytes  = ($total > $hash_length) ? $hash_length : $total;
        $total -= $bytes;
        for ($i=1; $i < 3; $i++) {
            $t1 = microtime(true);
            $seed = mt_rand();
            for ($j=1; $j < 50; $j++) {
                $seed = sha1($seed);
            $t2 = microtime(true);
            $entropy .= $t1 . $t2;
        $div = (int) (($t2 - $t1) * 1000000);
        if ($div <= 0) {
            $div = 400;
        $rounds = (int) ($msec_per_round * 50 / $div);
        $iter = $bytes * (int) (ceil(8 / $bits_per_round));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $iter; $i ++) {
            $t1 = microtime();
            $seed = sha1(mt_rand());
            for ($j = 0; $j < $rounds; $j++) {
                $seed = sha1($seed);
            $t2 = microtime();
            $entropy .= $t1 . $t2;
        $result .= sha1($entropy, true);
    return substr($result, 0, $length);

Wonderful, the hardest part is done!

II. [For 1.4 versions only] Change the password validity

This version is using a regex to check the password validity. Replace it with the following method on the Validate class:

public static function isPasswd($passwd, $size = 5)
 return (strlen($passwd) >= $size && strlen($passwd) < 255);

III. Modify the customer password generation call

Now find your AdminLoginController, and the processForgot() method, which is called when the user wants to get a new password.

It should contain a call to our Tools method like this:

$password = Tools::passwdGen(MIN_PASSWD_LENGTH)

Just replace it with this one:

$password = Tools::passwdGen(MIN_PASSWD_LENGTH, 'RANDOM')

IV. Modify the admin password generation call

The final step is the call from the administrators (same as for the customer).

There was an admin controller named AdminLoginController or, on older versions, a file named password.php.

Find the process called (on the controller) processForgot() and the call to our Tools method:

$pwd = Tools::passwdGen();

And just replace it with:

$pwd = Tools::passwdGen(10, 'RANDOM');

It is done, you did it!

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Xaconi commented Aug 10, 2015

HI there, there is a little error in this explanation (at the "Do it for yourself" section). The passwdGen() method, now must return the $result variable (aside from the other changes). If we keep it like how it's now, the return variable ($password) is empty, and it causes errors on the messages system and in the references generator.

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IeMdev commented Aug 10, 2015

Have been able to update it all except I can not find 'processForgot()' in the Customer Class to update it.
Is the update in '/classes/Customer.php' or another file.

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Hi!! I am new for PS and using 1.6.09. there is a error while am uploading security patch. "Password generation update
Improved algorithm for password generation. " So where i have to change the code and which files. Can anyone suggest me.

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Hi @Nasshat, sorry for the long time.

This is exactly what you have to do for fix the breach by yourself. Do not forget to backup the files before :) Just in case !

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Hi @cedricfontaine and @stratboy !

Thank you, we will take a look at it as soon as possible !

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Hi @davidalegria,

I can't say yes right now. I'm pretty sure the files have changed between these two versions.
Try to do it by yourself !

It is really simple !

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Hi @IeMdev,

Really sorry, I've made a mistake, this mehod (processForgot) is ont the controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php class.

I'll fix it.

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Ho @JennyOFWB,

Just follow the "Do It Yourself" section :)

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Shudrum commented Aug 10, 2015

Hi @Xaconi,

I don't understand, if you look here :

The result is always returned.

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Thanks for the writeup!

I am modifying a installation and I think there is an error in the DIY section, step 3. corrections below:

III. Modify the customer password generation call

Now find your PasswordController, and the postProcess() method,

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Hi @Shudrum,

Thanks, I have follow the "Do it Yourself" Section and i have changed the code but still am getting the same error. :(

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Shudrum commented Aug 12, 2015

Hi @shkurkin,

Thank you for your feedback, there is some errors on my gist :( I've made a change on the wrong section ><
I'll fix this as fast as possible.

Sorry !

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Shudrum commented Aug 12, 2015

Hi @JennyOFWB,

You have made the changes ? Great ! So you do not have to install the module !

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Still not getting it. I am comfortable changing code in files. I have done and still do that with our installation of 4images. It is how all the modifications are made.

Our prestashop store is

What are our choices? Can we just follow the cut and replace steps shown in this link:

Or do we need to upgrade our installation to We have made some changes to the core.



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Shudrum commented Aug 13, 2015

Hi @LeRameur,

You can just follow the steps on the commit !

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I'm in the exact situation as @Nasshat and followed the instructions you gave him using the commit example noted at the beginning because they seemed more clear/obvious to me. After I made the changes in the files and uploaded them to my site, my admin login page no longer worked. The page was just blank. Fortunately I just changed the original files to end in 1 before the .php and when it didn't work I added a 0 to the end of my updated files and took out the 1 on the originals and everything is working fine again, but of course I don't have the fixes. Was it because the example was for 1.5x rather than the that I have? Also tried to update site to .14 version so we could apply the patch, but neither the update nor the patch seemed to work, so I was really glad to find this page. Please advise as to how I can get this to work.

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