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Last active March 27, 2019 17:57
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Testing lesson notes



  • Explain what Unit Tests, Integration Tests and End-to-End tests are
  • Write unit tests for a given problem
  • Describe the difference between TDD and BDD
  • Identify the purpose & tools for Continuous Integration, Code Coverage and Cross-Browser testing


  • Unit Test
  • Integration Test
  • End-to-End Test
  • Cross-Browser & Device Testing
  • Code Coverage
  • Continuous Integration (CI)
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behaviorst Driven Development (BDD)



  • What is a Unit Test, in your own words?

    it('should pop items in LIFO order', function() {

    Your answer...

  • What is a Integration Test, in your own words?

    const request = require('supertest')('http://localhost:3000')
    it('should fetch created user', function(done) {'/api/people')
        .send({ name: 'Tony' })
        .end(function(res, err) {
          if(err) return done(err)
            .expect(function(res, err) {

    Your answer...

  • What is a End-to-End Test, in your own words?

    it('adds and removes todo items', function() {'http://localhost:3000/')
      casper.then(function() {
        this.fill('my-form', { item: 'New Item' }, true)
        expect('.item-label').to.have.text('New Item')
      casper.then(function() {'.submit-button')

    Your answer...

  • What parts of your application should you test and what parts should you not test?

    Topics to consider:

    • Constraints
    • Environment Variables
    • HTTP request and status code
    • Page has specific title
    • font size, color etc
    • functions from a third-party library (like underscore)
    • API enpoint permissions
    • API authentication / login
    • Test things you have to check every time you make changes and restart your server?
    • Test elements on your frontend that require manual user acceptance?
  • Given the following addNums function, write a very simple unit test to asses if it works correctly:

    function addNums(a,b) {
    // tests
    console.log('addNums is a function:', typeof addNums === 'function')

    After you've writen a test, try writing the code for addNums. If you get the test to pass, write another test THEN write more passing code.

    Your answer...

  • How would we write the test you came up with above using an assertion library like Chai or Jest?

    Your answer...

  • With your table, come up with a definition for Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD).

    Your answer...

  • With your table try to identify the purpose and tools for Continuous Integration, Code Coverage and Cross-Browser testing?

    Your answer...

  • The following is a very basic example of tested code with Continuous Integration:

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