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Last active October 12, 2017 19:24
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Takes stdin containing information about a Conway's game of life board and returns iterations on that board.
"""Takes stdin containing information about a Conway's game of life board
and returns iterations on that board.
Format expected is:
w h
<row> <row> <EOF>
Try the following example:
6 6
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
import sys
import copy
def iterate_conway_generation(current_game_board, width, height):
""" Takes a gameboard, iterates a generation and returns the updated game board."""
# Deep Copies the game board since we'll need the board to update all at once.
next_game_board = copy.deepcopy(current_game_board)
for current_row in range(0, height):
for current_column in range(0, width):
neighbours = 0
# Creates generator to provide locations of neighbouring columns.
n_generator = neighbours_generator(current_row, current_column, width, height)
# Iterates through each neighbour
for _ in range(0, 8):
neighbour_row, neighbour_column = next(n_generator)
neighbours += current_game_board[neighbour_row][neighbour_column]
# An empty square "comes to life" if it is adjacent to exactly three live squares
if neighbours == 3:
if current_game_board[current_row][current_column] == 0:
next_game_board[current_row][current_column] = 1
# A live square "dies" if it has less than two live neighbors,
# or more than three live neighbors
elif neighbours < 2 or neighbours > 3:
if current_game_board[current_row][current_column] == 1:
next_game_board[current_row][current_column] = 0
return next_game_board
def neighbours_generator(current_row, current_column, width, height):
"""Generator that takes current column and returns locations of the 8 neigbouring columns."""
for x_offset in range(-1, 2):
for y_offset in range(-1, 2):
if (y_offset, x_offset) == (0, 0):
neighbour_column = current_column + x_offset
neighbour_row = current_row + y_offset
# Check if neighbour is outside the game grid.
# We don't need to check -1 since python automatically wraps for us.
if neighbour_column == width:
neighbour_column = 0
if neighbour_row == height:
neighbour_row = 0
yield (neighbour_row, neighbour_column)
def main(game_board, number_iterations, width, height):
"""Takes game board, runs conway generations and prints each generation."""
current_generation = 0
while current_generation is not number_iterations:
game_board = iterate_conway_generation(game_board, width, height)
for row in game_board:
print ' '.join(map(str, row))
print '\n'
current_generation += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse stdin.
NUMBER_ITERATIONS = int(sys.stdin.readline())
WIDTH, HEIGHT = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split(" "))
# Create empty game board, populate it with each row and then close the file.
for _ in range(0, HEIGHT):
STARTING_GAME_BOARD.append(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split(" ")))
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