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Last active December 8, 2018 14:06
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Toy algorithm.
/*! \brief simple heap sorting algorithm in array
* \author Shylock Hg
* \date 2018-12-08
* \email
* */
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#ifndef _HEAP_SORT_HH_
#define _HEAP_SORT_HH_
/*! \brief heapfy to max heap
\param a the array
\param root the heap root
\param len the heap length
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void heapify(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a, int root, int len) {
int left = 2*root + 1; // left of root
int right = 2*root + 2; // right of root
int top = root;
if (left < len && a[top] < a[left]) { // compare with left child
top = left;
if (right < len && a[top] < a[right]) { // compare with right child
top = right;
if (top != root) {
std::swap(a[root], a[top]);
heapify(a, top, len);
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void heap_sort(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a) {
if (0 == a.size())
// building heap O(N)
// heapify from last non-leaf node
for (int i = a.size()/2-1; i >= 0; i--) {
heapify(a, i, a.size());
// sorting array O(NlogN)
for (int i = a.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// select maximum to tail
std::swap(a[0], a[i]);
// rebuild heap
heapify(a, 0, i);
#endif //!< header guard
/*! \brief
* \author Shylock Hg
* \date 2018-12-08
* \email
* */
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#ifndef _MERGE_SORT_HH_
#define _MERGE_SORT_HH_
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void merge(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a, int lo, int mid, int hi) {
std::array<ITEM, COUNT> temp;
int i = lo;
int j = mid;
int k = lo;
while (i < mid || j < hi) {
if (i == mid) {
temp[k] = a[j];
} else if (j == hi) {
temp[k] = a[i];
} else if (a[i] < a[j]) {
temp[k] = a[i];
} else {
temp[k] = a[j];
for (k = lo; k < hi; k++) {
a[k] = temp[k];
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void _merge_sort(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a, int lo, int hi) {
if (lo < hi-1) {
int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2;
_merge_sort(a, lo, mid);
_merge_sort(a, mid, hi);
merge(a, lo, mid, hi);
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void merge_sort(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a) {
if (0 == a.size()) {
_merge_sort(a, 0, a.size());
#endif //!< _MERGE_SORT_HH_
/*! \brief
* \author Shylock Hg
* \date 2018-12-08
* \email
* */
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#ifndef _QUICK_SORT_HH_
#define _QUICK_SORT_HH_
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
int pivot(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a, int lo, int hi) {
const int pivot = hi;
int i = lo;
for (int j = lo; j < pivot; j++) {
if (a[j] < a[pivot]) {
std::swap(a[i], a[j]);
std::swap(a[i], a[pivot]);
return i;
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void _quick_sort(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a, int lo, int hi) {
if (lo < hi) {
int p = pivot(a, lo, hi);
_quick_sort(a, lo, p-1);
_quick_sort(a, p+1, hi);
template <typename ITEM, std::size_t COUNT>
void quick_sort(std::array<ITEM, COUNT>& a) {
if (a.size() == 0) {
return ;
_quick_sort(a, 0, a.size()-1);
#endif //!< _QUICK_SORT_HH_
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