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Created March 1, 2014 13:00
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SQL table schema to Wikimarkup converter. This script will create files named `database.table.txt` in working directory, each of which containing SQL schema information of a table in Wikimarkup.
-- schema2wiki by Siarkowy, 2014
-- Released under the terms of GNU GPL v3 license.
-- Description:
-- This script will create files named `database.table.txt` in working directory,
-- each of which containing SQL schema information of a table in Wikimarkup.
-- Usage:
-- s2w <db_user> <db_pass> <core_revision> <database> [<database2> ...]
-- Example:
-- lua s2w.lua root pass 9999 characters realm world -- interpreted
-- s2w root pass 9999 characters realm world -- compiled
require "luasql.mysql"
local user, pass, rev = ... -- program args
local output = "%s.%s.txt" -- output file name (db, table)
--- Executes specified SQL statement and returns an iterator on results.
-- This function comes from:
-- @param connection (userdata) Database connection.
-- @param sql_statement (string) SQL statement to execute.
-- @return function - Iterator on results.
function rows(connection, sql_statement)
local cursor = assert(connection:execute(sql_statement))
return function()
return cursor:fetch()
-- If less than 4 arguments, show usage and exit.
if select("#", ...) < 4 then
SQL table schema to Wikimarkup converter by Siarkowy, 2014
This script will create files named `database.table.txt` in this directory,
each of which containing SQL schema information of a table in Wikimarkup.
s2w <db_user> <db_pass> <core_revision> <database> [<database2> ...]
s2w root pass 9999 characters realm world]]
rev = tonumber(rev)
-- For every database name in arg list
for i = 4, select("#", ...) do
local db = select(i, ...)
local con = assert(luasql.mysql():connect(db, user, pass))
for tbl in rows(con, ([[SELECT `table_name`
FROM `information_schema`.`tables`
WHERE `table_schema` = %q]]):format(db)) do
local f = assert(, db, tbl), "w"))
f:write(("{| class=\"wikitable\"\n|+ `%s` table rev. %s\n" ..
"! Field !! Type !! Null !! Key !! Default !! Extra\n"):format(tbl, rev))
for field, type, null, key, def, extra
in rows(con, ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s`.`%s`"):format(db, tbl)) do
local line = ("|-\n|[[#%s|%s]] || %s || %s || %s || %s || %s\n")
:format(field, field, type, key, null, def or "", extra):gsub("% % ", " ")
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