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Created April 5, 2018 03:22
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Using Exhaustive Search, this program will find all possible triangles but provide the smallest area to the end-user.
// =====================================================
// Programmer: Nicholas Gautier
// Class: CS3713; Algorithm Analysis
// Assignment #: 2
// Due Date: 8. March. 2018
// Instructor: Mr. Moinian, Feridoon
// Description: This program will perform an exhaustive search to find
// all possible triangles and report back the results of
// all triangles. However, it will also provide information
// regarding the smallest triangle area.
// -----
// WARNING: If running this program under *NIX, please comment
// LINE190. This instruction is only for running this
// program under the Windows platform.
// NOTE: I am using Visual Studio 2017.
// ----
// ----
// Return Codes:
// 0 = Successful Operation
// !0 = See Operating System Documentation
// =====================================================
#pragma region Inclusions
#include <iostream> // For input and output
#include <cmath> // For sqrt() and pow()
#include <string> // We will need this for displaying a string datatype
#pragma endregion
// ----
// Class Definition
// This will hold the X and Y values of a plot point within
// the Cartesian plain.
class PlotData
int x; // Holds the 'x' value of the point
int y; // Holds the 'y' value of the point
}; // CLASS :: PlotData
// Class Definition
// This will contain all of the information associated with the triangle.
class TriangleData
int x0; // Holds the 'x' value of the first point
int y0; // Holds the 'y' value of the first point
int x1; // Holds the 'x' value of the second point
int y1; // Holds the 'y' value of the second point
double area; // This will hold the area of the triangle.
bool valid; // This bool flag will state if the triangle is valid.
// If the triangle lines are already in use, than it is not valid.
// In addition, if the triangle is NOT really a triangle - than it is not valid.
// In short: True = Valid Triangle and can be used.
// False = Not valid and is ignored.
}; // CLASS :: TriangleData
// ----
#pragma region Function Prototypes
void DrawHeader(); // Draw the program's header information into the terminal buffer
void DrawAbout(); // Draw the About section within the terminal buffer
void DrawInstructions(); // Draw the Instructions section within the terminal buffer.
void GeneratePoints(PlotData[],
int); // Issue hard-coded values
double CalculateArea(int,
int); // This function will perform the triangle area calculation.
void DisplayOneTriData(
int); // This function will display one triangle data within the array index key.
int FindSmallestTriArea(
int); // This function will find a triangle with the smallest area possible.
#pragma endregion
// ----
#pragma region Macros
#define _NAME_ "Triangles'O Plenty!" // Program Name
#define _VERSION_ "1.0" // Program Version
#define _VERSION_NAME_ "CornMazes" // Version Name
#define _ARRAY_PLOTPOINT_SAMPLE_SIZE_ 10 // The sample size provided by the Requirements
// Maximum Array size that will
// hold the plot points within
// 2D Cartesian plain.
#define _ARRAY_COMBINATION_CHANCES_SIZE_ 120 // Using the combination formula: (10!)/(3!(10-3)!)
#pragma endregion
// Main Program Entry
// ----------------------------
// The main entry point of the program
int main()
// Initialization and Declarations
// ================================
PlotData pointArr[_ARRAY_PLOTPOINT_SAMPLE_SIZE_]; // This will hold our plot points within the Cartesian plain.
TriangleData triArr[_ARRAY_COMBINATION_CHANCES_SIZE_]; // This will hold our triangle data
int indexHighlighter = 0; // We will use this for indexing the Triangle Data array.
int smallestTriangleAreaIndex; // We will use this for storing the index of the smallest triangle data.
// --------------------------------
// Program Information and Details
// ================================
// Display the program header
// Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
std::cout << std::endl;
// Display the program's about message
// Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
std::cout << std::endl;
// Display the instructions
// Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
std::cout << std::endl;
// --------------------------------
// Main Program Instructions
// ################################
// Generate the plot points
std::cout << "Auto-Generating Plot Points within the 2D Cartesian Plain. . ." << std::endl;
GeneratePoints(pointArr, _ARRAY_PLOTPOINT_SAMPLE_SIZE_); // Grossly setup the plot points.
// Gather the triangle data
// * Cache the plot points determined to be the triangle
// * Calculate the area
std::cout << "Gathering Triangle Data. . ." << std::endl << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < _ARRAY_PLOTPOINT_SAMPLE_SIZE_ - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _ARRAY_PLOTPOINT_SAMPLE_SIZE_; j++) // Thank you Mr. Moinian!
triArr[indexHighlighter].x0 = pointArr[i].x; // Cache the 'x' value from the first line
triArr[indexHighlighter].y0 = pointArr[i].y; // Cache the 'y' value from the first line
triArr[indexHighlighter].x1 = pointArr[j].x; // Cache the 'x' value from the second line
triArr[indexHighlighter].y1 = pointArr[j].y; // Cache the 'y' value from the second line
triArr[indexHighlighter].area = CalculateArea(pointArr[i].x,
pointArr[j].y); // Find the triangle area
// Determine if Calculate Area returned an error
if (triArr[indexHighlighter].area == -9999.99)
triArr[indexHighlighter].valid = false; // The Triangle data provided is not a real triangle.
triArr[indexHighlighter].valid = true; // The Triangle data provided is a valid triangle.
// Display the information
DisplayOneTriData(triArr, indexHighlighter);
// Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// Update the Triangle Data Array index pointer
} // Inner-Loop
// ----
// Find the smallest triangle area possible
std::cout << "Finding the smallest triangle area. . ." << std::endl;
smallestTriangleAreaIndex = FindSmallestTriArea(triArr, indexHighlighter);
// ----
// Found the smallest area, display the results.
std::cout << "The smallest area possible is: " << std::endl;
DisplayOneTriData(triArr, smallestTriangleAreaIndex);
// ----
system("PAUSE"); // Do NOT destroy the console instance immediately after the results has been
// displayed on the screen for a few nano-seconds, instead issue a pause
// instruction so that the user can see the results.
// Prepare the termination process
std::cout << std::endl << "Terminating program. . ." << std::endl;
return 0;
} // main()
// ----
// Draw Header
// ------------------------------------
// This function will provide a header to the top-most space on
// the terminal buffer.
void DrawHeader()
std::cout << _NAME_ << " - Version: " << _VERSION_ << std::endl
<< "Version Name: " << _VERSION_NAME_ << std::endl
<< "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
} // DrawHeader()
// ----
// Draw Instructions
// ------------------------------------
// This function will provide instructions to the end-user, along
// with how this program works.
void DrawInstructions()
std::cout << "Instructions" << std::endl
<< "-----------------------------" << std::endl
<< "This program will automatically generate values for you, no interaction is necessary." << std::endl
<< "=========================================" << std::endl;
} // DrawInstructions()
// ----
// Draw About
// ------------------------------------
// This function is merely designed to display what this program is about and its primary purpose.
void DrawAbout()
std::cout << "This program will perform an exhaustive search of each possible triangle and calculate their areas using the Triangle Area formula."
<< "When all possible triangles have been calculated, we will then find then try to find the smallest possible area."
<< "With that information, this program will present that result to the user."
<< std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "NOTE: All plot points within the 2D Cartesian Plain is hardcoded into the program. Thus, no input is necessary from the user."
<< std::endl;
} // DrawAbout()
// ----
// Generate Plot Points
// ------------------------------------
// This function will provide the hard coded values of the plot-points within the Cartesian plain.
// The values have been provided by the Requirements.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// arr[] (PlotData)
// This is a container for holding all of our plot points.
// size (INTEGER)
// The maximum size of plot points.
void GeneratePoints(PlotData arr[], int size)
// Provide the points into the array container
// NOTE: I could have just thrown the values instantly into array
// during the initialization, but where's the fun in that?
// Lets over complicate this!
// Also, I just wanted an excuse to use a Switch() within a
// for-loop. YAY!
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
switch (i)
case 0 :
arr[i].x = -6;
arr[i].y = 0;
case 1 :
arr[i].x = -2;
arr[i].y = 2;
case 2 :
arr[i].x = 0;
arr[i].y = 8;
case 3 :
arr[i].x = 1;
arr[i].y = 1;
case 4 :
arr[i].x = 5;
arr[i].y = 4;
case 5 :
arr[i].x = 7;
arr[i].y = 2;
case 6 :
arr[i].x = 2;
arr[i].y = -1;
case 7 :
arr[i].x = 1;
arr[i].y = -4;
case 8 :
arr[i].x = -2;
arr[i].y = -3;
case 9 :
arr[i].x = -6; // The original value was: -5, but changed in 1 March.
arr[i].y = -4; // The original value was: -4, but changed in 1 March.
} // Switch
} // GeneratePoints()
// ----
// Calculate Triangle Area
// ------------------------------------
// This function will calculate the area of the triangle.
// NOTE: We automatically assume that we will ALWAYS use the origin.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// x0 [INTEGER]
// This holds the 'x' value of the first plot point
// y0 [INTEGER]
// This holds the 'y' value of the first plot point
// x1 [INTEGER]
// This holds the 'x' value of the second plot point
// y1 [INTEGER]
// This holds the 'y' value of the second plot point
// ------------------------------------
// Output
// Triangle Area [FLOAT]
// This is the triangle area that was calculated.
// If we find that the information provided is NOT a triangle,
// than an output of '-9999.99' will be presented.
// Thus, '-9999.99' is an error; the data provided does not contain a triangle.
double CalculateArea(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
// Initializations and Declarations
// ================================
double a; // Line distance; [(0, 0) -> (x0, y0)]
double b; // Line distance; [(x0, y0) -> (x1, y1)]
double c; // Line distance; [(x1, y1) -> (0, 0)]
double s; // Semi-perimeter of the triangle
double area; // Area of the triangle
// --------------------------------
// Get the line distance
a = double(sqrt(pow((0 - x0),2) + pow((0 - y0), 2))); // Line Distance: (0, 0) -> (x0, y0)
b = double(sqrt(pow((x0 - x1), 2) + pow((y0 - y1), 2))); // Line Distance: (x0, y0) -> (x1, y1)
c = double(sqrt(pow((x1 - 0), 2) + pow((y1 - 0), 2))); // Line Distance: (x1, y1) -> (0, 0)
// Check if the lines hold true for a plausible triangle
// If not, return an error of '-9999.99'.
if (a + b < c || a + c < b || b + c < a)
return -9999.99; // Not a valid triangle
// Find the Semi-Perimeter
s = double((a + b + c) / 2);
// Find the area of the triangle
area = double(sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)));
// Return the area of the triangle
return double(area);
} // CalculateArea()
// ----
// Display Individual Triangle Data
// ------------------------------------
// This function will merely display the triangle data (from the array) using an index
// pointer to select the individual triangle data. This function will only display
// ONE result from the array.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// arr[] [TriangleData]
// The Triangle Data that we will access to get the information from.
// indexKey
// The index pointer to select an item from the Triangle Data array.
void DisplayOneTriData(TriangleData arr[], int indexKey)
// Initializations and Declarations
// ---------------------------------
std::string validResult; // We will use this to convert a '0' or a '1'
// into something more understandable to the end-user.
// ---------------------------------
// Convert a 0 or 1 to something more meaningful to the user.
if (arr[indexKey].valid)
validResult = "Yes";
validResult = "No";
// Present the information
std::cout << "Triangle Data ID: " << indexKey << std::endl
<< "Plot Points: " << "(0, 0) (" << arr[indexKey].x0 << ", " << arr[indexKey].y0 << ") (" << arr[indexKey].x1 << ", " << arr[indexKey].y1 << ")" << std::endl
<< "Area Calculated: " << arr[indexKey].area << std::endl
<< "Triangle Valid: " << validResult
<< std::endl;
} // DisplayOneTriData()
// ----
// Find the Smallest Triangle Area
// ------------------------------------
// This function will locate the smallest possible triangle and
// return the index to the calling function.
// Any triangles within the array that contain 'Non-Valid'
// triangle information will be ignored.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// arr[] [TriangleData]
// The Triangle Data array we will access from.
// size
// The size of the triangle array we will access.
int FindSmallestTriArea(TriangleData arr[], int size)
// Initialization and Declarations
// --------------------------------
double smallestArea; // We will use this to cache the smallest triangle area.
int indexKey; // This will hold the index within the Triangle Data
// array that has the smallest triangle area.
// --------------------------------
// Cache the first index
smallestArea = arr[0].area;
indexKey = 0;
// Make sure we have more than one element within the Triangle Data array.
if (size > 0)
// Scan the array
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
// Is the triangle at this index valid?
if (arr[i].valid == false)
continue; // If the triangle is not valid, than proceed to the next index.
// Is the area smaller than what was previously cached?
else if (arr[i].area < smallestArea)
smallestArea = arr[i].area; // Update the smallest area
indexKey = i; // Update the index to match with the
// triangle with the smallest area.
} // IF :: Update Smallest Area
} // FOR :: Scan Array
// Return the index that contains the smallest area.
return indexKey;
} // FindSmallestTriArea()
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