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Created September 11, 2018 18:21
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Introductory to OOP
// =====================================================
// Programmer: Nicholas Gautier
// Class: CS1514; Computer Science II [Tutoring Copy]
// Assignment #: N/A
// Due Date: N/A
// Instructor: Dr. Jawad Drissi
// Description: This program is designed to create a class that has
// a dependency with another class. This program is
// merely a an example of creating a class that
// specifically requires another class to obtain and
// manipulate values to such class. With this program,
// we have an special array class that depends on the
// Box class for details; height, width, length.
// introductory to OOP
// NOTE: I am using Visual Studio 2017, but there shouldn't be any issues - it is cross platform friendly.
// ----
// ----
// Return Codes:
// 0 = Successful Operation
// !0 = See Operating System Documentation
// =====================================================
// Inclusions
// ================================
#include <iostream> // We must use this to capture data from the
// user and to display messages on the terminal
// buffer (or essentially, the user's screen.)
#include <stdlib.h> // Used for the rand()
// ================================
// Macro Definitions
// ================================
#define _ARRAYSIZE_ 5000 // How many elements we want within the array.
// NOTE: This is used in the ArrayOfBoxes class.
// All other parts of this program can access
// this macro-definition, but this only really
// being used in the ArrayOfBoxes.
// ================================
// Box [CLASS]
// -----------------------------
// Documentation:
// This class holds information regarding common data refering to a box form.
// -----------------------------
class Box
int width; // Width of the box
int height; // Height of the box
int length; // Length of the box
int getWidth(); // Retrieve the width of the box
void setWidth(int); // Set the width of the box
int getHeight(); // Retrieve the height of the box
void setHeight(int); // Set the height of the box
int getLength(); // Retrieve the length of the box
void setLength(int); // Set the length of the box
}; // CLASS - Box
// Get Width
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely return the value of the
// box's width.
// ===============================
// Return
// Width [int]
// Width of the box.
// ===============================
int Box::getWidth()
return width;
} // Box::getWidth()
// Set Width
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely update the value of the
// box's width.
// ===============================
// Parameters
// newWidth [int]
// New width of the box.
// ===============================
void Box::setWidth(int newWidth)
width = newWidth;
} // Box::setWidth()
// Get Height
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely return the value of the
// box's height.
// ===============================
// Return
// Height [int]
// Height of the box.
// ===============================
int Box::getHeight()
return height;
} // Box::getHeight()
// Set Height
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely update the value of the
// box's height.
// ===============================
// Parameters
// newHeight [int]
// New height of the box.
// ===============================
void Box::setHeight(int newHeight)
height = newHeight;
} // Box::setHeight()
// Get Length
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely return the value of the
// box's length.
// ===============================
// Return
// Length [int]
// Length of the box.
// ===============================
int Box::getLength()
return length;
} // Box::getLength()
// Set Length
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will merely update the value of the
// box's Length.
// ===============================
// Parameters
// newLength [int]
// New length of the box.
// ===============================
void Box::setLength(int newLength)
length = newLength;
} // Box::setLength()
// -----------------------------------------------
// ArrayOfBoxes [CLASS]
// -----------------------------
// Documentation:
// This class will hold a specific amount of box information.
// Because we want to hold 2 or more boxes, we will need
// this Class to hold as many boxes as we want - in an array!
// -----------------------------
class ArrayOfBoxes
Box arrayOfBoxes[_ARRAYSIZE_]; // Are array of boxes
// NOTE: This depends on the Box class!
void FillArray(); // Fill the array with random data
void ReadIndex(int); // Display information from a specific box
void SetIndex(int, int, int, int); // Manually update the information regarding a box.
void Sum(); // Provide the sum of the all the boxes height,
// length, width.
}; // CLASS - ArrayOfBoxes
// Fill Array
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will populate all of the boxes that we want to hold
// based on the array size; the information available such as the:
// height, width, and the length, will be randomized by using the
// rand() function.
// ===============================
void ArrayOfBoxes::FillArray()
// Start at the very first box - and update it's height, length, and width
// And then continue until we reach the maximum array size.
for (int i = 0; i < _ARRAYSIZE_; i++)
arrayOfBoxes[i].setHeight(rand()); // Set the height
arrayOfBoxes[i].setLength(rand()); // Set the length
arrayOfBoxes[i].setWidth(rand()); // Set the width
} // for()
} // ArrayStuff::FillArray()
// Read Index
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will provide information regarding a specific
// box within the array.
// ===============================
// Parameters
// key [int]
// The index that we want to inspect; to be used with the
// array.
// ===============================
void ArrayOfBoxes::ReadIndex(int key)
std::cout << "Box ID: " << key << " Contains the following information:" << std::endl // Box ID
<< "Height:" << "\t" << arrayOfBoxes[key].getHeight() << std::endl // Box Height
<< "Width:" << "\t" << arrayOfBoxes[key].getWidth() << std::endl // Box Width
<< "Length:" << "\t" << arrayOfBoxes[key].getLength() << std::endl; // Box Length
} // ArrayOfBoxes::ReadIndex()
// Set Index
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This function will allow the user to manually update
// a specific box's information
// ===============================
// Parameters:
// key [int]
// The index that we want to update.
// length [int]
// New length information to set.
// width [int]
// New width information to set.
// height [int]
// New height information to set.
void ArrayOfBoxes::SetIndex(int key, int length, int width, int height)
arrayOfBoxes[key].setLength(length); // Update the length
arrayOfBoxes[key].setWidth(width); // Update the width
arrayOfBoxes[key].setHeight(height); // Update the height
} // ArrayOfBoxes::SetIndex()
// Sum
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// This will provide the summation of all of the boxes
// height, length, and the width. The information will
// be displayed on the terminal buffer.
// ===============================
void ArrayOfBoxes::Sum()
// Declarations and Initializations
// -------------------------------
int totalLength = 0; // Hold the sum of the Length
int totalWidth = 0; // Hold the sum of the width
int totalHeight = 0; // Hold the sum of the Height
// -------------------------------
// Scan the entire array and accumulate the results
for (int i = 0; i < _ARRAYSIZE_; i++)
totalHeight += arrayOfBoxes[i].getHeight(); // Get the sum for the height
totalLength += arrayOfBoxes[i].getLength(); // Get the sum for the length
totalWidth += arrayOfBoxes[i].getWidth(); // Get the sum for the width
} // for()
// Provide the information to the end-user
std::cout << "The sum for the following:" << std::endl
<< "Height: " << "\t" << totalHeight << std::endl
<< "Length: " << "\t" << totalLength << std::endl
<< "Width: " << "\t" << totalWidth << std::endl;
} // ArrayOfBoxes::Sum()
// -----------------------------------------------
// Main
// ===============================
// Documentation:
// The main entry point to our program; the spine
// ===============================
// Return
// Exit Code [int]
int main()
// Declarations and initializations
// ------------------------------ -
ArrayOfBoxes myBoxes; // Create a new instance of the ArrayOfBoxes
// -------------------------------
// Now, lets play around with the newly created myBoxes!
myBoxes.FillArray(); // Populate the array of boxes
myBoxes.ReadIndex(50); // Provide information from index 50
std::cout << std::endl; // Provide a new line; easier to read from the screen.
myBoxes.SetIndex(50, 4, 2, 8); // Manually provide new values to set into index 50
myBoxes.ReadIndex(50); // With the information updated, now lets re-inspect
// the information to see if it was saved.
std::cout << std::endl; // Provide a new line; easier to read from the screen.
myBoxes.Sum(); // Calculate the sum and display it to the end-user.
std::cout << std::endl; // Provide a new line; easier to read from the screen.
// This will allow those that are using the Windows platform to view the results
// before the console window is terminated. Otherwise, without this - I can't see
// the results.
getc(stdin); // Press the 'enter' key to continue
// Terminate the program
return 0;
} // main()
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