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Created April 5, 2018 03:12
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This program is designed to simulate the Locker Door Problem by 'n' passes. This program will output what locker doors are open after 'n' passes.
// =====================================================
// Programmer: Nicholas Gautier
// Class: CS3713; Algorithm Analysis
// Assignment #: 1
// Due Date: 18. February. 2018
// Instructor: Mr. Moinian, Feridoon
// Description: This program is designed to perform the Locker Door Simulator.
// In which, this program will simulate how many doors are open
// and how many are closed by performing how many 'n' passes toggled
// the locker doors.
// For example:
// | PASSES | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
// | 1 | O | O | O | O | O | O | O |
// | 2 | O | X | O | X | O | X | O |
// | 3 | O | X | X | X | O | O | O |
// | 4 | O | X | X | O | O | O | O |
// | 5 | O | X | X | O | X | O | O |
// | 6 | O | X | X | O | X | X | O |
// | 7 | O | X | X | O | X | X | X |
// Number of lockers is: 7
// Number of doors opened: 2
// Number of doors closed: 5
// Locker Doors that are open: 1, 4
// NOTE: I am using Visual Studio 2017.
// ----
// You will reach an error "error: ‘to_string’ is not a member of ‘std’"
// To combat this error, just use this command-line argument:
// $ g++ -std=c++11 ./main.cpp
// Source:
// ----
// Return Codes:
// 0 = Successful Operation
// !0 = See Operating System Documentation
// =====================================================
#pragma region Inclusions
#include <iostream> // For input and output
#include <string> // Allow the usage for string data type and for I/O stream.
#include <iomanip> // Required for the 'setw()' and 'setfill' in cout function
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Function Prototypes
void ResetLockers(bool[], int); // Resets the locker array to zero.
int FetchLockerSize(); // Fetch locker array size from user (that is requested).
void LockerDoorSimulation(bool[], int); // Locker Door Simulation Algorithm
int CountOpenDoors(bool[], int); // Count how many locker doors are open
void DisplayResults(int, int, // Display the results to the user
void DrawHeader(); // Display the program information header.
void DrawInstructions(); // This will display instructions to the user.
void DrawAbout(); // Display what this program is about.
bool AskRunProgramAgain(); // Ask the user to close the program or run another task.
void BorderSeparator(); // Display border for readability
std::string ArrayIndexesResults(bool[], // This will provide information as to what array
int); // indexes contain open doors.
void ArrayIndexesVisualResults(bool[], // Display the results visually to the end-user
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Macros
#define _NAME_ "Ghosts are Opening Our Lockers!"// Program name
#define _VERSION_ "1.0" // Program Version
#define _VERSION_NAME_ "Hathor" // Version Name
#define _ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_ 1000 // Maximum Array (locker) Size
// This was defined in the Requirements
#define _ARRAY_MIN_SIZE_ 2 // Minimum Array (locker) Size [default is 10]
#define _STDIN_PROMPT_ ">>>>>> " // Prompt message; Python'ish prompt
#define _DEBUG_STATE_ false // When true, this will provide extra messages during
// the Locker Door Simulation algorithm.
#pragma endregion
// Main
// ------------------------------------
// Main program entry.
int main()
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
bool lockerArray[_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_+ 1];// Lockers in Array form
// GROSS-HACK; the code will NOT play nicely if the array
// size is not EXACTLY the max number. This is merely a
// limitation of the code I have provided and how the
// algorithm functions.
bool userChoice = true; // Run the program again-loop
int lockerRequestSize = 0; // User-Provided Size of Locker Array
int openDoors = 0; // How many locker doors are open
std::string lockerDoorOpenResults; // This will hold 'nice' results regarding
// which doors are open.
// --------------------------------
// Program loop
// Display the program header
std::cout << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// Display the program's about message
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// Display the instructions
std::cout << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// (Re)Initialize the lockers to 0 or False
ResetLockers(lockerArray, _ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_);
// Ask user how many lockers to use in array
lockerRequestSize = FetchLockerSize();
// Perform the Locker Door Simulation
LockerDoorSimulation(lockerArray, lockerRequestSize);
// Find out how many locker doors that are currently opened
openDoors = CountOpenDoors(lockerArray, lockerRequestSize);
// Retrieve a list of locker doors that are open
lockerDoorOpenResults = ArrayIndexesResults(lockerArray, lockerRequestSize);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// Visually show the locker door status to the end-user
ArrayIndexesVisualResults(lockerArray, lockerRequestSize);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// Display the results to the user
DisplayResults(openDoors, lockerRequestSize, lockerDoorOpenResults);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // Provide some spacing on the terminal buffer
// Ask the user if they want to close the program or do another operation
userChoice = AskRunProgramAgain();
// If running another operation, help the user's readability by
// shifting the old content away from the new content.
// This is merely only for readability sakes, nothing more.
if (userChoice)
// Display the content border
// Provide some white space to help the user for readability.
std::cout << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< std::endl
<< std::endl
<< std::endl
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
} // if :: Running Again
} while (userChoice);
// Prepare the termination process
std::cout << std::endl << "Terminating program. . ." << std::endl;
return 0;
} // main()
// Array Indexes Results
// ------------------------------------
// This function will scan the array and determine which indexes
// contain an open door. The results will be saved in such a way
// that it will contain an easy list. The results will be returned
// the calling function.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// lockers[] (BOOL)
// The locker that contains open doors and to be analyzed
// size (INT)
// Size of the array that is to be scanned
// ------------------------------------
// Output
// Locker results in _nice_ values
// Will contain the results of which locker doors are 'open'.
std::string ArrayIndexesResults(bool lockerArray[], int size)
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
std::string niceList = "";
// --------------------------------
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
if (lockerArray[i])
niceList = niceList + std::to_string(i) + ", "; // Convert the int datatype value into a string
// Remove the last space and comma chars
// Return the results to the calling function
return niceList;
} // ArrayIndexesResults()
// Array Indexes Visual Results
// ------------------------------------
// This will provide a visual representation of the lockers,
// which are open and which are closed.
// Do note that there is a maximum restriction as to how many
// rows will be will be generated in the visual representation.
// If there is too many rows, the visual generator will just
// out-right refuse to render the visual representation.
// Try to keep the locker size relatively small.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// lockers[] (BOOL)
// The locker that contains open doors and to be analyzed
// size (INT)
// Size of the array that is to be scanned
void ArrayIndexesVisualResults(bool lockerArray[], int size)
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
const int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 15; // Maximum rows we are allowed
// to display. Anything that
// exceeds this will not be
// rendered.
char doorStatus; // This will supply easy to read
// information to the user, such
// as - 'X' or 'O' in relation
// to the locker door status.
// --------------------------------
// Check to make sure that we are able to visually render the array information
// if not, display a warning message instead and exit the function.
if (size > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)
std::cout << "!ERR: Too many lockers, unable to visually draw locker door status information!" << std::endl;
} // IF : Array size too large
// Render the Locker Array
// ===================================
std::cout << "\t=====================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t| Locker # | STATUS |" << std::endl;
// Scan through the entire array and display the door status
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
// Try to make the status easier to understand
if (lockerArray[i])
doorStatus = 'O'; // Locker door is open
doorStatus = 'X'; // Locker door is closed
// Render the result for this particular column.
std::cout << "\t|" << std::setw(5) << std::right << i << std::setw(6) << std::right
<< "|" << std::setw(5) << std::right << doorStatus << std::setw(5) << " | " << std::endl;
// Undo the formatting
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' ');
// if there is another row, add a separator to make
// reading this table easier
if (i < size)
// Supply a separator in between each individual row
std::cout << "\t" << std::setw(21) << std::setfill('-') << "" << std::endl;
// undo the formatting
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' ');
} // if : Not finished
} // for
std::cout << "\t=====================" << std::endl;
} // ArrayIndexesVisualResults()
// Reset Lockers
// ------------------------------------
// This function will reset all of the lockers within
// the array to zero. All previous information stored
// within the array will be lost.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// lockers[] (BOOL)
// Locker array that will be reset to 'zero'.
// size (INTEGER)
// Size of the locker array that will be reset.
void ResetLockers(bool lockerArray[], int size)
// Reset the array by size length.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
lockerArray[i] = false;
} // ResetLockers()
// Fetch Locker Size
// ------------------------------------
// This function will ask the user how many lockers
// we are allowed to utilize in the algorithm.
// This function, in addition, will restrict the user
// to choose a number between the minimum and maximum
// boundaries.
// We will trust the user to input a valid number. Anything other
// than a number WILL CAUSE complications. Since this is supposed
// to be a simple program, I won't bother fixing that issue here.
// ------------------------------------
// Output
// Integer
// Requested Locker Array Size
// How many lockers we are allowed to use within the array.
int FetchLockerSize()
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
int requestedSize = 0; // Size of the locker array
// as requested by the end-user
bool validSizeErr = true; // If the user's input was valid
// --------------------------------
// Display the question on screen
std::cout << "How many lockers should we play around with?" << std::endl
<< "Pick a number between " << _ARRAY_MIN_SIZE_ << " and " << _ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_ << std::endl
// Retrieve the STDIN from end-user
std::cin >> requestedSize;
// Make sure that the input is valid
if ((requestedSize <= _ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_) &&
(requestedSize >= _ARRAY_MIN_SIZE_))
// The input fits within the range
validSizeErr = false;
// The input was not valid; outside of the ranges
std::cout << std::endl
<< "ERROR: The provided input [ " << requestedSize << " ] was _NOT_ valid!"
<< std::endl << std::endl;
} while (validSizeErr);
// Provide the size to the calling function
return requestedSize;
} // FetchLockerSize()
// Locker Door Simulation
// ------------------------------------
// This function will perform the Locker Door Simulation
// algorithm.
// Algorithm:
// Using a for loop to iterate through the initial size of the array,
// then use another array as an incremental counter for the first loop.
// Using the first and second loop product, we will use the result and
// flip the bit within that specified index from the product.
// Meaning:
// for i as 1 to size - 1
// for j as 1 to size - 1
// array at i * j = flip bit
// 0 (or false) = Door is closed
// 1 (or true) = Door is open
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// lockers[] (BOOL)
// Locker array that will be altered during the algorithm.
// size (INTEGER)
// Size of the locker array.
void LockerDoorSimulation(bool lockerArray[], int size)
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
int cache = 0; // Avoid redundancy calculation
// --------------------------------
// Scan through the entire array
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
// Product
for (int j = 1; j * i <= size; j++)
cache = i * j; // Calculate the product once to avoid redundancy
lockerArray[cache] = // Flip the bit
if (_DEBUG_STATE_) // Because I want to make sure that this algorithm works
std::cout << "Outter-Loop Key [ " << i << " ], Inner-Loop Key [ " << j << " ], Product [ " << cache << " ] " << std::endl
<< "\tAccessing Index with Key: " << cache << ".\tValue is now: " << lockerArray[cache] << std::endl << std::endl;
} // inner-for
} // LockerDoorSimulation()
// Count Locker Doors that are Open
// ------------------------------------
// This function will merely count how many locker doors
// that are open. This function should be called once
// the LockerDoorSimulation() algorithm has already took
// effect and not before.
// 0 (or false) = Door is closed
// 1 (or true) = Door is open
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// lockers[] (BOOL)
// Locker array that will be scanned.
// size (INTEGER)
// Size of the locker array.
// ------------------------------------
// Output
// Integer
// How many locker doors are open from the locker array.
int CountOpenDoors(bool lockerArray[], int size)
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
int openDoors = 0; // Counter of all locker doors that are open
// --------------------------------
// Scan through the array and find all doors that are open.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (lockerArray[i]) // Is the locker door open?
openDoors++; // Increment the counter
// Return the number to the calling function
return openDoors;
} // CountOpenDoors()
// Display Results
// ------------------------------------
// This function is dedicated to presented the results to the end-user
// via terminal buffer.
// ------------------------------------
// Parameters
// openedDoors (INTEGER)
// How many locker doors were open after the algorithm.
// totalLockers (INTEGER)
// How many lockers total were part of this algorithm.
// indexesKey (STRING)
// What indexes contain an open locker door
void DisplayResults(int openedDoors, int totalLockers, std::string indexesKey)
std::cout << "\t>> Total number of lockers that are present: "
<< totalLockers << std::endl
<< "\t>> Number of locker doors that are presently open: "
<< openedDoors << std::endl
<< "\t>> Number of locker doors that are presently closed: "
<< totalLockers - openedDoors << std::endl
<< "\t>> Locker Doors that are open: "
<< indexesKey << std::endl;
} // DisplayResults()
// Draw Header
// ------------------------------------
// This function will provide a header to the top-most space on
// the terminal buffer.
void DrawHeader()
std::cout << _NAME_ << " - Version: " << _VERSION_ << std::endl
<< "Version Name: " << _VERSION_NAME_ << std::endl
<< "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
} // DrawHeader()
// Draw Instructions
// ------------------------------------
// This function will provide instructions to the end-user, along
// with how this program works.
void DrawInstructions()
std::cout << "Instructions" << std::endl
<< "-----------------------------" << std::endl
<< "Enter in how many lockers will be 'simulated' within this program." << std::endl
<< "You will be restricted from a minimum number of: " << _ARRAY_MIN_SIZE_ << " and a maximum number of: " << _ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_ << std::endl
<< "=========================================" << std::endl;
} // DrawInstructions()
// Draw About
// ------------------------------------
// This function is merely designed to display what this program is about and its primary purpose.
void DrawAbout()
std::cout << "The simulation will pretend to open the locker doors but by the number of passes that will depict what door is open and what is closed." << std::endl;
// Extra spacing
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// Lets provide a visual example
std::cout << " LOCKER SIMULATION EXAMPLE" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << std::setw(28) << std::setfill('-') << "" << std::endl; // Bordering
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' '); // Undo the border settings
// ----
std::cout << " | PASS | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |" << std::endl;
// ----
std::cout << " " << std::setw(28) << std::setfill('-') << "" << std::endl; // Bordering
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' '); // Undo the border settings
std::cout << " | 1 | O | O | O | O | O |" << std::endl
<< " | 2 | O | X | O | X | O |" << std::endl
<< " | 3 | O | X | X | X | O |" << std::endl
<< " | 4 | O | X | X | O | O |" << std::endl
<< " | 5 | O | X | X | O | X |" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << std::setw(28) << std::setfill('-') << "" << std::endl; // Bordering
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' '); // Undo the border settings
// Extra spacing
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total number of lockers (provided from the user): 5" << std::endl
<< " Number of locker doors currently opened (O): 2" << std::endl
<< " Number of locker doors currently closed (X): 3" << std::endl;
} // DrawAbout()
// Separator
// ------------------------------------
// This function will only display a border on the terminal buffer.
// This is ideally for separating content that will help the user
// to read.
void BorderSeparator()
// Display the border on the terminal buffer
std::cout << std::setw(100) << std::setfill('*') << " " << std::endl;
// Undo the customized settings we just used
std::cout << std::setw(0) << std::setfill(' ');
} // BorderSeparator()
// Run Program Again
// ------------------------------------
// This function will merely ask the end-user if they wish to perform
// another run with this program.
// We will trust the user to input a valid character. Anything other
// than a character WILL CAUSE complications. Since this is supposed
// to be a simple program, I won't bother fixing that issue here.
// ------------------------------------
// Output:
// true = Run the program again
// false = terminate the program
bool AskRunProgramAgain()
// Declarations and Initializations
// --------------------------------
char userSTDIN; // Fetch user's request
bool runRequest; // User's request to be returned
// True = Run again
// False = Terminate the program
bool askLoop = true; // Ask the user (loop) if input was invalid.
// --------------------------------
{ // For checking user's input was valid
// Ask the user if they want to quit or run again
std::cout << "Run another operation?" << std::endl
<< "Type either: [Y]es or [N]o" << std::endl
// Fetch the input from the user
std::cin >> userSTDIN;
// Try to determine if the result was valid or not
// If valid, also perform the bit conversion.
if (tolower(userSTDIN) == 'y')
runRequest = true; // User wants to run program again
askLoop = false; // Input was valid
} // IF :: Run Program Again
else if (tolower(userSTDIN) == 'n')
runRequest = false; // User wants to leave the program
askLoop = false; // Input was valid
} // IF :: Destroy Program Instance
// Bad Input
std::cout << std::endl << "ERROR! Input was not valid! Type either 'Y' or 'N'" << std::endl << std::endl;
} while (askLoop);
// Return the user's request to the calling function
return runRequest;
} // AskRunProgramAgain()
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