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Last active June 6, 2018 19:45
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  • Save SidIcarus/59f3735da5cc27b678557c6b2006cad7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SidIcarus/59f3735da5cc27b678557c6b2006cad7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pretty print your console logs.
((root, factory, has, name) => {
if (!, name)) root[name] = factory();
})(this || window, () => {
const consoleColors = {
default: "rgb(189, 198, 207)",
alert: "rgb(210, 70, 70)",
background: "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
info: "rgb(70, 140, 210)",
success: "rgb(35, 140, 35)",
warn: "rgb(225, 180, 110)"
vPad = "padding: 2.6px 2.6px 2.6px 0",
pPad = "padding: 2.6px 0 2.6px 2.6px";
const consoul = {
* @todo Add a description.
* @param {Object} args -
* @param {string} title -
* @param {boolean} collapsed -
* @param {number} maxDepth
color(args = {}, title = "Object", collapsed = true, maxDepth = 3) {
collapsed = collapsed == null ? true : collapsed;
let colors = consoleColors,
bg = `background-color: ${colors.background}`,
DepthTraversal = args.DepthTraversal || 1;
let text = `%c${title}`,
color = `color: ${colors.warn}; ${bg}; padding: 2.6px`,
gc = collapsed ? "groupCollapsed" : "group";
console[gc](text, color);
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in, no-restricted-syntax
for (var prop in args) {
if (prop === "DepthTraversal") continue;
let isObject = false,
msg = "",
value = args[prop],
pColor = colors.default,
switch(typeof value) {
case "boolean":
vColor = value ? colors.success : colors.alert;
case "string":
if (value === "") value = "\"\"";
case "number":
vColor =;
case "object":
isObject = true;
// if(Array.isArray(args)) {
// msg += "Array: ";
// value = [].concat.apply([], value).toString();
// vColor = colors.warn;
// }
if (DepthTraversal < maxDepth) {
value.DepthTraversal = DepthTraversal + 1;
this.color(value, prop, collapsed, maxDepth);
} else {
// This may need to be wrapped in its own groupCollapsed
// console.groupCollapsed(
// `%c${prop}`,
// `color: ${colors.warn}; ${bg}; padding: 6px`
// );
// console.groupEnd();
if (!isObject) {
vColor = `color: ${vColor};${bg};${vPad}`;
pColor = `color: ${pColor};${bg};${pPad}`;
msg += `%c${prop}: %c${value}`;
console.log(msg, pColor, vColor);
console.color = consoul.color;
return consoul;
}, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, "consoul");
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