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Created April 6, 2015 14:03
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.12)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
$black: #000;
$white: #fff;
// Base Colors Variations Map
$tint-shade-perc: 80%;
$light-dark-perc: 5%;
$variations: (
light: (
function: lighten,
parameter: $light-dark-perc),
dark: (
function: darken,
parameters: $light-dark-perc),
tint: (
function: mix,
parameters: $black $tint-shade-perc),
shade: (
function: mix,
parameters: $white $tint-shade-perc),
fade-in: (// opacify
function: fade-in,
parameters: 0.07%),
fade-out: (// transparentize
function: fade-out,
parameters: 0.07%),
saturate: (
function: saturate,
parameters: $light-dark-perc),
desaturate: (
function: desaturate,
parameters: $light-dark-perc),
adjust-hue: (
function: adjust-hue,
parameters: $light-dark-perc),
gray: (function: grayscale),
complement: (function: complement),
lightness: (function: lightness),
hue: (function: hue),
saturation: (function: saturation),
invert: (function: invert),
// Get color we want
@function color-variation($color, $variation: false) {
// validate the color value
@if map-has-key($colors, $color) {
$color: map-get($colors, $color);
} @else {
// To force devs to stick to color map, remove this following if
@if type-of($color) != color { @error "Invalid color name: `#{$color}`."; }
// validate variation name
@if $variation {
@if not map-has-key($variations, $variation) {
@error "Invalid $variation: `#{$variation}`.";
} @else {
// changing the color
$this-variation: map-get($variations, $variation);
$args: join(map-get($this-variation, function), $color);
@if map-get($this-variation, parameters) {
$args: join($args, map-get($this-variation, parameters));
@return call($args...);
@return $color;
// alias for color-variation
@function cv($color, $variation: false) {
@return color-variation($color, $variation);
$green: #8ec73F;
$blue: #316b8a;
$yellow: #d9c245;
.primary {
color: $green;
.secondary-1 {
color: $blue;
.secondary-2 {
color: $yellow;
// .color-primary-0 { color: #8EC73F } // Main Primary color
// .color-primary-1 { color: #C9F094 }
// .color-primary-2 { color: #AEE366 }
// .color-primary-3 { color: #71AC20 }
// .color-primary-4 { color: #54890B }
// .color-secondary-1-0 { color: #316B8A } // Main Secondary color (1)
// .color-secondary-1-1 { color: #7AA8C0 }
// .color-secondary-1-2 { color: #4B819E }
// .color-secondary-1-3 { color: #1B5777 }
// .color-secondary-1-4 { color: #0C425F }
// .color-secondary-2-0 { color: #D9C245 } // Main Secondary color (2)
// .color-secondary-2-1 { color: #FFF09D }
// .color-secondary-2-2 { color: #F8E36F }
// .color-secondary-2-3 { color: #BCA423 }
// .color-secondary-2-4 { color: #96800C }
.primary {
color: #8ec73F;
.secondary-1 {
color: #316b8a;
.secondary-2 {
color: #d9c245;
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