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Created March 26, 2023 22:15
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Compute the trajectory of a particle under the gravity of a massive central body
% In this script we find the orbital path a body under gravity.
% The mass of this particle is insignifcant compared to the mass
% of the central body.
% Clear Existing Values
clear all;
%##------------- Start Configuration ----------------##%
%% Initial Conditions
% Initial Position
x = [0, 0.909];
% Initial Velocity
v = [2.5, 0];
%% Environment
M = 0.826; % Central mass
G = 4.5; % Gravitational Constant
%% Simulation and plot
% Number of revolutions
n = 1;
% Number of data points (plot)
N = 1000;
%##------------- End Configuration ----------------##%
% x = initial postion (cartesian)
% v = initial velocity (cartesian)
% We use polar coordinates as it is more convienient for central forces
% r = distance to body from centre
% theta = angle to x axis
% u = 1/r
% the force is of type:
% F = K/r^2;
% Initial r
r_0 = norm(x);
% Initial u
u_0 = 1/r_0;
% Initial theta
theta_0 = acos(dot(x,[1,0])/norm(x));
% Angular momentum per unit mass h = r^2*(dtheta/dt) = norm(cross(v,x)) = constant
% but we take a vector h
h = cross([x, 0], [v, 0]);
% rdot = dr/dt = norm(projection of v on x)
rdot = dot(v,x)/norm(x);
% The Standard Gravitational Constant
mu = G*M;
% Constant in the equation of motion
A = mu / norm(h)^2;
% The Equation of motion is:
% d^2u/dtheta^2 = A/u^(2+k) - u
% The gereral Solution is:
% u = A + M*cos(theta + phi), M and phi constants
%% Finding the particular solution for x and v.
% the eccentricity vector
e = cross([v, 0], h) / mu - [x, 0] / norm(x);
% Evaluation of the constants
M = A * norm(e);
phi = acos((u_0 - A)/M) - theta_0;
% Use particular solution to compute data points
theta = linspace (theta_0, theta_0 + 2*pi*n, N)';
u = A + M .* cos(theta + phi);
r = 1./u;
%% Set up data polt
hold on;
plot (theta, u);
plot (theta, r);
% axis limits
p_max = max(max(u(:,1),max(r)));
p_min = min(min(u(:,1),min(r)));
margin = 0.5;
% finishing touches
axis([min(theta), max(theta), p_min - margin, p_max + margin] );
title("r and u");
legend("u", "r");
hold off;
%% set up trejectory plot
polar(theta, r, "--b");
% axis limits
lim = max(r) + margin;
no = 2; % number of grid spacings
tticks = 0:30:(360-30);
set (gca, "rtick", lim/no:lim/no:lim, "ttick", tticks);
axis([-lim, lim, -lim, lim], "equal");
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please refer to this repo for a detailed explanation

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