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Forked from nixbb/StackMob.cs
Created July 19, 2013 17:56
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System;
using System.Text;
public class StackMob : MonoBehaviour
public const string acceptHeader = "application/vnd.stackmob+json; version=0"; // 0 = development, 1 = production
public const string apiKey = "e78a2646-d479-47b1-9ae5-65732c5eabdc"; // nixApp
private string accessToken = ""; // AccessToken
private string macKey = ""; // HashKey
// Entry point
void Start ()
StartCoroutine (QueryAccessToken ("norris", "myfists"));
// Query Access Token Coroutine
IEnumerator QueryAccessToken (string name, string password)
// Populate HTML request
HTTP.Request request = new HTTP.Request ("POST", "");
request.Text = string.Format("username={0}&password={1}&token_type=mac", name, password);
// Add request headers
request.AddHeader ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.AddHeader ("Accept", acceptHeader);
request.AddHeader ("X-StackMob-API-Key", apiKey);
request.AddHeader ("X-StackMob-User-Agent", "StackMob Platform");
// Send request
request.Send ();
// Yield coroutine until request returns
yield return null;
// Dump request response to debug console
Debug.Log (request.response.Text);
// Parse JSON object
Hashtable table = JSON.JsonDecode (request.response.Text) as Hashtable;
// Store Mac Key & Access Token
accessToken = GetString ("access_token", table);
macKey = GetString ("mac_key", table);
// Query a schema with permissions enabled (ie. Allow any logged in user)
StartCoroutine (Query ("GET", ""));
// General Query Coroutine
IEnumerator Query (string method, string url)
// Populate HTML request
HTTP.Request request = new HTTP.Request (method, url);
// Add request headers
request.AddHeader ("Accept", acceptHeader);
request.AddHeader ("X-StackMob-API-Key", apiKey);
request.AddHeader ("X-StackMob-User-Agent", "StackMob Platform");
request.AddHeader ("Authorization", GenerateAuthorizationHeader (method, url));
// Send request
request.Send ();
// Yield coroutine until request returns
yield return null;
// Dump request response to debug console
Debug.Log (request.response.Text);
// Helper function for JSON hashtable
string GetString (string key, Hashtable table)
if (table.ContainsKey(key))
return table[key] as string;
return "";
// Helper function for JSON hashtable
Hashtable GetTable (string key, Hashtable table)
if (table.ContainsKey(key))
return table[key] as Hashtable;
return new Hashtable ();
// Generate Authorisation header as described at
string GenerateAuthorizationHeader (string method, string url)
{ Uri uri = new Uri (url);
string timestamp = Math.Floor((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds).ToString ();
string nonce = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ().Replace ("-", "").Substring (0, 10);
string request = uri.PathAndQuery;
string host = uri.Host;
int port = uri.Port;
// Verify port
if (port < 0)
if (url.StartsWith ("https:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
port = 443;
port = 80;
// Populate normailised request string
char newline = '\n';
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
builder.Append (timestamp);
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (nonce);
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (method.ToUpper ());
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (request);
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (host);
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (port.ToString ());
builder.Append (newline);
builder.Append (newline);
string normailisedRequest = builder.ToString ();
// Dump normailisedRequest to debug console
Debug.Log ("normalised request : '" + normailisedRequest + "'");
// Sign with mac key
KeyedHashAlgorithm hmac = new HMACSHA1 (GetBytes (macKey));
string mac = ToBase64 (hmac.ComputeHash (GetBytes (normailisedRequest)));
// Format header (should not have any whitespace in the string)
string header = string.Format ("MAC id=\"{0}\",ts=\"{1}\",nonce=\"{2}\",mac=\"{3}\"", accessToken, timestamp, nonce, mac);
// Dump header to debug console
Debug.Log ("Authorization : '" + header + "'");
return header;
private static byte[] GetBytes (string input)
return UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (input);
private static string ToBase64(byte[] input)
return Convert.ToBase64String(input);
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