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Created August 20, 2016 14:12
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Save Sidneys1/eaacc00cc69afd516fad85138af2fbda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'screenfetch'-like logo for powershell
function Get-Uptime() {
$lastboottime = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$sysuptime = (Get-Date) - [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($lastboottime)
if ($sysuptime.days -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.days "day " }
if ($sysuptime.days -gt 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.days "days " }
if ($sysuptime.hours -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.hours "hour " }
if ($sysuptime.hours -gt 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.hours "hours " }
if ($sysuptime.minutes -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.minutes "minute " }
if ($sysuptime.minutes -gt 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.minutes "minutes " }
if ($sysuptime.seconds -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.seconds "second " }
if ($sysuptime.seconds -gt 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline $sysuptime.seconds "seconds " }
$userstring = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " User: "; Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow "$([Environment]::Username)";write-host -NoNewline "@";Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$([Environment]::MachineName)" }
$windowsstring = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " Windows: "; Write-Host "$($psversiontable.buildversion.tostring())"}
$dotnetstring = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " .NET: "; Write-Host "$($psversiontable.clrversion.tostring())"}
$powershellstring = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "Powershell: "; Write-Host "$psedition-$($psversiontable.psversion.tostring()) $psculture" }
$processes = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "Processses: "; Write-Host (ps).count }
$modules = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "PS Modules: "; Write-Host "$((Get-Module).count)" }
$uptime = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " Uptime: "; Get-Uptime }
$proc = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " CPU: "; $proc = gwmi Win32_processor; Write-Host "$($ x$($proc.numberoflogicalprocessors) ($(($proc | measure LoadPercentage -Average).average)%)"}
$mem = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " Memory: "; $os = gwmi win32_operatingsystem; [long]$tmem=[long]$os.totalvisiblememorysize/1024;[long]$fmem=[long]$os.freephysicalmemory/1024; Write-Host "$($tmem - $fmem)/$tmem MB ($((($tmem - $fmem) / $tmem).tostring("P0")))"}
$video = { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red " Video: "; $v = gwmi win32_videocontroller; [long]$ram=[long]$v.adapterram/(1024*1024); Write-Host "$($ ($ram MB VRAM) @ $($v.currenthorizontalresolution)x$($v.currentverticalresolution) $($v.currentrefreshrate)hz"}
function Write-Logo(
[scriptblock]$p16={write-host}) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " .,:rsr,"; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline " "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " :2;m;r2A@@5"; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline " "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p2
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " @2::s5A#@@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "@r . "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p3
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " sd::riXA#@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline ":@@@Gir;;AS9 "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p4
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " Bs::sS3A#@2 "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "@@#AhXirsS#; "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p5
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " iHr:r5d#@@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline ".@#95sr;;rie "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p6
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline " ' ,@3 "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "@@A2sr;:;r#5 "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p7
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline " ..:rll: "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "@@A5sr::r3@ "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p8
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline " @Hr;iZ&@@@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline ":rr;;;;: "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p9
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline " S@r.:i2&@@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "@s . "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p10
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline " @2::ri2A@@# "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "B@G2ir:...5i "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p11
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline " :@r,r3X&#@@ "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "@G5sr:..,:A "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p12
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline ".@Ar;;rSB@@# "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "H#2sr;,..,is "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p13
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline "' & "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline ",@ASs;:..,:B "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p14
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline " "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline ":rr;:.,,.:. "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p15
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline " "; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline " '`"`"`"' "; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $p15
function screenfetch() { Write-Logo {Write-Host} $userstring $windowsstring $dotnetstring $powershellstring $uptime {Write-Host} $processes $modules $proc $mem $video }
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