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Last active May 25, 2022 11:03
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
namespace Utilities
public unsafe struct NativePriorityQueue<T> : IDisposable where T : unmanaged
public struct Node : IEquatable<Node>
public T Value;
public int Priority;
internal int Index;
public bool Equals(Node other) =>
Index == other.Index && Priority == other.Priority &&
EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(Value, other.Value);
public override string ToString() => $"Node [{Value}, {Priority}]";
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] private UnsafeList<Node>* _nodes;
Node LastUnsafe => ReadUnsafe(_nodes->Length - 1);
public NativePriorityQueue(int initialCapacity, Allocator allocator)
_nodes = UnsafeList<Node>.Create(initialCapacity, allocator);
public void SetCapacity(int capacity) => _nodes->SetCapacity(capacity);
public int Length => LengthUnsafe;
public bool IsEmpty => Length == 0;
int LengthUnsafe => _nodes->Length - 1;
public int Capacity => CapacityUnsafe;
int CapacityUnsafe => _nodes->Capacity;
public Node this[int index] => ReadUnsafe(index + 1);
public bool Contains(Node node)
var listNode = ReadUnsafe(node.Index);
return node.Equals(listNode);
public void Enqueue(T value, int priority)
var node = new Node
Value = value,
Priority = priority,
Index = LengthUnsafe + 1
// Add the node to the end of the list
public T Dequeue()
Node returnMe = ReadUnsafe(1);
//If the node is already the last node, we can remove it immediately
if (LengthUnsafe == 1)
return returnMe.Value;
var formerLast = RemoveAtSwapBackUnsafe(1);
// Bubble down the swapped node, which was prevously the final node and is now in the first position
return returnMe.Value;
public void Clear()
public void Dispose()
_nodes = null;
public JobHandle Dispose(JobHandle inputDeps)
var jobHandle = new NativePriorityQueueDisposeJob
Data = new NativePriorityQueueDispose { m_ListData = _nodes }
_nodes = null;
return jobHandle;
private Node ReadUnsafe(int index) => UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<Node>(_nodes->Ptr, index);
private void WriteUnsafe(int index, Node value) => UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(_nodes->Ptr, index, value);
private void CascadeUpUnsafe(Node node)
//aka Heapify-up
int parent;
if (node.Index > 1)
parent = node.Index >> 1;
Node parentNode = ReadUnsafe(parent);
if (HasHigherOrEqualPriority(parentNode, node))
//Node has lower priority value, so move parent down the heap to make room
WriteUnsafe(node.Index, parentNode);
parentNode.Index = node.Index;
node.Index = parent;
while (parent > 1)
parent >>= 1;
Node parentNode = ReadUnsafe(parent);
if (HasHigherOrEqualPriority(parentNode, node))
//Node has lower priority value, so move parent down the heap to make room
WriteUnsafe(node.Index, parentNode);
parentNode.Index = node.Index;
node.Index = parent;
WriteUnsafe(node.Index, node);
private void CascadeDownUnsafe(Node node)
//aka Heapify-down
int finalQueueIndex = node.Index;
int childLeftIndex = 2 * finalQueueIndex;
// If leaf node, we're done
if (childLeftIndex > LengthUnsafe)
// Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the current node
int childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
Node childLeft = ReadUnsafe(childLeftIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, node))
// Check if there is a right child. If not, swap and finish.
if (childRightIndex > LengthUnsafe)
node.Index = childLeftIndex;
childLeft.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childLeft);
WriteUnsafe(childLeftIndex, node);
// Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the right-child
Node childRight = ReadUnsafe(childRightIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, childRight))
// left is highest, move it up and continue
childLeft.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childLeft);
finalQueueIndex = childLeftIndex;
// right is even higher, move it up and continue
childRight.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childRight);
finalQueueIndex = childRightIndex;
// Not swapping with left-child, does right-child exist?
else if (childRightIndex > LengthUnsafe)
// Check if the right-child is higher-priority than the current node
Node childRight = ReadUnsafe(childRightIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childRight, node))
childRight.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childRight);
finalQueueIndex = childRightIndex;
// Neither child is higher-priority than current, so finish and stop.
while (true)
childLeftIndex = 2 * finalQueueIndex;
// If leaf node, we're done
if (childLeftIndex > LengthUnsafe)
node.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, node);
// Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the current node
childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
childLeft = ReadUnsafe(childLeftIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, node))
// Check if there is a right child. If not, swap and finish.
if (childRightIndex > LengthUnsafe)
node.Index = childLeftIndex;
childLeft.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childLeft);
WriteUnsafe(childLeftIndex, node);
// Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the right-child
Node childRight = ReadUnsafe(childRightIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, childRight))
// left is highest, move it up and continue
childLeft.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childLeft);
finalQueueIndex = childLeftIndex;
// right is even higher, move it up and continue
childRight.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childRight);
finalQueueIndex = childRightIndex;
// Not swapping with left-child, does right-child exist?
else if (childRightIndex > LengthUnsafe)
node.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, node);
// Check if the right-child is higher-priority than the current node
Node childRight = ReadUnsafe(childRightIndex);
if (HasHigherPriority(childRight, node))
childRight.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, childRight);
finalQueueIndex = childRightIndex;
// Neither child is higher-priority than current, so finish and stop.
node.Index = finalQueueIndex;
WriteUnsafe(finalQueueIndex, node);
private bool HasHigherPriority(Node higher, Node lower) => higher.Priority < lower.Priority;
private bool HasHigherOrEqualPriority(Node higher, Node lower) => higher.Priority <= lower.Priority;
private Node RemoveAtSwapBackUnsafe(int index)
// Swap the last node with the node at the given index
var formerLast = LastUnsafe;
formerLast.Index = index;
WriteUnsafe(index, formerLast);
return formerLast;
internal struct NativePriorityQueueDispose
public UnsafeList<Node>* m_ListData;
public void Dispose()
internal struct NativePriorityQueueDisposeJob : IJob
internal NativePriorityQueueDispose Data;
public void Execute()
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