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Created July 6, 2022 01:18
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(ns dtvm-rad.fulcro-native-expo-substitute
#?@(:cljs [["expo" :as expo]
["create-react-class" :as crc]])
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro-native.expo-assets :as assets]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.rendering.keyframe-render :as kr]))
(defonce root-ref (atom nil))
(defonce root-component-ref (atom nil))
(defn render-root
"A function that can be used as the main Fulcro render for an expo dtvm-rad."
[fonts images root]
(let [first-call? (nil? @root-ref)]
(reset! root-ref root)
(if-not first-call?
(when-let [root @root-component-ref]
(.forceUpdate ^js root))
(let [Root
#js {:componentDidMount
(fn []
(this-as this
(reset! root-component-ref this)))
(fn []
(reset! root-component-ref nil))
(fn []
(let [body @root-ref]
(if (fn? body)
(expo/registerRootComponent Root))))))
(defn fulcro-app
"Identical to com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application/fulcro-app, but modifies a few options
to ensure initial mount works properly for Native Expo apps."
[{:keys [cached-fonts cached-images] :as options}]
{:optimized-render! kr/render!
:render-root! (partial render-root cached-fonts cached-images)}
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