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Last active January 14, 2020 16:34
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#' ReversionTest
#' Tests the precision of two reciprocal functions. It evaluates the differences between
#' a computed value \eqn{x'} and an expected value \eqn{x} after \eqn{x' = finv(f(x))}.
#' @param f,finv The functions to be tested for precision with finv the inverse function for f.
#' @param ToIterate a list of vectors, on for each variable.
#' @param KeyVar The variable in ToIterate for which the test is for. Either an list index
#' or a name as string (partial strings allowed).
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to f and finv.
#' @param DiffFunc A function to quantify the difference between expected
#' value and computed value. If Null, ReversionTest will use the absolute ratio.
#' @details Each list element of \code{ToIterate} is a vector that contains
#' the values that shall be used for the tests. Each list element must be
#' named after the argument that will be passed on to f and finv. The 'DiffFunc'
#' must allow the arguments x, y, and tol (see [.NearlyEqual][.NearlyEqual()]).
#' @value The result is a list of class 'ReversionTest'.
#' @example TotalResult <- ReversionTest("qnorm", "pnorm", ToIterate=list(mean = -4:4, sd=c(0.5, 1.5), c(0.1, 0.2, 0.9)), KeyVar = 3)
ReversionTest <- function(f, finv, ToIterate = NULL, KeyVar = 1, DiffFunc = .NearlyEqual, ...) {
.forwardreverse <- function(x, ...) {
## example:"dnorm", list(-1:1, sd = -2, mean = 0, ...))
Args.Forward <- append(x, list(...))
Result <-, Args.Forward)
Args.Backward <- x
Args.Backward[KeyVar] <- Result
Args.Backward <- append(Args.Backward, list(...))
Result <-, Args.Backward)
if(!is.character(f) || !is.character(finv))
stop("Need function name for 'f' and 'finv' as string")
TestResult <- list(Functions = list(f, finv))
f <-
finv <-
if(!is.list(ToIterate)) stop("List expected for 'ToIterate'")
if(length(ToIterate) < 1) stop("Nothing to iterate through")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(ToIterate, is.atomic ))))
stop("'ToIterate' must contain only atomic numeric vectors")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(ToIterate, is.numeric))))
stop("'ToIterate' must contain only atomic numeric vectors")
if(is.numeric(KeyVar)) {
if(KeyVar <= 0) stop("Key variable must be 1 or greater")
if(KeyVar > length(ToIterate)) stop("Index of key variable out of bounds")
} else {
KeyVar <- pmatch(KeyVar, names(ToIterate))
if( stop("Key variable not found in ToIterate")
# Fix order in case of unnamed arguments
ArgNameLen <- nchar(names(ToIterate))
if(any(ArgNameLen > 0)) { # there are unnamed arguments
# Better safe than sorry
if(sum(ArgNameLen == 0) > 1)
stop("This function can handle only a single unnamed argument")
# An unnamed variable must come first
OldOrder <- names(ToIterate)
ToIterate <- ToIterate[c(which(ArgNameLen == 0), which(ArgNameLen != 0))]
NewOrder <- names(ToIterate)
# Correct index of KeyVar
KeyVar <- which(names(NewOrder) == names(OldOrder[KeyVar]))
if(length(KeyVar) == 0L) KeyVar <- 1 # Correction because 'which' does not catch empty strings
delta <-
Precision <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
# get data.frame with all combinations of vector elements in ToIterate
Df <- expand.grid(ToIterate)
# Force the names to the original ones because expand.grid replaces "" with "Var?"
if(is.null(names(ToIterate))) names(ToIterate) <- ""
names(Df) <- names(ToIterate)
# Go, iterate!
Df$Result <- apply(Df, 1, .forwardreverse, ...)
Df["Delta"] <- delta(Df[[KeyVar]], Df$Result, tol = Precision)
# Build result object
TestResult <- append(TestResult, list(Diff = DiffFunc, Data = Df))
TestResult <- append(TestResult, list(Variables = names(ToIterate)))
TestResult <- append(TestResult, list(Precision = Precision, TestTime = Sys.time()))
class(TestResult) <- "ReversionTest"
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