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Last active May 2, 2023 12:46
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gulp setup with browserify and babelify
// npm install --save-dev gulp babelify browserify babel-preset-es2015 gulp-connect vinyl-source-stream vinyl-buffer gulp-uglify gulp-sourcemaps
folder structure:
// Gulpfile.js:
//Include required modules
var gulp = require("gulp"),
babelify = require('babelify'),
browserify = require("browserify"),
connect = require("gulp-connect"),
source = require("vinyl-source-stream"),
buffer = require("vinyl-buffer"),
uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
//Default task. This will be run when no task is passed in arguments to gulp
gulp.task("default",["copyStaticFiles", "build", "startServer"]);
//Copy static files from html folder to build folder
gulp.task("copyStaticFiles", function(){
return gulp.src("./static/*.*")
//Convert ES6 ode in all js files in src/js folder and copy to
//build folder as bundle.js
gulp.task("build", function(){
return browserify({
entries: ["./src/js/index.js"]
presets : ["es2015"]
// start by typing gulp start
gulp.task("start", function(){
gulp.start("copyStaticFiles", "build", "startServer")
//Start a test server with doc root at build folder and
//listening to 8888 port. Home page = http://localhost:8888
gulp.task("startServer", function(){
root : "./build",
livereload : true,
port : 8888
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when I was doing as pasted below, es6 is not converted to javascript

gulp.task('default', function () {
// var uglifyFlag = util.env.envName === 'production';
var uglifyFlag = true;
return gulp.src([
// .pipe(babel())
.pipe(gulpif(uglifyFlag, uglify({mangle: true})))
.pipe(gulpif(uglifyFlag, sourcemaps.write()))

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Lukas238 commented Apr 25, 2022

The line #39, presets : ["es2015"] should be replaced by presets : ["@babel/preset-es2015"] in order to work now. 👍


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According to your link, isn't @babel/preset-env the correct replacement?

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