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Last active June 18, 2019 07:20
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Gearup Gist || Justin Pyktel

Gear up talk:

Possible Topics Titles:

  • & the dangers of combining AI & HI
  1. AI as an extension of the mind
  2. Privacy Implications of AR


I found inspiration for this topic while watching Black Mirror. I would like to bring up the ground breaking technology of Arnav Kapur's Augmented Reality device into discussion. I hope to spark discussion on the challenges we'll face as we move towards a future of hyper intellegence.


  1. The direction we're heading with development of Augmented Intelligence: Can we create safeguards that protect the individual user's privacy or would the user have to sacrifice privacy for the sake of progress?

  2. With such great power that this technology holds, could it cause war among nations. How could we potentially prevent that?

  3. Imagine there are no negative consequences to this technological advancement. How could we as the human species benefit from this power?

  4. If you were a developer for a company that worked on projects implementing these technologies: What features would you include to provide value to the customer, and what kind of discussions would we have in terms of the data needed to be collected for those features?

  5. What kind of effect might this technology have on the mental health of the user? Would it be beneficial or damaging? (Think of the impact Facebook has had on the global population)

Resources / Notes:

  • TED Talk: Arnav Kapur developed a new way of communicating with AI that is practical and game changing. He taps into the human speach system to directly communicate with AI, in which the AI communicates back through bone conduction.Just as your brain sends electronic signals to your hands to type, the brain also sends electronic signals to your tongue for speech. Which Arnav's system, AlterEgo, can collect the data, search for an answer, and output the result to the user. How AI could become an extension of your mind||Arnav Kapur

  • TED Talk: Sam Harris, takes a dark approach to what lies ahead with the revolution of advanced computing systems. Stating that as long as we are able to improve technology, there we be somebody who does (there is no stopping it). He believes that we as a society need to make sure that we make it a point to discuss how we can prevent the end of humanity over this new and uncharted technology, sooner than later. How the gains we make in AI could ultimately destroy us||Sam Harris

  • Executive Guide to AugInt: CognitiveScale presents statistics and benefits that AugInt would have for businesses. While briefly mentioning how the systems work. Executive Guide to AugInt

  • Gizmodo Article: George Dvorsky discusses the differnces between AI and IA (Intellegence Augmented). He discusses the both the pros and cons of AugInt. One of the major cons is the morals of implementing such a system in humans: the devastating effect on the psyche and sacrifices needed for true progress. Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

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